Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Darwin would only be so proud...

I have this strange habit that can only be described as an adaptation I developed in my working environment (ie. Survival of the Fittest); I am aggressivley protective of my pen.

Now, I know that it's not the same thing as the finches with their different beaks, but it means something to me as pens are sitting ducks waiting to be taken home and cooked with marmalade. However, I only found out today how aggressive I actually am in regards to this new found behaviour:

I was sitting at my desk doing some work with my pen just off to the side of me. My co-worker who was rushing by, swiftly grabs my pen and starts using it.

I actually heard my thoughts growl and snarl at her. I felt this animalistic instinct surging through my body almost forcing me to bite her arm off in one snap.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels naked without their pen. It's a useful tool to always have on your person. I use it to write with, fidget with, open boxes with.....Without a pen, I am defenseless in this corporate world and will be eaten alive by bigger co-workers. Surely, I am not alone in my thoughts. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Swimboy feels the same way and is therefore an adaptive trait that has been passed from parent to offspring.

Nobel Prize, here I come.

Just Be Gay

You know what really bugs me? People who pretend to be something they aren't. I'm not only talking about people who think they're cool, I'm also coming talking about people who are still in the closet. Be true to yourself and do what you feel is right for you. Don't get stuck in a dead end male/female relationship just because it is what you think society thinks is "normal".

Just be happy - That is what the word gay means ya know.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Suck on it!

So ya, I'm going to the canucks home opener... In our company's suite. It's Wayne Gretzky's first official Regualr Season NHL game as a Head Coach... that's somewhat historic.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


ok - for those of you that do not know, i work in the customer service industry... I like my job for the most part. I mean the hours are crap and the staff is unruly but at times it is very humourous. for example ( i thought a few of you would get a kick out of this) Today i was in the greenhouse and a middle aged gentle yells at me to "get here" and help him. So not wanting to piss of the customer i went to see want he wanted. Like most of my customers he asked a few normal questions like what kind of plant it was and such; then for some reason he kept wanting to know if i sold any plants that grow in the dark? I thought this odd and told him "no, that like people plants need light to grow" However he insisted that he needed a plant that grows in the dark.. After going several rounds of the same question with the customer still wanting a plant that grows in the dark.. My manager having over heard all this came over and led the customer to a plant and says to the customer" here sir i think this plant will do for what your looking for!!!" The customer left happy and my manager came over and said "sometime you have to just lie to the dumb customers to get them to go away" I was a bit shocked but i got to thinking if this is what a proffesional in the company is doing then what about everyone else in the industry??????? And how many wrong items have i unknowingly purchased myself?

A silly joke.

I got a joke from my boss today that I normally wouldn't circulate, cus I can't stand that kind of bandwidth abuse... but I figured I'd post it here cus I hate Bush.

A man died and went to heaven.

As he stood in front of Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

He asked, "What are all those clocks?"

St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh," said the man, "Whose clock is that?"

"That's Nelson Mandela's. The hands have never moved, indicating that he never told a lie."

"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's Bush's clock?" asked the man.

St. Peter responded, "Bush's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."

Monday, September 26, 2005


My Hot or Not score has leveled off at 7.2
You can vote on me here

I'm sick....And im sick of it!

Look at me! I look like poo. I blame all of you for poisoning me with hair dye inhalation. Hehehe... j/k. Im sick and u all need to bring me sympathy gifts. You also owe me for the dye :-P
You gotta admit it though, this is one sexy picture that my man took with his brand new camera. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Time to go feel sorry for myself.

Road Kill

Ewwww it's gross. They are doing a bunch of developing near my place and new stores are going in (I am FINALLY getting a Save-On Foods in my area - Hopefully Crazy Save-On Girl isn't transfered to that one) along Marine Drive and Byrne Road. This just used to be natural land by the river and now that they have bulldozed their natural habitat all the animals are being pushed out onto the road it seems. It is really gross to see half of a racoon in the middle of the road one day and wonder what happened to the rest of it, only to notice it on the other side of the road the next day. That one was pretty graphic too - I could totally see the organs hanging out on the cement. Then there is a bunny that has been dead on the Queensbourogh Bridge for about 2 weeks now. At first I thought it was alive but since it was in the same spot the next day.... and it is just laying there getting dirtier from the traffic. I'm sure it will start decomposing really soon. Lolo - isn't there a number you can call to get someone to clean up all the dead animals? I think you used to have it on your speed dial when you worked as a driver.

Bee - remember the dead chicken (yes complete with feathers and all!) we saw on the Knight Street bridge on the way to your wedding? That one was odd. I've never heard of a chicken crossing a bridge before.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Welcome to our blog. I’m curious to see what kind of posting you will do. We already have Assbeard’s bitching, Lolo’s crazy pics, Russ-kun’s mocking, Bee’s oddly well structured thoughts, Budday’s witty comments, and my neurotic babblings.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Nap Time

I am Bored

I am at work right now and I am bored out of my freakin skull. There isn't anything cool to surf the net for... Don't get me wrong - I have stuff I can be doing - I just don't wanna do it today. Only one hour and fifteen minutes until I am free for the weekend! Why is my clock moving backwards?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

She eats a lot

Okay here we go... You gotta forgive me now budday...


1980 called and they want their style back.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


May 19, 2001, 03:23:06 PM

Green is the New Blue and Vancouver is the New Amsterdam?

Ahhhh Vancouver... Home to the Canucks, safe injection sites and world class BC Bud. In the heart of the business district in Downtown Vancouver on Howe Street there are planters on the sidewalk and along the store fronts that help to beautify the Cement Playground. These are not only filled with beautiful flowers, now there are Marijuana plants sprouting up! Since they have not caused a problem to date, the police are not worried and will not be removing them. There is speculation that someone dropped seeds into the planters. Forget secretive grow-ops is warehouses... let it grow wild. Would this be considered the organic equivalent?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

lolos revenge to herself for posting Budday

I can do better than that tasty!!! LOL Sorry BUDDAY!

(Pic removed)

Monday, September 19, 2005

I did airbrush it

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Such a funny pic


Arrrrr, matey!

Avast!! Tomorrow is talk like a pirate day. I expect you all to put on your best pirate voices.

I was just reading some of my old blog posts... interesting stuff. So much more creative.

I also have Photoshop

A sexy portrait

I was screwing around in Photoshop, and this is what I came up with

Eye Eye Eye

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Fuck him.

Well, its official. After a long conversation with my biological sperm donor father he has decided to inform me that he will definitely not be attending my wedding. Normally I let the things he has done or should I say hasn't done slide but this is pretty major. He won't even attend the 15 minute ceremony. Its funny because I never thought it would bug me but I guess it does because here I am writing about it. Hes an effin asshole. Who the hell walks away from their family? What an insensitive man he is. I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry that when he dies noone will be there to cry for him, and miss him, because we have all done that enough while he is alive. We have gave him endless chances to have a life being our father. Fuck him. I hope he is cold and lonely when he's old. I wish I saved all the tears I cryed over him so I could fuckin drown him in them.

Thank god for Uncle Bill, a birth certificate doesn't mean shit. He's my real dad damnit :-). ( is this enough swearing for you tasty?)

Heres a poem I wrote the prick.. lemme know how I can fix it up Bee!!

Walk Away..

I have so many questions
So much is left to say
How do you just close your eyes
And make it go away?

How are you so insensitive?
What kind of person are you?
To write off your own family
What did we ever do?

I’m supposed to be the child
When will you ever see?
You chose to leave when I was 10
How can u blame that on me?

You said you were going to work
That was 14 years ago
That’s a pretty long shift
You could have called you know

Holidays, graduations
All the things you disregard
Not on one single birthday
Did I ever receive a card

Have I ever made you happy?
Have I ever made you proud?
You spend all your time in silence
Never saying how u feel out loud

How could you leave your children?
I’m so glad I’m not like you
If I was raised by someone so cold
I don’t know what I would do

I guess I already know the answers
This poem says so much more
You never really loved me
And it was you who closed the door

So I will no longer feel guilty
And I won’t cry after today
I learned something from you dad,
I learned how to walk away.

Pledge of Religion

An atheist seeking to strike the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools has won a major battle in his quest to force the U.S. Supreme Courtto take up the issue again.

U.S. District Judge Lawrence Karlton sided with atheist Michael Newdow in ruling Wednesday that the pledge's reference to God violates the rights of children in three school districts to be "free from a coercive requirement to affirm God."

Karlton said he was bound by precedent of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which in 2002 ruled in favor of Newdow that the pledge is unconstitutional when recited in public schools

Would you like to know more?

I then found this interesting article on the origins of the pledge of allegiance.

Re: Lolo's Monthly Rant

I was just going to post a comment, but realized that it would be far too long.

I think that the problem with society and the parents from the mid-eighties onwards is that they/we are consumed with materialism and greed. The parents from the 60's, 70's and up to the mid eighties were far more concerned with family affairs and not money. Parents with teenage kids today are relying more on money to bring them happiness and to "make things better". It's one thing to buy your child a gift when it's well deserved, but it's a whole other thing when you go out and buy yourself a Hummer, then pass your credit card or a fistfull of cash to your kid so they can buy some clothes/etc.

The media is blaring the message "individuality", but is forgetting what it actually means. It's not to say that we, ourselves never followed trends, but it's far more deep-rooted in society right now. Parents are being far too busy/selfish to even care or to properly parent their children; they are enveloped in the whole idea of "treat yourself" (which is not a bad thing), but when you get you and your family into debt because of your extravagences (sp?), then it creates a problem. A report published in the Vancouver Sun recently about Canadian spending/saving habits show that we are spending more even though we state that we aren't. Canadians aren't saving more either; but we are relying more and more on credit. Kids see this being made as an example by their parents, and this is a wrong teaching.

The following below is a rant/poem I wrote in 2000. It's about how the media portrays how women should look and how standing up for your individual self is difficult but important. You may think that the narrative is speaking to a man, but she is actually speaking to the media.

Hey you…yeah you.
You in the mirror.
I’m not scared of you.

It’s sad to think that our minds are still warped
by television, magazines…
and human beings.
You see them everywhere;
skinny girls who don’t think…
skinny girls who live
to put their fingers down their throats

because someone said that they should.

Skinny girls…
By what terms do you mean
Is skinny a size eight…
or is it a six or even a one?
I forgot because you keep screwing with our minds
by changing yours.

Hey you…
Don’t think that I’m a fat girl with some twig woman tryin’..

dyin’ to get out.
I’m me. This is my body. I’m not a size one, yeah right, get a life.
I’m me.
I’m real flesh and bones.
I’m not some wannabe starving herself for you and

your sick little standards.
My body isn’t for you asshole.
It’s for me.
I’m good enough for me. Why should I prove anything to you…
what have you done for me except stare?

Staring,’s all the same.
You know..those same eyes of yours locked in that
same gaze of yours mentally striping this body of mine.
(It’s mine, not yours.

I told you once before, so get a life and let mine be.)

This is my body;
my breasts, my ass, my stomach…mine. All mine.
It’s not some trophy to be won and shown off.
I’m not some Olympic medal that dangles around your neck.

When will you learn,
we learn,
and those walking sticks learn that it shouldn’t matter what size you are.
When will we stop listening to you?

When are we going to stop looking in the mirror?
It’s just a piece of glass that we should be able to see through.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Lolo's monthly rant... warning! I probably won't make any sense...

Argh. I am sick of women. LOL.
I know, I know I got into an industry that caters to the needs of materialistic women- but I swear if they don't get just a little bit more street smart im gonna shoot myself. Okay, maybe not, but I might shoot one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. I just dont like scenerio's like the one I am about to explain....

We women are all honoured with the gift of the gab (well, most of us) Anyways - I seem to be fly paper for sad girls who desperately need to make a friend or two. So today this girl comes in for a full set of gel nails ( thats 2 hours of talking to her) and she starts pouring out her life story and while she talks and asks my advice I remember what I was like when I was her age (19). I remembered that I was more concerned about where I would be in 5 years than where my boyfriend was last night,. And I was concerned with things like friends, and family, and gave up the drinking all weekend only to lead to hangovers and fights with so-called-friends at least 2 years previous. And here she was more concerned about her cell phone ringing and how well her nails will look to impress her ex who will be at the club she is sneaking into this Friday night.
This girl had sun damaged skin, bleached blonde hair and colored contacts that you could tell turned her naturally brown eyes some freakesh way to fake blue.
Shit. I was sad for her. For the girl she was desperately trying to be, but wasn't. For the girl who doesn't know her boyfriend is definitely cheating on her with her best friend of 15 years. For the girl who thinks her problems won't follow her if she moves away with her man.
Shit, I remember that girl. I was her.
And here I was doing her nails. Predicting her life. And what does she do? After over an hour of disgusing scenerios of how she caught her friend kissing her man but believed her friend when she said she was too drunk to know what she was doing, and didn't think to blame the innocent little cheating bastard that she thinks she loves. This girl asks my opinion. What do I do? she asked. I felt like saying.. Dye your fucking hair back to it's original color if u still know what that is, go put on about 5 more items of clothing, a bra would help, take these fake nails off, take the contacts out and gain some effin weight. Of course that's not what she wanted to hear so I tryed to break it to her gently. Leave him. Just stop wasting your life on something you know will never go anywhere.

And that brings me to the moral of my whole story. Why do people settle for less than they deserve? Why do people think that they can force an attraction that just doesn't exist? Why are people mean to the ones they claim to love? Why do friends talk behind eachothers backs?
And Why, tell me why, people that are only 15, 16, 17 years old think they need to dress and act so much older, and so much like eachother that there is no longer any visible individuality?

I thought Hurricane Katrina was the ugliest thing I had ever seen- but it isn't. The fake world that is growing around us is so much more disgusting.

rant, rant, rant....

Public Transit sucks monkey testicles

Holy poop, people are idiots. Since school started last week, there are more people on the bus and skytrain. So, yesterday, I'm on the bus headed home from the skytrain. Lots of riff-raff take this bus route. Well, one guy who just happens to be a big fat lazy son-of-a-bitch decides the park his wide load right up at the front of the bus, between the two wheel wells. So, of course this means he's blocking the entrance to the bus. Now, it's ok if the bus was so full that that's the only place he could stand... but the bus wasn't full when he got on at all. So all the people who got on after him had to squeeze by. By fat I don't mean he was slightly chubby, and it definitely isn't a case of genetics. This guy was FAT... and it looked like he didn't bathe often, or do laundry. He even ripped open a bag of Lay's on the busride. PUT 'EM DOWN, PORKY!!! When I got off the bus, I had to make a decision as to which way to go... front or rear. I chose the front since I was standing near the front. I had to squeeze past this idiot AND another woman, neither of whom tried very hard to make any room. Why don't people realize they can get off the bus for a second to let someone off, and then hop back on? IDIOTS!!!

Then, this morning, I get on the skytrain and it's packed as usual. One stop down the line a guy gets out of his seat and leaves the train. I then take the seat he vacated. Well, it wasn't all that comfortable, because this fucking dick next to me has decided that one seat just doesn't give him enough room to lounge around comfortably, so he's got his legs spread open like a Saigon whore. Not only that, but he's actually pushing on my legs with his knees, as if to say "Fuck you, I ain't making room." Seriously, people are such morons when they take public transit. It's not designed to be comfortable, but you could make it alot more comfortable for people if you'd just be a little considerate of other people's space. Which reminds me of yet another brainiac this morning who decided that sitting on the train with crossed legs would be a great idea. I get on the train, I didn't really see this guy's leg, but he had his legs crossed and one was sticking way the hell out in the aisle. So, I trip over it. I look back and the guy didn't even look up or think to himself "hmm, I should uncross my legs, because this train is getting full"


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ears in a bucket

Despite being rather pessimistic/skeptical regarding this whole internet dating thing, I decided to take my chances :)

This place tends to bring in quite a diverse lot. You have the stalkers, the desperate lot, the ones yearning for attention, the people whining about how why they're being ignored... and then you have me: the axe murderer who likes to collect womens' ears in a bucket. Which one are you?

(And I do hope you have a good/twisted sense of humour, because otherwise I'm in trouble. :P)

-I love this msg some guy sent lolo. So crazy.

Eight Hour Day

Today I worked 8 hours. Not 8 and a half hours, not 9 hours and a quarter; but eight and only eight. It's the first day in about 2 weeks that I am not working any overtime. I will enjoy it while it lasts because I don't know what tomorrow will bring.


It took long enough, but it makes me think this was part of his plan all along...

Edit: For some fucked up reason the link got cut off and is not working properly. Here is the article:

Bush accepts responsibility for response to Katrina

(CBC) - U.S. President George Bush said Tuesday that he takes responsibility for the federal government's flawed response to Hurricane Katrina.

"Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government, and to the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility," Bush said.

"I want to know what went right and what went wrong."

Bush was asked how prepared the U.S. is to deal with a terrorist attack given its track record with the hurricane.

"Are we capable of dealing with a severe attack? That's a very important question and it's in the national interest that we find out what went on so we can better respond," Bush replied.
Last week, Bush said he will lead an investigation into what went wrong with the hurricane response.

Bush's admission was the closest the president had come to finding fault with any federal officials. Some people at the federal level have pointed fingers at state and local officials for being unprepared to cope with the disaster.

On Monday, Mike Brown, the embattled director of the U.S. Federal Emergency Management tendered his resignation. He was replaced by R. David Paulison, who pledged to place a priority on finding permanent housing for the tens of thousands of people displaced by the hurricane.

My Hero

This man is awesome. It's about time someone take this crap to the human rights tribunal. If women want equality, then you have to share your goddamn gym. Too damn bad if you don't feel "safe" there. You're the ones who wanted equality. This one lady on the news didn't want to work out in a gym with men, not because they would hit on her, but because she didn't want to use equipment that men use because men sweat and they're stinky. What are you, 6???


Good service, good food = tips

Just to clarify some of your crazy ideas that I don't tip... I do tip. I just don't tip when it's not earned. I'm not giving some kid $5-7 for bringing me food when they're paid a wage to do exactly that. You get paid to do a job. If you go above that and do something special or are really nice etc etc, I'll tip you. But to do the bare minimum of you job description, which most waiters and waitresses do, you're not getting extra money from me just cus it's expected. If you say "oh, but they make a living on the tips" I say go fuck yourself. If that's the case, work harder. Do I get a tip when I go help some poor moron who can't figure out that they've got their damn capslock key on? no. why? cus that's part of my job, and I'm paid accordingly. So are waiters and waitresses. So what if they're not paid a high wage? We can't all make $100,000.

The other thing is, how do you know I don't leave a tip? Cus I don't put money on the table? I don't carry change with me. I use interac. They have a tip function on the interac machines you know. So shove it up your ass.

Burn Baby Burn

This is taken about four hours after the fire started at seven thirty on the 64th turnoff to highway 10. They had closed Ladner Trunk road at about 4pm that day, Jenn was the last one they let through. What I should have taken a picture of was the 64th overpass covered in parked cars from everybody getting out to gawk. The whole turn off and a good stretch of the highway was lined with parked cars as hundreds of people milled aroundtaking pictures and trying to figure out what exactly was happening. Every car in this picture is parked. Pretty eerie.

Monday, September 12, 2005

wind + dead tree = 2 dented cars

Shifting winds

Lunch Date

Ok, so I need your thoughts and opinions on this one... There is this guy that I have been dating for a few weeks now (I'll call him "Mr. X"), and something weird has been going on throughout this time. We will text message each other on our lunch break and freakishly enough, about 80% of the time we will be eating the same thing! This is not a situation where I tell Mr. X what I'm having and then he copies me, we take turns going first.

We feel this is a coincidence but are both a bit freaked out by it. It is one thing to like the same foods as another person, but to eat the same thing on the same day? Why does this keep happening? Parallel universe maybe?

How can we sleep when the Bog's a-burning?

Holy motherbitch! Burns bog caught fire yesterday afternoon, and it's still ablaze. I'm downtown right now (a good 50km or so away) and it's so damn smoky out there. I can't even see VGH now. CRAZY! It's so bad that the smoke is now in our ventilation system and it now stinks in the office.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

4 Year Anniversary

Ok, so I wake up this morning and everything is normal (well as close to normal as it can be LOL) and I am listening to the radio all day. Then I go to my parent's house for dinner and even the 6 o'clock news doesn't make any mention of it.

Today is the four year anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Centers in New York. Maybe I should have watched some American channels and I would have gotten a tribute show or something. It just seems odd, ya know? I remember waking up to the news reports on that fateful day and dragged Kiddo out of bed to watch the developments on TV. (I told her that this is history and that she will remember this day for the rest of her life.)

Did anyone else catch any mention of this today? Or are we as a society already forgetting the victims and terror?

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Joke of the Day

The teacher asked the President if he would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy." So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a "tragedy."

One little boy stood up and offered, "If my best friend, who lives on a farm is playing in the field and a tractor runs him over and kills him, that would be a tragedy." "No," said Bush, "that would be an accident."

A little girl raised her hand: "If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy." "I'm afraid not." explained the President. "That's what we would call a great loss."

The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Bush searched the room. "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of tragedy?" Finally at the back of the room was Johnny, he raised his hand.

In a quiet voice he said: "If an aircraft carrying you, Mr. Bush, was struck by a "friendly-fire" missile and you were blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy." "Fantastic!" exclaimed Bush. "That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?"

"Well," says Johnny, "it has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be an accident either."

Save-On Update

Everytime I go into Save-On, I'm always on the look out for Crazy Girl (either to avoid her line, or if I'm bored to have some amusement). But lately, she's not been there. She hasn't been seen for weeks...I think she A) got fired; B) got a better job or C) it's a fluke that I keep missing her.


Friday, September 09, 2005

Anti-Bush. I wish you all saw this...

Today work was awesome. My co-worker I guess you could call him ( he owns the salon I rent the room in. His name is Ahmin aka Shu shu). Anyways.. the dude gets in a heated argument with his american client - hes from Lebanon, the client from Washington. So this woman starts going on and on about how Bush is this amazing president and how the whole world would fall apart without him. What does Shu Shu do? calls her a stupid idiot and starts fighting with her. I almost peed my pants when I heard the strong anti-Bush comments comig from a man that you can barely understand spoken quite loud and quite clear. This guy was cutting this womans hair and going on and on about how much he hates americans and how stupid they are. And how he will never visit a country full of morons. Shes getting all upset and trying to cut him down and prove that she is right to be pro-Bush. Well, that didn't fly so well with my man Shu shu.. he told her to get out of his salon and go back to her shit hole country with the shit hole president.. half way through her hair cut.. half of it still had foils in it from highlights.

The point of my whole story? People who like George Bush are idiots. Im not one of them although the "I love Bush" phrase was catchy for a while. In my honest opinion I feel George is a moron and so is Kerry so they both would have been shitty presidents. Kerry better than this fool though. And damnit the guy I work with is the funniest guy I have ever listened to and met in my whole life. I would love to see someone fight with him again..........


I love autumn. I can't wait for autumn. I like the word autumn (I also enjoy the term "fall"). I love the colours and the chill in the air. I love the sight of pumpkins, all big and orange (and yes, JOYFULL). I like the idea of the harvest time. Turkeys and winter vegetables.

I know I'm not making a whole lot of sense, but that's not the point of this posting. The point of this posting is to just let my mind wander away from the tiredness that it is feeling from working overtime every night.

Ahhh.....just float away....

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Texas baby

Everybody calm down. The verdict is in. LOLO is heading to TEXAS.

As you can see I am very excited that I am going to Texas!!!! I get to see my babies!!
I thought I would share with you all that I will be gone from October 12th till the 27th. Russkun u will need to book your pedicures and facials around those dates. LMAO.

Also, Tasty is definitely my babysitter from August 18th till the 24th as my honey is headed to San Diego!! Bring on the icecream and chick flicks!!!!!!!
Up for grabs is a new babysitting position when he leaves for Arizona. I'll keep you posted.

Don't mess with Texas!!! WOOOOHOOOO

"George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People"

First the Dixie Chicks, then the Rolling Stones - Now Kanye West. Aparently there was some sort of massive email sent out to all these musical artists to join forces against the Smiling Monkey that the U.S. calls their president. In a live Red Cross telethon fundraiser, rapper Kanye West told the world (or at least the Eastern Seaboard) what he feels Georgie really thinks of black people. By the time the broadcast was aired in the West, the network had edited the bit. I wonder what that email says? Truth, Dare, Double Dare or Promise to Repeat?

Monday, September 05, 2005


Mumble, mumble mumble. Mumble mumble.

Corn swill

I grab a coke out of the bar fridge thinking I’ll just have a treat. Take my first sip Uhhh, this taste like day old fountain pop must be American. Turn it over 140 calories per 240 ml. Yup that’s American all right. Of course American coke is made with far more corn syrup. My Nephew and I are watching some kids shows together and a little 60 sec show pops up and says “Did you know there is corn in stamps and car tires?” Stop putting corn in everything Americans it’s nasty.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bush Causes Louiasana Flooding?

Interesting article here.

Some of the more fun points of the artical. A year ago the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane, but the Bush administration ordered that the research not be undertaken. In early 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency issued a report stating that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three most likely disasters in the U.S., including a terrorist attack on New York City. In 2004, the Bush administration cut funding requested by the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for holding back the waters of Lake Pontchartrain by more than 80 percent. Additional cuts at the beginning of this year (for a total reduction in funding of 44.2. In 1990, a federal task force began restoring lost wetlands surrounding New Orleans. Every two miles of wetland between the Crescent City and the Gulf reduces a surge by half a foot. Bush had promised "no net loss" of wetlands, a policy launched by his father's administration and bolstered by President Clinton. But he reversed his approach in 2003, unleashing the developers. The Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency then announced they could no longer protect wetlands unless they were somehow related to interstate commerce. Skillfully done Bush administration, for engaging in activities that can be considered criminally negligent causing death.

New Orleans is sinking

New Orleans is sinking, not just in the literal sense, but it is sinking in the social aspect too. Massive hurricane, vast amounts of water with no place to go, riots, looting, gunfire. This is "Lord of the Flies", but in fast-forward mode.

The city is obliterated. Thousands of people are homeless. Thousands of people are missing. Thousands of people are dead or dying. The very lifeblood of their existence is the very thing that is wiping them out. Water is peaceful, water is deadly.

The government response was disgraceful. In my opinion, I feel that because it took the government so long to react to the needs of the city, that it is the root of the violence. I would be just as angry if my Canadian governement had the reflexes of the Bush parade. I can understand why the chaos started. When a society is abandoned or feels abandoned by their governing power, they feel that they have no choice but to defend themselves. Their ego overtakes their id and common sense is lost and chaos erupts.

I heard that Bush was going down to New Orleans to help. How does grinning and waving like a monkey help them get their lives back on track?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Now Much Can We Get For This On eBay?

Arts and crafts time.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lolo needs a babysitter

She cooks and she pleasures people well. Her hubby to be is leaving her for a week starting Sept 19th. She will be lonely and needs some comfort. Any volunteers? It's not cheating when he's out of the country - free groping to the lucky candidate.

ps - in the words of my sis i too am drunkies! And even though I have been hitting the bottle, this is no joke - Lolo needs some sweet lovin!

Cassies tummy!!

Soooooooo cute!!


Because of all the spam I had to turn on word verification on the comments.

New domain

I just setup it was super cheap ($1.99 usd/year) so why not


On my way to my sisters this morning gas was 118.9, uhhh nasty.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Busy month

A total of 6005 page loads in August.


So I'm planning on moving out and taking the old ball and chain with me. Now I'm not planning on doing something stupid like renting, I'm doing it right and buying. Now every person I talk to at work says this is a bad idea. And everyone says that for the same reason. That after a couple years when it can be considered common law, she will leave me and be entitled to half my place. Am I being too naive or are people far too cynical in assuming that she would try and hose me for tens of thousands of dollers.