Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Crazy John

Ok.... So for those of you who don't know, here is the story of a guy named John who I used to date (for a three week period only). He was quickly dubbed Crazy John and here is why...
1) After 1 date he told me he thought he was falling in love with me (now usually I wouldn't doubt this... but not after only one date)LOL On this oh-so-romantic first date he took me to White Spot so we could share a burger.
2) On the second date he told me that he probably didn't make as much money as I would hope he could be making. I am really not sure that he understood my question of "What do you like to do in your spare time?"
3) After a week of talking to him I was starting to get intimidated by his repeated question of "do you think you could see yourself falling in love with me?"
4) He refused to tell me his last name.
5) Since he lived just over the bridge from my work, he thought it would be a good idea if he asked me to move in with him. (after knowing him for 2 weeks). I wonder if he would have told me his last name if I moved in with him? Nah, he probaly would have had all his mail forwarded to a PO box.
6) He was obsessed with reading books on relationships and continually compared everything I said or did to something he had just read that day.
7) He would repeat questions that shouldn't have been repeated. "Where do you plan to go in your career?" "Where do you hope to be in 5 years" "Have you ever though of going back to school for something?" "Are you falling in love with me yet?" I would get asked these same questions every few days! HELLO??? Were you not paying attention to me the first 10 times I answered?
8) In a last ditch attemp to save our "relationship" he asked me to come over for dinner one day which he had purchased from the local supermarket's deli counter. When I went to take a bite of the pasta side dish (or so I thought) I was rudely mistaken once it was in my mouth. This dude had heated up pasta salad (of which I don't like anyways), since he thought I would like it warmed up. Mmmmmmm hot mayonayse. I spat it out and left his house without even looking over my shoulder.

So there it is. I'm not sure why I dated him for so long, but it just kept getting wierder and wierder by the day. I guess I thought it couldnt get more insane but I was curious to see what the new wierd thing was going to be next. Just like a train wreck it was.... (and my mom wonders why I don't bring anyone home to meet the family) LOL


Blogger Bee said...



No, no....WOW.

Maybe he thought that heat would bring out the intense flavours of the mayo.

7:11 AM, October 28, 2005

Blogger Bee said...


Bridget John's Diary. Only in theatres for 3 weeks though.

7:16 AM, October 28, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

#1: W-e-i-r-d

#2: Holy shit, what a fucking nutcase.

8:25 AM, October 28, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weird can be so interesting - you could have brung him over here for fun, but one time would have been enough. My entry in the '3-day novel writing contest' that year I won a prize, was on the theme of self-help books, and it's a concept I still find irresistably funny. And now this - one of life's utter failures who actually speaks in quotes from self-help books... Wow, can I borrow that idea please?

7:53 PM, October 28, 2005


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