Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Another transit rant

I've been taking transit to work now since June. I hadn't really used public before then since back in 2000. Back then, I lived in ladner, and took the bus downtown, so most of the people on the bus were people who lived in south delta. Since it was an express bus, we didn't get any riff-raff on the bus. Well, I take the skytrain downtown now, from surrey. Let me tell you, the people on that thing vary from being well dressed business folk, to being so gross and smelly they're practically legally dead. Then I get on the bus that goes down scott road... even worse! At this point you get to see exactly why some of these people take public transit. They're financial retards. They may not have very high paying jobs, or maybe they do... but they clearly have no idea how to prioritize spending. When you have to go out in tattered, filthy clothes, and unwashed hair, yet you're puffing away on cigarette after cigarette... hmmm, maybe you should focus on spending money on more important things. I can't stand these people. Most of them are pretty screwed up in the head too. Yesterday, I saw this one guy sitting on the pavement (a huge smoke dangling in his yellow teeth filled mouth) talking to another guy and I was struggling to hear a word that wasn't fuck or shit. I did hear, however, that he had a wife and 3 kids. Give the smokes up man, and take care of other needs. I can't stand people who are "poor" because of their own stupidity. I've known quite a few people who were not exactly rolling in it, but they did alright because they spent their money where it mattered.. not on smokes, booze, or hookers.

The other kind of people on the bus that are really starting to piss me off are the fat people. I don't mean the "ohh, hmm.. I'm a little big.. i should go to the gym" kind of people. I mean the "Holy christ, I need a hydraulic lift to get off the couch" kind of fat people. Not only do these people seem to think they're "disabled", but they don't do jack shit about it! I saw a guy last week (a fucking dick who decided he didn't need to wait in line for the bus like everyone else) who was shoving his face with greesy potato chips. HEY FATTY! YOU'RE FAT CUS YOU EAT THAT SHIT!!!!! I hope one day I'm sitting in the seats at the front of the bus and some tub-o comes up to me and asks me for my seat. I'm going to ask the person why, since I paid for the seat just like they did. If they tell me "I'm disabled", I'm going to ask them what they're disability is. It should be interesting. I'll look like an asshole, but I don't care. STOP LEECHING RESOURCES FROM OUR MEDICAL SYSTEM, YOU FAT FUCK!!!


Blogger Lori said...

Hey.. you didn't tell me u saw Chris at the bus stop...... LMMFAO!!!!!!!

I agree with budday on the politics. I also think being a lawyer will work perfectly with your personality. You'll be like " She divorced u because you are a fat fuck with no job and you spent all your money on cheap hookers" And 95% of the time you'll be right. No sugar coating with you. You'll be rich!!!

7:59 AM, October 07, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

I'd be assassinated for my controversial views on everything.

for example: birthing licenses. Keeps the population down and solve the problem of overcrowded classrooms.

8:40 AM, October 07, 2005


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