Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Weekend Update

I know that it's still technically the weekend, but...what the hell. Spill 'em. So what did you do?

Friday night I got drunkies. Alone. I know, I know...bad idea and it's wrong not to share the vodka. Although, apparently I scared Tasty pretty good.

Saturday, me, Assbeard and Budday helped our parents move stuff into a storage locker. Then Assbeard and me went to Best Buy and I got bored after 20 minutes. Then we finished painting our bedroom. Then I went and watched Sex and the City with some girlfriends of mine.

Sunday we picked out the rest of the colours for our house. I made dinner and then we watched some Stargate.


Blogger TastyCorn said...

I wasn't scared. I was laughing so hard I spilling chocolate milk all over myself. So, ya Friday we hung out at Tims for a bit. We then went back and bee was a "little buzzed" fun was had by all. (Well at least me) Saturday, I stayed home and later talked to Budday about her potential gentleman and Air and I had an interesting chat for a couple hours. Sunday, worked for a bit. Then went out for my mother’s b-day dinner at the Greek place down the street. I came home and Air jumped on me to fix her double post and then we talked for hours. It was some heavy stuff we go into and I am so mentally drained my body feels stiff. Time to go do some manual labor before bed.

1:09 AM, August 29, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

deep thoughts, by jack handy

7:31 AM, August 29, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

We had an amazing time this weekend. Honey & I spent Friday night together, we decided to go on a date and enjoy being just the two of us on a Friday night. Normally we only have weeknights!. Anywho we went for Greek at New York ,New York (yum). And then went for a double feature at the Clova (only 5 dollars!) we saw Must love dogs and Dukes of Hazzard. Dogs one was cute and the Dukes was hilarious.
On Saturday was Kelly's birthday. So James, Kelly,Antone,Cheri,Steve and I all had an awesome day of boating planned. Plans fell through due to the weather being to cold to pay that much for a boat rental. Instead we went out for brunch and played bocce and in the water at a water park (don't laugh it was damn fun).We also made dinner together and watched a movie. I think the conversation is the best part though, we had a great time.
Sunday we went to dad C's house for steak dinner. YUM. And learned how to play rumoli. Awesome. I effin loved this weekend.

One lifetime isn't long enough when its this damn great.

3:12 PM, August 29, 2005

Blogger Bee said...

I want to see the Salton Sea. I heard it was really good.

6:33 PM, August 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good. Budday has a copy.

9:45 PM, August 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it seems as though everyone had a pretty good weekend then, mine was good and busy... friday with hanging out at assbeards and then we sauntered on over to tim's with the group.. Saturday we had to drive to mission to attend a very unique wedding then we had to go to a birthday celebration for a good friend who proceeded to introduce me to his new girlfriend, i thought this odd since he is gay.. but his choice i guess.... Sunday, Russ-kun and i relaxed and went to see "the 40 year old virgin" it was hilarious.... definetly recommended if you need a good laugh

4:09 PM, August 30, 2005


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