Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Monday, August 29, 2005

2812 Hours Until Christmas!

I am not usually this organized, but since I am this year, I just want to rub it in your faces - I mean - let you all know that I have already started my Christmas shopping! Boooo-Ya!

(And I am already in the works planning an Xmas party which you are all invited to by the way) So I listened to Christmas music on my way to and from work today... Does that classify me as crazy?

I also really really want to go on a carol ship this year - Anyone want to come with me??


Blogger Bee said...

You. Are. Crazy.

9:39 PM, August 29, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

I agree haha
I'm not giving gifts this year my mom pissed me of so much last year that no one gets gifts. I will be giving the money I would spend to sick kids. Who else is in?

10:43 PM, August 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

cough...cough...I think I'm coming down with something so you can send the money directly to P.O. Box 1132 cash and personal cheques are accepted hahaha....cough

11:24 PM, August 29, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

Your mom pissed you off so much that she doesn't deserve christmas presents from you??? Thats harsh.

LMAO @ Anonymous..thats definitely something I would do!

8:31 AM, August 30, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

He gave her a grill and she was all like "what the hell am I gonna do with this?" So why should he get her something if she's not gonna even fake liking it? Christmas is a disgusting holiday anyway. It's all about being a good little consumer. And those of you that would say "no, it's about family" are living in a dream world. If it's all about family, then why do you need to buy them gifts? All the people I know who say it's all about family buy the most gifts. It sickens me how much some people spend, only to have the recipient not really enjoy that gift. I have a friend whose in-laws get bitchy if they don't get gifts that are worth more than a certain dollar amount.

10:28 AM, August 30, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

It's not the fact that my mom hated the gift and didn't even hide it. More that I bugged her for a month day after day to tell me what she wanned. She never did. Then gave she shit that I got the wrong thing.

1:01 PM, August 30, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

I agree, women are a pain in the damn ass.

3:10 PM, August 30, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

yeah, it's not fair that she gave u shit tasty.. she still deserves Christmas in my eyes though. I agree with Budday, Christmas is one of the happiest times for me as well. Not so much the receiving of the gifts, but wrapping them and giving them away and knowing you made someone else smile. I love the music and the warmth you feel. I love the smell of fresh pine needles and decorating the house. I love that I can capture those moments and memories and not concider them a waste of time and money. Christmas in my house was always effin great. The laughter and stories are amazing and I will be sure to make it memorable for my husband and babies in the years to come!!

I'll be on the carol ship with u bud!

6:03 PM, August 30, 2005


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