Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Darwin would only be so proud...

I have this strange habit that can only be described as an adaptation I developed in my working environment (ie. Survival of the Fittest); I am aggressivley protective of my pen.

Now, I know that it's not the same thing as the finches with their different beaks, but it means something to me as pens are sitting ducks waiting to be taken home and cooked with marmalade. However, I only found out today how aggressive I actually am in regards to this new found behaviour:

I was sitting at my desk doing some work with my pen just off to the side of me. My co-worker who was rushing by, swiftly grabs my pen and starts using it.

I actually heard my thoughts growl and snarl at her. I felt this animalistic instinct surging through my body almost forcing me to bite her arm off in one snap.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels naked without their pen. It's a useful tool to always have on your person. I use it to write with, fidget with, open boxes with.....Without a pen, I am defenseless in this corporate world and will be eaten alive by bigger co-workers. Surely, I am not alone in my thoughts. In fact, I'm pretty sure that Swimboy feels the same way and is therefore an adaptive trait that has been passed from parent to offspring.

Nobel Prize, here I come.


Blogger TastyCorn said...

I don't think they have a Nobel Prize for neuroses

10:15 AM, September 30, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...


just don't go chasing the guy as he take off in a cab.

1:20 PM, September 30, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

after reading that again... you are your father's daughter...

1:38 PM, September 30, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pens - don't get me started on pens. You are of course perfectly correct, bee, about my pen fetish. I must have had a lot of runny Bics in my schooldays, because I actually save old ones (that is, the so-called 'classic' or 'crystal' Bic); I pull of the used tips, which develop wear, and fit fresh ink tubes. This is so that the ink track eventually gets very broad and runny, almost like a felt, practically leaking oily blue ink onto the paper. Should anyone steal my Bic, naturally, they die. (As for fountain pens, I won't go on about that here - there isn't enough space.) Sorry assbeard, you ought to have checked into the history of HPP (Hereditary Pen Pathology) before you married her.

As for my fetish on old library books, check my homepage right now...

5:32 PM, September 30, 2005

Blogger Bee said...

Chewing on a pen is sacrilige, and also that's where billions of germs breed. It is a biological warfare tactic to keep people away, but it's dangerous for your own (the biters) health.

8:11 AM, October 01, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about cleaning my ears with the pen top?

10:22 AM, October 01, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just plain disgusting.

2:50 PM, October 01, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

WTF is all I have to say about a different Bee commenting

11:09 PM, October 01, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

bee did you post this and blogger fucked up?

11:28 PM, October 01, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger fucked up

12:14 PM, October 02, 2005


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