Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Monday, October 31, 2005

And What Not

At Bee's Tupperware party this weekend the Tupperware lady did her speech on all the product as she brought them out of the bags she had brought them in.

After every piece she told us the standard uses for them and always (ALWAYS!!) ended it with "and what not". "This is great for drying your lingere and lettuce and what not..." "Can be used for gravies or instant breakfast shakes and what not..." "You can pay by credit card, cash, checks or what not"

She was a nice enough lady, but I was wishing I had gone with the guys to Best Buy and what not.

Effin American airlines!!!!!!!!!!

As you all know I am home- but do I have stories to tell of the hell it took me to get here! Kiesha decided to take my sisters dog back to Canada because my sister and family are moving and can't take her with them. They were gonna have to take her to the pound and the people at the pound insured that she would probably be put down within 72 hours due to the overwhelming amount of animals there from hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

SO first off was the 45 minute line up at the check in ( stuck behind hotties from the army, I handled it although it was annoying! LOL) love u steve!! haha.. I needed to shed light on the hell! ANYWAYS finally after what seemed like a year we get up to the counter and the woman decides that the dog cage wasn't suitable to fly, this is after we talked to 3 seperate people who said it was acceptable, thank god she was an idiot who didn't read that the dog was purchased in Texas and she thought we had already flown with her from Vancouver. This moron and her supervisor spent like 20 minutes complaining about YVR letting the cage on the plane. And yet the stupid yanks didn't even catch on to the fact that the dog was bought in Texas, the rabies shots were done - IN TEXAS, all the paperwork filed for the frickin animal where filed guess where? TEXAS!!. It was almost ( ALMOST) funny to see them making fun of Vancouver when it was their american asses who couldn't read the effin papers!
So we got the dog on the plane.
We checked our bags finally - after she complained that they were over 50 pounds and we would have to pay an extra charge of 25 dollars each. Yes, its true that if you fly now you need to keep your bags under 50 pounds but that rule came into effect after our tickets were originally purchased so I knowingly told her that the rule didn't apply to us. She had this " duh, im a stupid american" look on her face but finally agreed with my point.
So we got our bags on the plane.
Now we get to the good part... after the sad goodbye to my niece, nephew, sister and her hubby we boarded the plane for home thinking that nothing else could possibly go wrong.
We had the dog, we had our luggage.
Well, one of those things was true.
So there we landed in Vancouver, PHEW, no plane crash so we're doing good. After a short 10 minute harassment from the customs freak we headed for our luggage. Yey! we're home! 10 minutes till we see our honeys!. YA RIGHT.
Guess who's luggage didn't show up?. You got it. We're standing there watching this conveyor belt go round and round and suddenly we see a brick with the words " last bag" written on it. WHAT THE HELL?! Our bag's weren't there!!
SO we get sent to a huge line up of 30 Chinese people in the baggage claim area, wait another 40 minutes to finally talk to the one lady working in the whole effin airport, and tell her our bags are gone. we get a form to fill out and are told to come back into line when they are completed. F that. We SO weren't waiting for all those people, luckily we didn't have to wait long. We gave our number then were told we would be contacted when the luggage was found.
Then we locate the dog. Wait another year for the guy who escorts us to agricultural claims, and another week for them to check over the animal.
Finally we are scott free. After 2 hours in the airport and one hell of an earache from the cabin pressure in the hell plane. LOL!
I finally see the smiling face of my fiancee, and although I was literally smoking from the ears from anger I was okay when I saw him.
I knew my luggage would come, and I just wanted to go home.
Now for the funny part.. guess where my luggage went?? ENGLAND!!!!!!! HOW the fuck?!!!!!!!!!! yes England and Vancouver do seem rather familiar... MORONS!!!!

Well my luggage is finally here from Heathrow, better go make sure they brought me the right bag........................


Are we sure its halloween and not april fools day?

It sucks being sick, especially on a holiday!!!!!!!

Right now i am at home sick as a dog and i am so not happy, I wish i could go to work atleast there i would not be so damn bored. But i know as soon i got there they would send me home so with the price of gas and the great commute, there is really no point even attempting to go to work today. I really wish i wasn't sick on halloween though i want to go and see the local fireworks or see what our new neighbourhood does for halloween but i can barely breathe and standing for more than 3 min at a time is a big "no" right now. that is if i dont want to get all dizzy and fall flat on my ass. I HATE BEING SICK, IT SUCKS SOO BAD.. especially when there is no one around to keep you company all day...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

It's on

Budday and I were talking the other day and we are both going to try and lose 20 pounds by X-mas. So, we'll have to mix in a little who did the best just to make it interesting. I'm already going at it pretty hard. I'm watching what I'm eating and walking everyday (over 10 miles yesterday) . I'll have to burn off about 1200 cals a day to do that. I use about 3000 cals just being me everyday. Add on my walking minus eating about 2000-2500 a day. Now the hard part will be not eating too much pizza and baked goods when X-mas hits. So much harder to not eat around X-mas. I weighed myself for the fist time in about 6-7 years and I'm 8.5 pounds less then I guessed. We will have to see where we are at in 2 months.

My Private livejournal


Saturday, October 29, 2005

Castle fun park?

I say we go to castle fun park next weekend. Im telling you, I eat, sleep, and breath for those batting cages lately!! Ineed my fix!!!!!!!!!!!

bud u need to bring the mr. out to play!!

Who's in??

"Anime Cat" by Main Shop Digital


I arrive at work and see that Albert has carved out the eyes. My original plan was to carve a cat's face into it, but to make it scary too. Big, giant eyes..etc.....but there wasn't enough room to carve the nose and whiskers. So, in the afternoon I try to carve out the nose but it wasn't working. I looked at it and it looked like a Power Puff now it's a Power Puff Pumpkin/Cat. We added whiskers and a nose and dubbed it "Anime Cat" by Main Shop Digital.

We probably won't win.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Crazy John

Ok.... So for those of you who don't know, here is the story of a guy named John who I used to date (for a three week period only). He was quickly dubbed Crazy John and here is why...
1) After 1 date he told me he thought he was falling in love with me (now usually I wouldn't doubt this... but not after only one date)LOL On this oh-so-romantic first date he took me to White Spot so we could share a burger.
2) On the second date he told me that he probably didn't make as much money as I would hope he could be making. I am really not sure that he understood my question of "What do you like to do in your spare time?"
3) After a week of talking to him I was starting to get intimidated by his repeated question of "do you think you could see yourself falling in love with me?"
4) He refused to tell me his last name.
5) Since he lived just over the bridge from my work, he thought it would be a good idea if he asked me to move in with him. (after knowing him for 2 weeks). I wonder if he would have told me his last name if I moved in with him? Nah, he probaly would have had all his mail forwarded to a PO box.
6) He was obsessed with reading books on relationships and continually compared everything I said or did to something he had just read that day.
7) He would repeat questions that shouldn't have been repeated. "Where do you plan to go in your career?" "Where do you hope to be in 5 years" "Have you ever though of going back to school for something?" "Are you falling in love with me yet?" I would get asked these same questions every few days! HELLO??? Were you not paying attention to me the first 10 times I answered?
8) In a last ditch attemp to save our "relationship" he asked me to come over for dinner one day which he had purchased from the local supermarket's deli counter. When I went to take a bite of the pasta side dish (or so I thought) I was rudely mistaken once it was in my mouth. This dude had heated up pasta salad (of which I don't like anyways), since he thought I would like it warmed up. Mmmmmmm hot mayonayse. I spat it out and left his house without even looking over my shoulder.

So there it is. I'm not sure why I dated him for so long, but it just kept getting wierder and wierder by the day. I guess I thought it couldnt get more insane but I was curious to see what the new wierd thing was going to be next. Just like a train wreck it was.... (and my mom wonders why I don't bring anyone home to meet the family) LOL

Drunkiex Jack-o-Lanterns

So this weekend Mr. Lunch and I are planning to carve pumpkins... while enjoying some beverages. We will definately take some pics of the creations and hopefully they will be amusing. Don't worry.... we will do it early on in the evening before we become so intoxicated that one of us ends up going to the hospital. (Don't worry.... the hospital is only a few blocks away) LOL

I have a weakness.....BASEBALL!!!!!

Oh no.
I just figured out something disturbing about myself.
Im secretly in love with BASEBALL!
I have been watching the world series with the bro in law and I have never bitten off so many of my perfectly manicured nails in my sad, pathetic, girly life!
Here I was cheering on the White Sox for the last 4 games I saw, And last night they won the series for the first time in I think 88 years, and I was cheering. . I was literally giving high fives and jumping around. My god, I almost cracked a beer. LMAO!!!

I knew I had a hidden desire for the sport when I found myself getting overly excited at the castle fun park batting cages, but this is pushing it... this time i've gone to far!!

We need to start a beer league.. either that or I just need to start drinking beer............

YEY WHITE SOX!!!!!!!!!!!

It's too cold out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I'm looking over the stats for this page the last week or so and I'm wondering why I'm not getting any hits from Texas. A few days ago I see that we're getting lots of hits from Minnesota. I check the time yup Lolo. Why are you bull shitting us Lolo? you are clearly not in Texas.

You got some man on the side? (that's not even me) This thing is clearly infallible. Not as if it told me swimboy was in Saskatewan or anything.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

classy with the baby

If u look closely she's so grabbing the horses nuts

Queer Eye for the Straight God

I was reading Klinks' livejournal this morning, he had posted this gem. Here's a Sample:

And the Lord God said, “Let there be light,” and lo, there was light. But then the Lord God said, “Wait, what if I make it a sort of rosy, sunset-at-the-beach, filtered half-light, so that everything else I design will look younger?”

“I’m loving that,” said Buddha. “It’s new.”

“You should design a restaurant,” added Allah.



Sign from God

My computers are trying to tell me something I think. What I'm not sure. They don't want me checking my email or burning dvds. My normal compy out of nowhere deleted "my pictures" folder and started crashing apps. Sounds like a virus. I turn it off to stop it from fucking up anymore files. I brake out this old comp I have kicking around. It will not send a signal to the monitor (it worked fine a few months ago) I disconnect my 200g C drive and tell my normal comp to boot off the old D drive (8g) Starts up ok. It has so little room I can't install anything. Not even Quicktime to watch an online short J. linked to. I need 5g free just to burn a dvd. I have about 50 megs. Ohh and just to drive me a little more nuts it will not connect to the email server. Grrrr... Where is my windows cd? I think everything is getting formatted, but not tonight.

Don't make me

Come on people post something. Don't make me post a naked pic. I have to keep this thing interesting some how. We could take a vote.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oh to be a cat.

So here I am on a Saturday night, sick at home (and have been for the past 2 days). I've made a pie for my mother's birthday and haven't left the apartment for 3 days.....

I'm on the couch for two nights trying to get some sleep with a sinus cold, watching my cat sleep for 16 hours straight. In the day time, in the night time, the cat sleeps - quite peacefully - while I am sniffling and getting 2 hours of sleep at a time.

It would be nice if the cat entertained me, but this one is lazy.

Again, oh to be a cat.

United they fall....

Only in America could a huge Hurrricane devour a town and have people stealing sony playstation games and accessories. This is Targets aftermath in New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina. The store was left standing and intact but the damn merchandise was effin stolen. Its hard to tell in these pictures the damage and the loss they took here, we're talking thousands and thousands of games lifted. Thousands and thousands of dollars lost.

Only in America....

Friday, October 21, 2005

I like slots


Rumour Mill

So I applied for an internal posting of Advertising Assistant (yes, AGAIN) and it was pretty much in the bag until I decided to withdraw my application since the job had changed quite a bit, and is now more like a floater type-shit job (not floating shit). It would involve a lot more work for the same ammount of pay. No thanks.

Anyways, the not-so-bright receptionist at work had also applied for the job and it was just announced today that she got it. Lots of people knew that I had applied, but I forgot to tell them that I had also withdrawn so as you can immagine there's lots of whispering going on here at work today.

I think I would like to start a really messed up rumour about myself. Maybe something like "Budday was sooooo pissed that she didn't get the Advertising position that she has started collecting the bones of road kill to make a Skeletal Animal Nativity Scene to place in front of the main entrance of her workplace this Christmas".

*evil laugh* *fade to black*

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Why I hate the NBA... other than because basketball sucks

Ok, So on monday the NBA sent out a memo to all teams stating there is now a dress code in effect. Players will be required to wear business-casual attire when involved in team or league business. This, to me, seems logical. It IS a business after all. Now, Indiana guard Stephen Jackson believes the NBA's new ban on bling-bling is racially motivated. Sure, I can buy this... after all, black people LOVE their bling. But come on man! If you worked for, say... JP Morgan, or some other fancy-pants company, you wouldn't be able to bling it out. So why should you be able to in the NBA? Philadelphia's Allen Iverson also was critical of the new rule."I feel like if they want us to dress a certain way, they should pay for our clothes," he said. Excuse the shit out of me, but aren't you WELL PAID? I checked. Iverson's salary last year was $14,625,000. He is in the 3rd year of a 6 year contract for just over $90million. BUY YOUR OWN DAMN SUIT!! what the fuck man!What, the hoes are just too much? That damn coke habit taking up all your spare change? ASSHOLE! I personally love this quote by Jason Richardson: "They want to sway away from the hip-hop generation. You think of hip-hop right now and think of things that happen like gangs having shootouts in front of radio stations. You still wear a suit, you still could be a crook," Richardson said. "You see all what happened with Enron and Martha Stewart. Just because you dress a certain way doesn't mean you're that way" Dude, shit. Are you comparing the people who killed Jam Master Jay with Martha friggin' Stewart?!?!

HAHAHA... just picture next season's "Martha Stewart: The Apprentice"... "I'm sorry, you just don't fit in. Now feel the cold steel of my 9, bitch! BLAM BLAM BLAM!"

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

We Rock so Hard Core

I've been checking out some of the other blogs on this site and I really just have to say that ours kicks SERIOUS ass man!

Although I did come across one that basically had free porn (no pop-up ads either).

Did someone say underwear?

Ok, some people didn't like me posting my "half naked" self all over the main page. I'll be nice and link to my new underwear and keep it off the main page. I have more of a gut than the pic makes it look like.

It's strange buying clothing that are a large or smaller. Feels wrong. The XL shirts I picked up this weekend too big. The large underwear was too big. Bring on the mediums. Uhh, not right at all.

Who wants to see the front? :p

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Supermodel in training

well suckers i'd just like to say that I am having a blast here basking under the Texas's effin hot here!!!! and im having the time of my life!!!!!!!!!! have fun in the rain SUCKERS!! haha j/'s to hot here.... im talkin 92-98 degrees!
just had to post the cutest picture of my diva niece....... Such a little cover girl!!!!

Just say 'No' to crotch stink

Mmmmmmmm, underwear...

Death by phosphoric acid

A little over a week ago I decided to do even more walking. I have been on a walking kick even since I walked to Starbucks to meet J. (Over an hour each way) I want to get back to losing weight. So, the question is where do I walk to? I want to walk for at least an hour to start. What the hell is open till the dead hours of the night? First night it was super late. I was going to go sooner but I was talking to J. for some time. Off to Sev. I go. What do you know there is a bum there, great. I grab a Coke Zero and head home. The next night I want a longer walk. Hmm… where to? Save-On is still open. I pickup a Coke Zero and peanuts head to the till and instantly for some reason the woman is totally chatting it up with me about how boring it is at this time of night. Next night another walk and another Coke Zero. (I know, I know) The same two woman are working the till. “Ohh fuck don’t look like that big of a loser” I think to myself and go to the other woman’s till. Next night, I go to Shoppers and some lady and her two way too young kids for that hour are getting 450 photocopies, Grrrr. Friday, “while we are here lets hit Save-On” all out of Coke Zero (I think I need a 12 step program) Tonight I head on up to Save-On “Hey it’s on sale” “She (woman # 1) will not remember me” She did but I didn’t get a WTF look she just started on about how the late shift is really bugging her now” Guess what I’m drinking as I write this… Sigh.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Mr. Lunch won the 6/49

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fun in the sun

Bee and I are trying to plan our honeymoon... 3 years after our wedding. We're thinking somewhere tropical. Anyone got any ideas? So far, the dominican republic is the plan. We're trying to go in the summer of 2006.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I am Five! fifth birthday party. I do remember parts of it, but it's amazing how far back you can remember. I remember kindergarten and preschool (age 4 and 5); I also can remember snippets of age 3 (having Budday "teach" me school stuff like reading and writing). I can actually recall going out on the back porch and having this picture taken. It's pretty amazing.

So here begs the question for everyone: What's your earliest memory?

Friday, October 14, 2005


Just a reminder that we are at: NOT

Who knows...maybe we were bought out?

Also, WHY would you use that web space name to talk about cars? Remember The Genesis people.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Wasn't moi

Me: i'm so fucking tired some jackass called me at 5:11 am
Lolo: haha I didn't sleep at all last night
Me: non?
Lolo: not even 5 minutes
Me: uhhh
Lolo: me and s talked all night then I drove him to the airport at 4:30...
Lolo: am
Me: so you called me huh?
Me: time to get everyone up
Lolo: LOL!
Lolo: nope wasn't moi

It so was her. I just checked my messages and had one of her and her man blabbing away 'cause one of them called me accidentally. Grrrr

I'm Back Bitches

Now that I've finished moving in I have time again to bring my special kind of cheerful happiness back to the blog. So screw all yall's plus the Republicans to boot.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ex BF's Gay - Time to Move On and OUT!

So this girl at my work has been breaking up with her boyfriend for about 2 months now and I have been hearing all about it ever since it started. At first it was interesting to listen to but now it's just annoying. The first problem is that she is STILL living with him. Fuck - that is the biggest problem. I don't know why she likes to torture herself like that but it's irritating to hear how upset she is every day because of something this guy said to her the previous night.

Today she tells me the real reason they broke up (initially it was because he constantly lied to her) is because he is gay. I think he probably made that up so she would finally get up off her ass and move out of his house. If someone constantly lied to you, why would you believe anything new that comes out of their mouth?


Monday, October 10, 2005

Time for some new ones?


Happy First Birthday Bean Dip

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Friday, October 07, 2005

The Cat Named Lucy

Apparently there's another blogger with the same name as me, and she has a dog named Lucy.

"Bad Santas" Need Not Apply

I read an article in the Vancouver Sun yesterday about how the Ministry of Fun (I want to work at a place that is called Ministry of Fun....tee hee) in the United Kingdom is raising the standards of mall santas. Apparently the santas that are currently working are skinny drunks who are not up to today's trends. The MOF says that it frightens children to see so many different looking Santas and therefore the number of "santa grottos" seen in malls is on the decline as is the number of children wanting to see Santa.

So, the Santa Committee came up with some guidlines of how every Santa should look. I can't seem to remember them all, but here are the ones I do remember (I was going to photocopy it but thus forgot):

1) Beards must be 6 inches or 15cm long and kept tidy.
2) Since beards and hair are white, eyebrows and eyelashes!! must be white also.
3) Waists should be between 40-46 inches.
4) Breath should be fresh and not smell of alcohol.
5) Shoes should be black and shined. No sneakers.
6) Santas should be up to date (ie. memorize) on the Top 10 CD's and toys that children want.
7) Santa must always act friendly and never run or skip.
8) Suits must be clean and not tattered.

Personally, I've never encountered these type of problems when I visited Santa (except bad breath). My most famous and memorable trip to Santa's Grotto (why do they call it that in Britain?...Eww) was the one where I waited in line for close to an hour with my mom and sister, and then when we were 10-15 minutes away from seeing Santa I start screaming at the top of my lungs that I didn't want to see Santa. It made a great Santa photo. Santa in the background and me in front on the ground screaming and miserable.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Here we go

I’m looking in the mirror and I'm thinking hey that spot of lighter hair has grown. So, yup it looks like I'm starting to go grey. My dad started when he was 17 so it's not unexpected. Ohh well, It's better than balding

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Prefer Not to Say = Cheater

Gotta love the dating sites... Some guys know exactly what you want to hear. I thought this was soooo funny. On a person's profile:

Marital Status: Prefer Not to Say
Profession: Full Time Job

I have to admit, the full time job beats out some of the other guys I've dated in the past (sad but true) but I wonder if he will be wearing the scarlet letter?

Another transit rant

I've been taking transit to work now since June. I hadn't really used public before then since back in 2000. Back then, I lived in ladner, and took the bus downtown, so most of the people on the bus were people who lived in south delta. Since it was an express bus, we didn't get any riff-raff on the bus. Well, I take the skytrain downtown now, from surrey. Let me tell you, the people on that thing vary from being well dressed business folk, to being so gross and smelly they're practically legally dead. Then I get on the bus that goes down scott road... even worse! At this point you get to see exactly why some of these people take public transit. They're financial retards. They may not have very high paying jobs, or maybe they do... but they clearly have no idea how to prioritize spending. When you have to go out in tattered, filthy clothes, and unwashed hair, yet you're puffing away on cigarette after cigarette... hmmm, maybe you should focus on spending money on more important things. I can't stand these people. Most of them are pretty screwed up in the head too. Yesterday, I saw this one guy sitting on the pavement (a huge smoke dangling in his yellow teeth filled mouth) talking to another guy and I was struggling to hear a word that wasn't fuck or shit. I did hear, however, that he had a wife and 3 kids. Give the smokes up man, and take care of other needs. I can't stand people who are "poor" because of their own stupidity. I've known quite a few people who were not exactly rolling in it, but they did alright because they spent their money where it mattered.. not on smokes, booze, or hookers.

The other kind of people on the bus that are really starting to piss me off are the fat people. I don't mean the "ohh, hmm.. I'm a little big.. i should go to the gym" kind of people. I mean the "Holy christ, I need a hydraulic lift to get off the couch" kind of fat people. Not only do these people seem to think they're "disabled", but they don't do jack shit about it! I saw a guy last week (a fucking dick who decided he didn't need to wait in line for the bus like everyone else) who was shoving his face with greesy potato chips. HEY FATTY! YOU'RE FAT CUS YOU EAT THAT SHIT!!!!! I hope one day I'm sitting in the seats at the front of the bus and some tub-o comes up to me and asks me for my seat. I'm going to ask the person why, since I paid for the seat just like they did. If they tell me "I'm disabled", I'm going to ask them what they're disability is. It should be interesting. I'll look like an asshole, but I don't care. STOP LEECHING RESOURCES FROM OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM, YOU FAT FUCK!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Why can't people drive?

I hate driving in Vancouver, Richmond and Surrey because nobody knows how to drive!!! They are either arrogant, stupid or old. Here is a list of stupid crap people pull because they are all of the above.

No one knows how to use 4-Way stops, let alone stop signs.
No one knows how to use the little knob sticking out of the steering wheel (ie. turn signals).
No one knows how to determine Right-of-Way, not even PEDESTRIANS (wtf!!)!
No one knows that they should turn their lights on when it's raining (it's really hard to discern a grey car in the rain) or even when it's getting dark.
No one knows how to stop being an asshole and that tailgating is a) a ticketable offence, b) dangerous and c) DUMB AS SNOT BALLS!
No one knows that red means "stop" (Surrey) and green means "go" (Richmond; in Vancouver it's both).
No one knows that when making a left turn and when your light turns red, TO NOT GO THROUGH THE INTERSECTION!

Please feel free to add as there are billions of items...


Tonight we had a special general meeting for our strata to discuss the fact that we've had some money woes. Well, near they end they mentioned there was a need to fill 2 strata council positions. I, being the retard that I am, decided I would join. This better be worth it.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Brainwashed at the Top of Vancouver

Ok, so for Kiddo's 10th birthday we had brunch at the Top of Vancouver revolving restaraunt. Fairly expensive (as anticipated) but the food was great! Next time I feel the urge to eat overlooking the city I think I will try Cloud 9 on Robson street as it is probably less of a tourist trap.

Our waiters name today was Chris and he was very much the "half tour guide" as he claimed to be. He did, however, go on about this a bit before he even knew that we were all from Vancouver anyways. He was able to point out all the places that my grandmother asked about (she's also from here but hadn't been downtown in a few years) and answer all her questions with a smile on his face. He seemed a bit brainwashed to me though. I think for the service industry that waits on the "Upper Class" they must implant a chip somewhere to give you that almost drug induced half smile and witty (annoying) banter for the customers.

Like on the Titanic where they keep the rich first class people calm where the ship is sinking ("I'm sure there isn't anything to worry about. May I fetch you anything Ma'am?"), and it is said with almost an air of arrogance like they are keeping you in the dark about something. There was one point where our table had ended up under an air vent and it became quite chilly and my grandmother commented on how it got suddenly cold. Chris wasted no time in letting us all know that "It is just the air intake system Ma'am, did you need anything?"

He also went on and on to the table behind us (the occupants were from Boston or something) about how he has traveled all over the States but how he LOVED it here in Vancouver and could never leave.

I wonder how he acts when he is not on shift.

Save-On Moment

Crazy Girl lives on!!! But she's not so crazy anymore.

I did some grocery shopping and as I was walking in I saw Crazy Girl walking with a co-worker. I had to do a double-take because I hadn't seen her in months!

So I did my shopping and was double checking my list and realized that I forgot salsa. So I went down the salsa aisle, got some salsa and then proceeded to the checkout. Holy fluke!!! I got her line up! I had totally forgotten that I had seen her when I walked in, so the mysterious Save-On curse lives on.

Here's the not so crazy thing...she didn't say anything weird! It was kind of sad because I was looking forward to her strange personality. She just asked the standard questions and nothing insane came out of her mouth. Although she did smile when I redeemed points, nothing out of the ordinary happened during the checkout.


I never get any sleep before a move

It's strange I always get like half my normal sleep just before a move. When I helped move Bee and Assbeard a few times ago I had several nights of 2-3 hours sleep and I only got 6 once in two weeks. This time was not so bad. About 4-5 hours for a week. You can tell when I'm really tired. I'm super chatty.