Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Monday, October 31, 2005

Effin American airlines!!!!!!!!!!

As you all know I am home- but do I have stories to tell of the hell it took me to get here! Kiesha decided to take my sisters dog back to Canada because my sister and family are moving and can't take her with them. They were gonna have to take her to the pound and the people at the pound insured that she would probably be put down within 72 hours due to the overwhelming amount of animals there from hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

SO first off was the 45 minute line up at the check in ( stuck behind hotties from the army, I handled it although it was annoying! LOL) love u steve!! haha.. I needed to shed light on the hell! ANYWAYS finally after what seemed like a year we get up to the counter and the woman decides that the dog cage wasn't suitable to fly, this is after we talked to 3 seperate people who said it was acceptable, thank god she was an idiot who didn't read that the dog was purchased in Texas and she thought we had already flown with her from Vancouver. This moron and her supervisor spent like 20 minutes complaining about YVR letting the cage on the plane. And yet the stupid yanks didn't even catch on to the fact that the dog was bought in Texas, the rabies shots were done - IN TEXAS, all the paperwork filed for the frickin animal where filed guess where? TEXAS!!. It was almost ( ALMOST) funny to see them making fun of Vancouver when it was their american asses who couldn't read the effin papers!
So we got the dog on the plane.
We checked our bags finally - after she complained that they were over 50 pounds and we would have to pay an extra charge of 25 dollars each. Yes, its true that if you fly now you need to keep your bags under 50 pounds but that rule came into effect after our tickets were originally purchased so I knowingly told her that the rule didn't apply to us. She had this " duh, im a stupid american" look on her face but finally agreed with my point.
So we got our bags on the plane.
Now we get to the good part... after the sad goodbye to my niece, nephew, sister and her hubby we boarded the plane for home thinking that nothing else could possibly go wrong.
We had the dog, we had our luggage.
Well, one of those things was true.
So there we landed in Vancouver, PHEW, no plane crash so we're doing good. After a short 10 minute harassment from the customs freak we headed for our luggage. Yey! we're home! 10 minutes till we see our honeys!. YA RIGHT.
Guess who's luggage didn't show up?. You got it. We're standing there watching this conveyor belt go round and round and suddenly we see a brick with the words " last bag" written on it. WHAT THE HELL?! Our bag's weren't there!!
SO we get sent to a huge line up of 30 Chinese people in the baggage claim area, wait another 40 minutes to finally talk to the one lady working in the whole effin airport, and tell her our bags are gone. we get a form to fill out and are told to come back into line when they are completed. F that. We SO weren't waiting for all those people, luckily we didn't have to wait long. We gave our number then were told we would be contacted when the luggage was found.
Then we locate the dog. Wait another year for the guy who escorts us to agricultural claims, and another week for them to check over the animal.
Finally we are scott free. After 2 hours in the airport and one hell of an earache from the cabin pressure in the hell plane. LOL!
I finally see the smiling face of my fiancee, and although I was literally smoking from the ears from anger I was okay when I saw him.
I knew my luggage would come, and I just wanted to go home.
Now for the funny part.. guess where my luggage went?? ENGLAND!!!!!!! HOW the fuck?!!!!!!!!!! yes England and Vancouver do seem rather familiar... MORONS!!!!

Well my luggage is finally here from Heathrow, better go make sure they brought me the right bag........................


Are we sure its halloween and not april fools day?


Blogger TastyCorn said...

Welcome back

11:14 AM, October 31, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

It's punishment for visiting such a shithole of a country

11:23 AM, October 31, 2005


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