Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Hero

This man is awesome. It's about time someone take this crap to the human rights tribunal. If women want equality, then you have to share your goddamn gym. Too damn bad if you don't feel "safe" there. You're the ones who wanted equality. This one lady on the news didn't want to work out in a gym with men, not because they would hit on her, but because she didn't want to use equipment that men use because men sweat and they're stinky. What are you, 6???



Blogger Bee said...

He said that the reason he went to Just Laidies was because they offered classes that other gyms didn't. Ummm...ever heard of Fitness World. That place is frickin' massive. What about community gyms like Sungod and the YMCA? They offer a wide selection of programs that aren't gender orientated.

I don't know what side I will take on this...both? Equality is equality, but it's true that some women prefer to work out in a laidies only environment (for support, fear of ridicule from men, etc.)

But to say that men are stinky and sweat is ridiculous. She must have been from the generation where women don't sweat, but "glow".

10:08 AM, September 13, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of his reasons for applying wouldn't be because there's only one shower and changing room, would it? Okay okay, I know - my mind just heads in that direction, like it or not...

9:11 PM, September 13, 2005

Blogger Russ-kun said...

I disagree totally with that statement. I sweat for more than any woman.

4:12 PM, September 14, 2005

Blogger Bee said...

Well, Russkun, you did say that you could use a Manpon...

8:39 AM, September 15, 2005


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