Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Public Transit sucks monkey testicles

Holy poop, people are idiots. Since school started last week, there are more people on the bus and skytrain. So, yesterday, I'm on the bus headed home from the skytrain. Lots of riff-raff take this bus route. Well, one guy who just happens to be a big fat lazy son-of-a-bitch decides the park his wide load right up at the front of the bus, between the two wheel wells. So, of course this means he's blocking the entrance to the bus. Now, it's ok if the bus was so full that that's the only place he could stand... but the bus wasn't full when he got on at all. So all the people who got on after him had to squeeze by. By fat I don't mean he was slightly chubby, and it definitely isn't a case of genetics. This guy was FAT... and it looked like he didn't bathe often, or do laundry. He even ripped open a bag of Lay's on the busride. PUT 'EM DOWN, PORKY!!! When I got off the bus, I had to make a decision as to which way to go... front or rear. I chose the front since I was standing near the front. I had to squeeze past this idiot AND another woman, neither of whom tried very hard to make any room. Why don't people realize they can get off the bus for a second to let someone off, and then hop back on? IDIOTS!!!

Then, this morning, I get on the skytrain and it's packed as usual. One stop down the line a guy gets out of his seat and leaves the train. I then take the seat he vacated. Well, it wasn't all that comfortable, because this fucking dick next to me has decided that one seat just doesn't give him enough room to lounge around comfortably, so he's got his legs spread open like a Saigon whore. Not only that, but he's actually pushing on my legs with his knees, as if to say "Fuck you, I ain't making room." Seriously, people are such morons when they take public transit. It's not designed to be comfortable, but you could make it alot more comfortable for people if you'd just be a little considerate of other people's space. Which reminds me of yet another brainiac this morning who decided that sitting on the train with crossed legs would be a great idea. I get on the train, I didn't really see this guy's leg, but he had his legs crossed and one was sticking way the hell out in the aisle. So, I trip over it. I look back and the guy didn't even look up or think to himself "hmm, I should uncross my legs, because this train is getting full"



Blogger Bee said...

Public transit has gone downhill ever since it became Translink. I think their slogan is "Get less for your money"; not to mention that you also get the added perks of drunk and disorderly bus drivers.

10:34 AM, September 14, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

I love classy people. Public transit was only fun when I was 14 and drunk like the rest of the idiots that appear to be on the buses these days. Today? I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the girl who walks 500 miles to avoid sitting next to some smelly whore.
BAhahaha. I had a shitty song parody moment. I should drink wine more often woooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooo.

4:16 PM, September 14, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

Even more stupid shits today. One guy on the bus had his ipod on full volume (or so it seemed) and it was pumping out some pretty bad "music"... then some other guy decided he wanted to get intimate with me, so he decides to stand right up against me. there was plenty of room for him to stand a few steps forward, but not, he literally had his heels touching my toes. Then, on the skytrain, this piece of trailer trash shit gets on at gets a phone call from a friend... so she decides that the whole train needs to hear about some guy who she called a "piece of shit" and how she flicker her cigarette at him. STOP YELLING ON THE PHONE, BITCH! IT'S A GODDAMN TRAIN!!!!

8:56 AM, September 15, 2005


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