Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


ok - for those of you that do not know, i work in the customer service industry... I like my job for the most part. I mean the hours are crap and the staff is unruly but at times it is very humourous. for example ( i thought a few of you would get a kick out of this) Today i was in the greenhouse and a middle aged gentle yells at me to "get here" and help him. So not wanting to piss of the customer i went to see want he wanted. Like most of my customers he asked a few normal questions like what kind of plant it was and such; then for some reason he kept wanting to know if i sold any plants that grow in the dark? I thought this odd and told him "no, that like people plants need light to grow" However he insisted that he needed a plant that grows in the dark.. After going several rounds of the same question with the customer still wanting a plant that grows in the dark.. My manager having over heard all this came over and led the customer to a plant and says to the customer" here sir i think this plant will do for what your looking for!!!" The customer left happy and my manager came over and said "sometime you have to just lie to the dumb customers to get them to go away" I was a bit shocked but i got to thinking if this is what a proffesional in the company is doing then what about everyone else in the industry??????? And how many wrong items have i unknowingly purchased myself?


Blogger Lori said...

U talking about my homeboy?

8:06 PM, September 27, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew there was something fishy about those magic beans I got there the other day. They are going right back tomorrow for a refund. No wait, it's too late - the missus threw them out the window, dammit.

9:44 PM, September 28, 2005

Blogger Bee said...

That's it...from now on whenever I need some customer service I am going to use the phrase, "Get here and help me."

9:41 AM, September 30, 2005


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