Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

W**** People

When I went and had my lunch today, my co-workers that were in there we talking about people on the skytrain. Not just weird people, but people doing weird things while on the train.

1. One person witnessed another travelling from King George to Waterfront (the whole track length; about 50 minutes). My co-worker watched this person (or I guess tried not to watch) clip all of their fingernails, and then their toenails, AND THEN clean their ears.

2. Putting on makeup...but that's pretty normal.

3. Again, cleaning their ears...but with their keys!

I haven't been so lucky to witness these activities. So, what weird things have you seen?


The cold is sucking all my energy. It's 5 and I could easily go to bed. I guess I'll go for a walk to wake me up. Mmmmm caffeine. How is everyone else liking the weather? Bee are you happy you got your snow?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

My birthday!!

Hey ya'll I was just thinking, I know the weather is crapolio but what do u say we head to Castle Fun Park for my birthday on this coming Saturday (the 3rd)? The site says they're open year round rain or shine!! Plus I am loving those batting cages and bowling doesn't last as long...... who's in?? Let me know so I can make it a plan!

Parking Bitch

So I got a parking ticket last month. I had accidentally parked in a lot that was private property and bought a ticket from the adjacent lot. Even though I had written a letter of dispute and faxed it off they claim they never got it. I had received a collection notice in the mail yesterday so I called them this morning. There is really not much distinguishing the lots apart and when I told this to the lady on the phone "That still doesn't give me any excuse to park there" and "one lot is gravel and the other is cement" (broken cement that looks like gravel). WTF??!!?? I was polite to this woman and she was fairly rude. She managed to reduce the $30 fee they had to pay to get my mailing address so now I only have to pay $65.

The moral of my story: I want to work there so I can get paid to be a sadistic bitch like her.

Monday, November 28, 2005

They say it's going to...SNOW

Yay! Yippee! Hurry up and snow! They say there is a possibility that it could snow within the next 24 hours....HURRAH!!!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Foot Shooting

I've been taking the bus and the skytrain to work now for about 3 weeks (if not longer), and it's not so bad. It's fast-ish (two thirds of my trip are pretty fast and very reliable, but that's because it's in Vancouver and no one gives a crap about Surrey), and as long as I have my discman, it's enjoyable. Also, since I got my shift changed to 9-5:30, sometimes Assbeard waits and we take the train home together. Nevermind the fact that it's cheaper than driving to and from work. I save on gas, insurance and the money it would cost to replace the tranny in my car. I'm saving not only money, but my tiny piece of the environment too.

So, I would say that it's mostly positives when it comes to taking public transit. The negatives that I've experienced are few. People who smell like they took a crap out their mouth, hooligans, bums, drunks, annoying Barbie's, stupid people...I know that I can't change these people and I know that they will continue to take the bus in that state of presence, so I don't care about them. Just plug in to some tunes and read the free papers.

Now on to the foot shooting before all of you readers bugger off because this is boring. Translink is shooting itself in the foot. Surveys have shown that ridership is up and car sales are down. That's good, right? We're saving the planet they should be happy about that. Well, when you buy some gas, there's this levy that get's tacked on to your purchase (I think it's 6 cents a litre or something). This is the Translink levy. It helps to pay for road repairs and public transit. Hmmmmm.......someone forgot to turn the safety off and just capped one into their foot.

Ridership up, car sales and gas purchases down equals crappier bus service than we are presently experiencing. Fewer buses, cut service, higher fares, ruder drivers and in time fewer riders and more cars. And once people are abandoning the bus, this ecosystem will balance out and Translink will want more people to take transit so they can cycle through it again. The only thing that won't balance out are the increased fares and joy of being thrown out of your seat when the bus driver stops because he thinks it's the Indy 500. But that's another post.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

mmmmm... Infected Ingrown Toenail. yum!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Want a 360? Buy a $2000 TV


You damn punk little kids and your wearing backpacks over both shoulders. In my day we cared more about style then functionality. We didn't dress how da man wanted us to.

Damn it was cold out when the fog lifted. I had to go buy gloves. I waited 15 min for Superstore to open. I would rather stand in the cold then go to Wal-mart.

Mmmmm, that was a good bun.

Ok I'm done

Tuesday, November 22, 2005



A little too hardcore

I'm on my walk this morning and I'm about to pass Future Shop a little after 6. I think to myself "will anyone be lined up for the xbox 360 launch" Ya about 10 people. I walk past on my way home at 7:40 and the parking lot is full of guys waiting to spend about $800 after tax, a game and stuff. I could have walked over and told them that you can go online and prepay for it and then pick it up whenever but who am I to spoil all the fun of standing in the cold for 4 hours.

Monday, November 21, 2005

"Know where I can get some dope?"

This weekend fucked up my sleeping habits so bad that I have made a decision to start walking in the morning. Now I'm not a morning person at all. I have trouble just getting my ass out of bed. Walking that early will be interesting. Fewer hookers and guys trying to score dope off of me at that time of day. So, that will be different. Huff... I was just getting into a nice rhythm. Exercising in the morning is always the most beneficial. Maybe I will not have to walk as much and still see the same results. After my third weigh in I'm still on track and I'm sure this last month plus will go by super fast. Then it will be time to make up my mind. Either buy free weights or get a month pass at the community gym. Any suggestions?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Don't Give Me a Bad Name

Why, oh why, do others have to ruin it for good people like me? After reading Lolo's rant I felt really upset and not only upset for that poor child with an idiot of a mother. Great, she's a teen parent and she's fucking up big time, not only screwing herself but casting a bad light on teen parents in general. I know my friends and family will not fall for this generalization but others out there will.

I completely agree with anyone who thinks that there should be a licence required to become parents.

Two years ago there was a proposed early (like noon or something) Friday dismissal at Kiddo's school and the Boys and Girls Club (after school drop in center) would not be able to accommodate this so it was brought to a vote. Either choose to keep the early day on Wednesday or make the change. This was discussed at one of the PAC (parent advisory committee) meetings and all the whinings of the parents were sent home in the minutes. I was outraged! This is a letter that I wrote to the School District Supervisor (who also happened to be my old high school principal).

Dear Mr. Little,

I am writing in response to the letter from a concerned parent dated April 21, 2004 regarding the early Friday dismissal that has been proposed for the 2004/2005 school year.

After becoming a parent at a young age, I enrolled in the Teen Parent program and became a member of the graduating class of 1998, which was also your last year as Principal there.

Now I am a single, working parent with a child that attends this elementary school. While I am not certain how I am going to be voting in regards to the early dismissal, I was thoroughly disgusted at some of these parents’ views and reactions. I cannot believe how whiny and selfish some of these adults are acting.

It is my sole responsibility to ensure that homework is complete and lunches are made the night before and that my child and I are up, dressed, fed, and ready to leave the house at 7:30 am. When someone else says “it would be nearly impossible to have my child ready and at school by 8:30” as opposed to 8:50, I really don’t think they are trying hard enough. One thing I have learned is that being a parent also means being flexible.

Some people are concerned with a possible 4 day school week, wondering what it good would teach the children. I strongly believe this would teach children about the real world. Have none of these parents ever heard of shift work? The world does not operate strictly Monday to Friday 8:50 am to 3:00 pm. Also noted in the letter was that it would create a problem with truancy as families would be taking a lot more 3 day weekends (with parents staying home to watch their children). How is this a child’s problem? The parents are supposed to be the adults here and if they are taking extra time off work when they shouldn't’t be, then they obviously aren't’t thinking about setting a good example for their children are they?

Teen parents often are automatically given a bad reputation a lot of flack, so I have had to work harder at everything I do to prove people wrong and have done everything in my powers to show people that I’m a responsible parent. When I hear others whining like children, it disgusts me. I used to think I was the one who maybe wasn’t quite ready to be a parent. Boy was I wrong.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Lolo's November rant...

Why are people so obsessed with themselves?

I was at work today and this 14 year old girl (regular client at the salon) comes in to get her eyebrows threaded, she has this adorable 3 month old son named Nicalas who was crying his little lungs out. SO- me being me, I went down to the room she was being threaded in and asked if I could give the baby his soother. I felt sorry for the poor little fella, he is so helpless and his only example in the world is his cracked out 14 year old mother who is to busy to notice him but has enough spare time to be beautifying herself and talking about her hard life in grade 8- for the second time, and how her baby-daddy left her for his wife. HIS WIFE. Do u effin hear me? so even better, this little baby's dad is a fucking pedofile. Perfect.
I was sick to my stomach.
I asked her if I could hold Nicalas to calm him, and her response was " sure, I have no doubt that you know your shit" another classy moment, man she was on fire.
I picked up this absolutely beautiful child that she SO didn't deserve to have and he immediately calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. Mrs.Class then took a seat in one of the stylists chairs and proceeded to style her hair and re-apply make up. HELLO? this girl doesn't even know me, Im not even in the same room as her, and I have her son...
She's talking to Theresa (the stylist, who would have guessed eh?) anyways, she's talking to her and asking if its cool that she goes to talk to Nicalas' dad and leaves him there with us. Her 3 month old baby, with one stranger and her effin hairstylist she's known for maybe a month.
Wholey shit people are retards. I have seen it all I tell ya. We refused to watch the baby but still... I could have snuck out the back door, and saved myself from the pain of delivery and working out for 20 years to get rid of the baby-weight, and kept that little boy, and this self-involved freak of the week probably never would have came to look for him.

Im getting sick of people being so obsessed with themselves. I mean really, half of the people out there are 100% worse than they think they are. 100% uglier than what they see in the mirror. This egotistical crap is retarded. I think people should find a way to be truly happy within themselves because goddamnit noone is ever happy anymore. If its not one thing its another. Im so sick of seeing people taking advantage of what they have. JUST BE HAPPY for the love of god.
oh and one more thing, I think u should have to apply for a license to reproduce.

Actually one more thing: I almost died yesterday. It was pretty effin scary.
I was driving down the one lane part of hwy #10 and an 18 wheeler that was merging decided to totally cut me off and pull into my lane, forcing me into oncoming traffic, and guess who was slamming on his breaks trying not to hit me? a cop!! perfect witness, his car came to a halt in a sideways position in arms length from the hood of my car. The rig had pulled over to the side of the road and the cop excited his car and proceeded to throw flares to stop traffic from moving in either direction. I was crying like a baby at this point and had my eyes shut when the cop got to my window to see if I was okay. He was a young guy ( yes budday, hot) and he said it scared the shit out of him as well and that his heart was racing faster than ever before. He was glad there was no actual impact, as was I!!!! He then told me it wasn't my fault and that he would talk to the truck driver. He asked if I was okay to drive, I said yes, although I was clearly a mess. He took my name and number ( he musn't have noticed the big fat engagement ring, j/k im trying to shed some light) anyways, I'll be contacted if anything comes of this.

I have to go get my honey!!.
The whole point of my rant? Just be happy with what u got, air is good enough for me!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

almost legit

Steve-o and I getting married in lesssssss than 5 months!!

I figured I needed to spread the joy.

He's awesome, I effin love him, and its gonna be one HELL of a P A R T Y!!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005


So, every person I ask thinks I should stop doing the 20 pounds by X-mas thing. I'm hearing mostly that I don't have that to lose. This I disagree with. It's not even 10% of my body weight. Not only are people against it they think I'm "crazy" and will do damage to myself. I have slowed down my metabolism a little (maybe down to summer levels) and I guess I will lose a pound or two of muscle. I have lots to spare. I will be starting free weights up in January to put on even more then I have now. The first real constructive comments I got tonight from R.J. who said that I will look weird with less fat on me. I think people underestimate how much fat I have on myself. I don't give a shit about what I weight other then to see how far I am on this contest. If I get to the point I want before 20 pounds I will totally stop. I will admit that I'm doing this a lot faster then I should be but I know my body and am watching for signs that I'm going to hard. I maybe pushing it but I'm not over the line. I'm not getting headaches or having trouble concentrating. If I do I will pull it back. I still have lots of energy and feel fine. I appreciate the concern and still want to hear from people about it over the coming weeks.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Concise expression; terseness

There is a new-ish comic in the Vancouver Province that I have just fallen in love with! It has been in there for a couple of months now and it is really funny. Be sure to check out Brevity!

Bobby Brown and Mike Tyson Sing Monster Mash

There is nothing else to be said. Iron Mike cant sink any lower.

Watch now

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Tired of Looking at Timbits

Just had to change it up a bit so I don't see them everytime I check the blog....

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Mmmmm so good. Budday you know you want them. Just run over to Tims and get some. You are so very close. They will just melt in your mouth.

I had my first weigh-in and I'm right on track.

Don't EVER go to the Shark Club

Too much clothing

I don't think her fiance would like it too much if we were naked

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Creative Non-Fiction, now available in the freezer section

Dust appears.
It falls on my shoulders like stars fallen from the
empty discotheque of my body.
I erupt in movement,
dancing to the rhythm of the shaking earth.
I am moving so fast
that it startles me to stop
as my rhythm of balance is skewed with his presence.

Tilting, turning
continuously moving in line with the notes,
he moves.
Forward. To. Me.

He approached my psychedelic pain which shimmered aesthetically.
"Star dust," he spoke.
Spinning lights and coloured gels above
turn my face green, then pink, then red.

Handing me a glass and motioning to quickly drink,
I do without caution.
The liquid burns, but the music turns and turns
until we are laughing.

"I see young electric impressions. You will have to show me."

We left with no more words between us. Down four blocks and up two.

He hands me his guitar and speaks in a slur. "Stroke me hard like this latex instrument."

Imagine my nude silhouette is a masterpiece.
I experiment.
Scream it in harmony.

Absurd sense of angry raw sex
with a drunk like you.
The scent of rum lingers on my lips.

Gloriously surreal fiery passion.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Domo Arigato

So here is the pumpkin that was carved over a few drinks. Didn't turn out too badly. We thought he looked sort of Japanese so we named him the first Japanese word we could think of. Alas, Domo Arigato was born....

Sony Installs Virus Software to Stop Piracy

This is a great story of how record companies are going too far. Sony has released several CD's that install antipiracy software when you try to play the CD in a computer. The best part is once the software is installed it burries itself into the computer like a virus. It can not be deleted, and if you have the computer skills to track it down and forcibly remove it, it renders your CD drive inoperable. They even have the software load when a computer is bootred into safe mode. It gets even better kiddies, the software then acts as a back door for virus's by letting them sneak in the same way it has and worm their way in and become immune to virus protection by hiding as the Sony file. The best part is that if you are using a beta version of Windowns Vista it "breaks the operating system spectacularly." Remember when you buy music from Sony the hackers have already won.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Miss Mary Sunshine

I have a new co-worker. She is actually one of the brighter ones we've seen in a long time and she picks up on new procedures, operating systems and everything else really fast. She knows MS Office (which is nice cus usually they don't) and she has common sense. Perfect.

One small thing.... She is WAY to freakin perky! Everything is 'Fantastic!' all the time. Now, don't get me wrong - I am all for positive people, but this is a bit much. She is so sweet all the time that it actually makes my teeth hurt. There was one day where she was getting a bit flustered with her workload and I almost enjoyed seeing her in a panic - it reassured me that she can be human. Only two weeks in and she makes me nauseous. I had better find a new job.

55 cents

I found a vending machine that has cold Coke Zero for 55 cents a can. It's only a 45 min walk each way... Sweet. As much as I make fun. It's not my main or favorite drink. I normally drink water but CZ is a nice change and I'm not going back to drinking real Coke. It's cool to have an option for cheap pop when I'm on my crazy long walks. Time to brake out the nickels.

Early Morning Link

Pastor electrocuted while giving baptismal. Only one injured. Remember kiddies Jesus is Love

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I just have too, hes so cute!!!!

My nephew in Texas.. what a cutie!!.

Has anyone noticed??


I would just like to brag that I did 80% of my Christmas shopping in Texas and paid cheaper prices for stuff than Canada will ever see!!!!!!!!! Yes, even with the exchange. I was born at night- not last night!

I would also like to point out my thorough excitement about the coming holiday!!!! woohooo! Now u can sing christmas carols Buddayyyyyyyy.......

I will be baking up a storm for ya'll to lose this bet on, baaaaad time for a 20lb weightloss challenge!

And one more thing....... My birthday is in a month!!!!!!! I will be finding a place to play baseball damnit!! LOL
