Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

5 Days Off

I am so happy! I took tomorrow and Friday off of work to totally extend the long weekend. It was glorifying to walk out of there today knowing that I don't have to wake up to my alarm tomorrow, but knowing my luck I will still wake up at the same time anyways out of habbit. At least I can take a nap in the afternoon if I feel like it!

Sorting day


Guess how many page loads our blog will get this month. Let see who is closest.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

98% freak free

A few months ago the blog kind of changed format from just ranting to also us talking about ourselves. I had the whole lets piss off all the freaks on the internet thing going. That was fine when nothing about us was on here but now not so much. I had to enforce that stupid no names rule. I have successfully removed the freaks. So anyone who wants to use their real name or photo can go right ahead.

Monday, August 29, 2005

2812 Hours Until Christmas!

I am not usually this organized, but since I am this year, I just want to rub it in your faces - I mean - let you all know that I have already started my Christmas shopping! Boooo-Ya!

(And I am already in the works planning an Xmas party which you are all invited to by the way) So I listened to Christmas music on my way to and from work today... Does that classify me as crazy?

I also really really want to go on a carol ship this year - Anyone want to come with me??

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Weekend Update

I know that it's still technically the weekend, but...what the hell. Spill 'em. So what did you do?

Friday night I got drunkies. Alone. I know, I know...bad idea and it's wrong not to share the vodka. Although, apparently I scared Tasty pretty good.

Saturday, me, Assbeard and Budday helped our parents move stuff into a storage locker. Then Assbeard and me went to Best Buy and I got bored after 20 minutes. Then we finished painting our bedroom. Then I went and watched Sex and the City with some girlfriends of mine.

Sunday we picked out the rest of the colours for our house. I made dinner and then we watched some Stargate.

Hot or Not shot down this pic. So, you can't see much of my face. Who cares?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

First Impressions

I hate making them.... They are so stressful; what to wear, what to say, how to present yourself. Oddly enough, you spend so much time and effort into making yourself seem cool and casual. The worst part is that you know you are going to be judged on everthing you do and say during that initial first meeting.

The other worst part is that you will be doing the exact same to the other person.


Drunkiex like fishies. I had a damn horriobled ay at wpork and i hate the co-worker because he sucks and is fumb and i am totally cohearant. O drank like 7b thinks of oj and VODKA!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Makeup Alley

Lolo have you ever heard of Makeup Alley? You will like this site and find it very usefull.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

I also made this one.

Bean Dip Heat

Scratched Orange

Scratched Black


Classic Bean

These are all 2.25 inches wide by 3 inches. I can make them a max of 3 inch wide by 6 inches.

You're pretty close......

Brain Candy

So I'm watching TV last night and of course, nothing's on. There was one thing on actually: Kids in the Hall's Brain Candy. I love that movie. Saw it in theatres back in the day. Anyway, it's on TV so you can expect some parts to be censored. They censored the usual: Fuck, shit, even bitch. They also censored God. I hate that they censor the word God, but whatever. Here's the stupid part: They did not censor the following scene between a foreign cabbie and a couple

Cabbie: The drug. it's made from monkey cum. They keep these monkeys locked in a room all day, you know, and then they make them jack off and then they boil it or something and that's what the drug is made of.

Guy in back seat:They make them jack off?

Cabbie:Oh yeah. They show them this animal pornography. Kinky stuff like two dogs making love to a cat or a bat and a pig, you know.

Now, it's a great scene. Again, awesome movie. But how can you censor bitch and God but not censor anything in that scene? Fucking americans.

I love it when a plan comes together

Sens of Humer

I can put up with spelling and gramatical errors on MSN Messenger, or even a quick email to friends but if you are on an internet dating site, spelling is really all you have. This is what someone actually sent me:

hay whats up i was just reading your profile and you seem like the typ of girl id like to meet give me a shout maby we can talkand get to now one an other a bit if you would like im a verry easy going guy with a great sens of humer i always like to make someone smile

Kiddo was a better speller than this when she was in Kindergarten. I don't think I'll reply back.

Deep Faith

It's so difficult for someone to sit in the sidelines and watch cultural and gender adversity happen to someone you care about. We all have multicultural friends and when you watch how a family develops within a set of deep-rooted cultural beliefs and expectations, it seems strange and alien for a person to "just live with it".

I have a friend who is much more than her culture and religion. I know the person behind the gold jewellery and heirarchy. I know that she has an internal struggle between what she knows are her rights as a person and her deep respect for her family. One side shows her committment to the belief system, but the other side shows that she just wants to break free from the 400-year-old-plus cycle. I have watched her grow up and have seen her and her family interact. I respect her and her family, but it frustrates me and makes me angry to see and hear about these new family dynamics.

I understand religion. I understand how societies depend on a belief system. I also understand people who don't follow religion or believe in it. With or without religion, wars and conflicts will still occur- on both society and internally on individuals.


Finally it uploaded. Time to vote.

Burn Book

Sorry Tasty, I just can't do this one. The thought is funny as hell, but it is morally wrong.


The damn Skytrain gave me $17.75 in coins as change. What should I do with all that? I’m thinking 53.25 Samosas with free Chutney.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Why are "parents" lazy?

Kids don't come with instructions, we all know that. But is it really so difficult to raise them properly? Put your kids to be at a decent hour! I often see parents with their 5 or 6 year-olds walking around at night when I drive home from work. I don't care that it's the summer and they don't have to get up early or anything, but a lot of other people do!

Back to School and Christmastime are truly the happiest times of the year.

Something amazing

Something amazing happened tonight on my walk home. I walk home the same way at night 2-3 times a week and I haven’t seen this in so long I can’t remember when. A woman all by herself walked by me. No man, no female walking partner, not even a dog. So, first I’m thinking something terrible must have happened for her to brave the scary middle class suburban streets. Nope she was just walking. She had the middle age sweat suit and heavy hand thing going on. I was impressed by this lady all alone in a neighborhood of almost half million dollar houses. I rarely see a woman walking alone when it’s still daylight. Never when it’s dark out. Why is everyone so afraid? I know it’s easy for me to say, who will mess with me.

Jesus Is Love, Evangelist Is Death?

Pat Robertson, Americas most powerful and Bush friendly evangelon, has publicly stated on his overwatched television show that America should assinate Hugo Chavez president of Venezuela. And id like to quote "We don't need another $200bn war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with." and he goes on "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability." Now you gotta be one grade a whack job to try to peer pressure the president into offing someone. His rational is even better, he beleives that the highly Catholic Venesuela is "the launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism". Oh you whacky christians, leve international politics for people whore are qualified, and keep fighting that feminism, because "It encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

Wear your heart on your sleeve

This is only a sample. If there are any other suggestions for designs, etc. then feel free to post them.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Goddamn Surrey Trash

I live in Surrey. Luckily, just barely. but that seems to be enough. I live in a new condo... it's only 2 years old... and there are people here who treat it like a 50 year old slum. Not only do we have violent assholes in this place (one guy is yelling and slamming doors, making the place shake) but we have absolute morons here too. This one guy likes to take his baby for a walk (like a dog) up and down the hallway at 10pm... while this kid is yelling. God, I can't wait till I buy a house.

Heat Transfer


The price per letter size iron on transfer is $3.05/sheet.

Off the wagon

I totally need to get back to doing the exercise bike again. I haven’t lost any weight for a couple months now and I was doing so well. I’m still eating a little too much for the summer. No more slacking off, back to biking 6 days a week. It will take me some time to get back up to my old 45 minutes.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The weekends are always slow

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I ate a Jalapeno for the first time yesterday. I was putting one in my food nothing new about that. I’m eating my dinner and it’s not hot. I put the whole pepper in so it’s a little strange. I think to myself “ohh forget this mixing it in” I go to the fridge and get new one and eat it straight.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Im rated S... yeah baby.

kiss my.......

Ok, 10 pounds

McDonalds and the Catholic Church?

In Canada, McDonald's restaurants have a "McDeal" for every day of the week. These are burgers/sandwiches that are offered at a reduced price (1.79) depending on what day it is. Oddly enough, the Filet 'o Fish burger is offered on Fridays. Is this just a coincidence that the fish burger is available at a reduced price on the days that Catholics do not eat meat?

I don’t think there is much to be concerned with as I would be surprised if anything they served actually contained real meat anyways.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Gotta Move to Turkey

I got bored at work and looked at how much money id have if I moved to other countries. Turkey is the winner, with just the funds i have in the bank is be worth $24,952,837,188.45.

Almost twenty five billion in Turkish Lira.

Woo Hoo I'm rich!

Cat, I'm a Kitty Cat

And I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Overpriced, Undergood

How can a restaurant charge, say $15, for a dish that is so inferior to another similar restaurant selling a similar dish for $10? I went to the Boathouse restaurant for dinner with friends last night to celebrate my birthday and I couldn't believe how bad the food was. The caesar salad had a vinegary taste to it, the Halibut was a bit fishy, and the batter was gross... and a bit burnt (and there was barely any fish as well). The fries were alright, but I've had better. I hear so many people tell me "Oh, you should go to the Boathouse," yet I don't understand why. I'm not a fine dining snob or anything, so it's not like I'm expecting a 5 star meal. but I would expect that it would be worth what I'm paying for. Why do people settle for the food they're getting for such a high price compared to "lesser" restaurants that charge less for the same food?

Never again will I go to The Boathouse.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Memories, Time and Temperature

So I was flipping through a catalogue the other day and on one of the pages what did I see? For only 29.95 I could be the proud owner of a picture frame. This is not any ordinary picture frame, it also had a built in clock (a cheesy digital one at that), along side a digital thermometer. Is there really a demand for such a product???

Have any of you out there ever been looking at a picture of a loved one and thought to yourself, "Wow I can't wait to see this person again/What a happy memory/That was a fun time" and immediately follow it with "I wonder what the exact time and temperature is."?

Perhaps this is a great gift for the person who has everything, and now they can have it all in one.

Lolo's hot or not?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

America Too Good to Respect Treaties They Spearhead

The NAFTA governing body recently ruled that America is wrong for tarrifing raw good coming in from Canada. Not only did they rule that America should lift all tarrifs, but pay Canada reparations as well, for said tarrifs and illeagal border closures on goods. So what is America'a answer? Fuck Canada. They have decided to ignore the ruling and continue the status quo. Remember Americans, if the price of a two by four is too much. You only have yourselves to blame for voting in Evil for a second term.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Lets take a vote

I'm thinking of turning off the big neon "hey freaks" sign. I get a kick out of picking on the sickos but is it getting old for anyone? Should I clean up the blog and make it sound normal?

I KNEW Dr Phil was evil!!!

Ever since he killed that fat guy by making him lose weight... Dammit Dr. Phil, stop fucking with people! you smug bastard!


Ow, my clitoris!!

... even though I don't have the proper equipment to feel it, this still hurts:

Female Circumcision in Iraq

My ass hurts

I’m noticing that when I sit on hard things like my work bench it’s not as comfortable as before. I can feel the bone far more. I miss my fatter ass. So comfy.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

British Invasion

Well aparently not all of Great Britain are allies with the US. Mick Jagger and company have been sipping on the Hatorade in regards to George Dub-ya

A line from one of the Rolling Stones' new album:
An extract from ’Sweet Neo Con’ features the following lines: "You call yourself a Christian, I call you u a hypocrite/You call yourself a patriot, well I think you're full of sh*t."

The Stones can now officially tour with the Dixie Chicks.

Beef Roll-up

It's not the same as a fruit roll-up. Only in Texas.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Just to shut up Assbeard

Last time Assbeard made such a big deal about me not telling him about Kari. He thought I was acting like a child. Anyway, I just (underline just) started talking to a new woman. Ohh and she works at Future Shop.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

God Damn Churchies

The fine intelligent president of the U.S. has publicly stated that he beleives that Intelligent Design should be taught in school alongside the theory of evolution. For those of you who have not heard of this crackpot theory it is pretty much that the universe and live was created by intelligent designers, whether they be god or even aliens. Even though the National Academy of Sciences has said, Intelligent Design and other claims of supernatural intervention in the origin of life are not science because their claims cannot be tested by experiment and propose no new hypotheses of their own, instead they find gaps within current evolutionary theory and fill them in with speculative beliefs. The scientific community does not recognise Intelligent Design as a valid scientific theory and considers it to be creationist pseudoscience. And the fucking president wants this crap taught in school, why dont we fucking replace all our history books with the fucking bible. Good job bush you are literally trying to make america stupider. Fuck I hate christians, you cant force your god damn prayers in school so you are trying to brainwash the youth of america.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Breaking Point

So when you are dating someone, without having the "Where is this Going"talk, at what point do you know if it is worth your while to continue in the relationship? For me, it was when I was having a telephone conversation with this guy (We were both on our cell phones). I hadn't talked to him in a few days so we were catching up, and after about 5 minutes he cuts me off mid-sentence and has the nerve to say "I should probably let you go, I don't wanna waste all of my minutes."

Has he never heard of unlimited evenings and weekends? Anyone who can't afford to upgrade their current plan or spend an extra lousy 10 cents a minute one me, isn't worth my air time.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Don't drop it in the shower

 is fucking hilarious!

Breaking up is hard to do

Break up's are messy. Especially when there's money involved.

I recently broke up with The Province (a daily newspaper). I got a call from them saying that my credit card payment did not go through, so I informed them that I got rid it and to just send me a bill. Okay, nothing difficult about that...although apparently there is.

2 months later, me and Assbeard are still getting the paper delivered. Later that night, as I'm driving home from work, The Province calls me in regards to the balance. I tell them that I will not pay them anything until I recieve a bill in the mail. Simple....should be easy right?

So, one month later and no bill seen, we are still getting the damn paper. I get a call from them while I'm driving to work saying where's our money blah, blah, blah..... I say, I haven't recieved a bill in the mail yet from them. I also tell them to cancell the paper. They say that they sent the bill the day before so it probably hasn't reached me yet. Fine.

Two days later they call me again (while I'm driving to work). Again, where's my money...blah blah blah. The same shit goes on. "I haven't gotten the damn bill yet." I'm talking with so much energy that I almost miss my exit off the highway.

So, today as I'm driving to work guess who calls me...yup. I tell them I made the payment (even though I hadn't yet) just so they would leave me the fuck alone. I get home from work today and what's on the table...the bill.

Star Wars life

My brother sits on the computer all day playing Star Wars Galaxies. Nothing new about that. I walk by and he’s holding a clip board filled with post-it notes. As he says to his online “friend” “I have worked out the fasted way to grind (Level up) my Jedi. It has taken me three weeks to work it out.” I just keep on walking, shaking my head.

People do come here

We are over 1100 page loads just in August

Thursday, August 04, 2005

hes awesome

Star War

This blog has some good Star Wars engrish going on

Oh, to be cat

This is what Lucy does all day.

MSN Search loves us

"hot chicks fuck animals pics"
"anorexia pics"
"what cost 1000 dollers or more that ends with bean"
"girls getting fucked by animals"
"bean dip" -we are the number 1 and 5 hits on msn
"derka derka"
"saudi fucking womens"
"bad bad man"
"free kari sweet pics"
"girls fucked by animals"
"juanita crawford where and when"
"free pics of kari sweet"
"#of wounded u s troops at rammstein hospital?"
"kari drunk pics"
"diet coke pics"
"sexy anorexia"
"crap dip"
"pics of thin people"
"hot mom sexy pics"
"pics of drug addicts" -number one hit on msn
"landstuhl hospital rammstein germany"
"landstuhl rammstein germany"


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Million Doller Hillbillie

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


D.O.D. cover up

Isn't One Date Nerve Racking Enough?

With all the conveniences being made for fast-paced people these days (ie drive through ATM's, pre-cooked bacon and scheduled C-Sections so you can fit your child's birth into your day planner), here is speed dating. This is where a bunch of people meet at one place and have a series (the one I looked at had 25) of 3 minute meetings with strangers. In this time (only three minutes remember) you make a decision if you would like to see them again. Now, unless this person can't string a sentence together and has only one tooth, how can you fairly decide whether they are worth more of your time or not? It's not like they're going to tell you the negative things about themselves; these (as we all know) are found later.

For anyone who has been on a blind date, they know that dating is sort of an uncomfortable thing - It's like a grab bag (or a box of chocolates); you just don't know what you're gonna get. Most of the time you get the chocolates that you don't really care for and usually throw out after you've eaten all the good ones. The only upside is that you get 25 first meetings over with in one shot - No need for outfit changes or stressing that you will be stood up. Maybe by the time you get to #25 you will have mastered your pickup lines...

Monday, August 01, 2005


If the page is all fucked up like that again with Internet Explorer can someone tell me. I always use firefox. I'm also not sure why the archives list looks like that with I.E. Anyone know how to fix it?

Cool Breeze

Thank God!!! It's finally not so damn fucking hot anymore! I don't mind it being nice and hot, but when it's hot and muggy....jeez, it makes me want to fall over. But just wait, by 10am the clouds will burn off.


New readers

Welcome to our crazy blog. We have a few new readers. Feel free to ask any questions like, Why did you make it sound like an ass munching freak page? What's with the sick lists? Why the tumor jokes?

Art of stealth