Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Lolo's November rant...

Why are people so obsessed with themselves?

I was at work today and this 14 year old girl (regular client at the salon) comes in to get her eyebrows threaded, she has this adorable 3 month old son named Nicalas who was crying his little lungs out. SO- me being me, I went down to the room she was being threaded in and asked if I could give the baby his soother. I felt sorry for the poor little fella, he is so helpless and his only example in the world is his cracked out 14 year old mother who is to busy to notice him but has enough spare time to be beautifying herself and talking about her hard life in grade 8- for the second time, and how her baby-daddy left her for his wife. HIS WIFE. Do u effin hear me? so even better, this little baby's dad is a fucking pedofile. Perfect.
I was sick to my stomach.
I asked her if I could hold Nicalas to calm him, and her response was " sure, I have no doubt that you know your shit" another classy moment, man she was on fire.
I picked up this absolutely beautiful child that she SO didn't deserve to have and he immediately calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. Mrs.Class then took a seat in one of the stylists chairs and proceeded to style her hair and re-apply make up. HELLO? this girl doesn't even know me, Im not even in the same room as her, and I have her son...
She's talking to Theresa (the stylist, who would have guessed eh?) anyways, she's talking to her and asking if its cool that she goes to talk to Nicalas' dad and leaves him there with us. Her 3 month old baby, with one stranger and her effin hairstylist she's known for maybe a month.
Wholey shit people are retards. I have seen it all I tell ya. We refused to watch the baby but still... I could have snuck out the back door, and saved myself from the pain of delivery and working out for 20 years to get rid of the baby-weight, and kept that little boy, and this self-involved freak of the week probably never would have came to look for him.

Im getting sick of people being so obsessed with themselves. I mean really, half of the people out there are 100% worse than they think they are. 100% uglier than what they see in the mirror. This egotistical crap is retarded. I think people should find a way to be truly happy within themselves because goddamnit noone is ever happy anymore. If its not one thing its another. Im so sick of seeing people taking advantage of what they have. JUST BE HAPPY for the love of god.
oh and one more thing, I think u should have to apply for a license to reproduce.

Actually one more thing: I almost died yesterday. It was pretty effin scary.
I was driving down the one lane part of hwy #10 and an 18 wheeler that was merging decided to totally cut me off and pull into my lane, forcing me into oncoming traffic, and guess who was slamming on his breaks trying not to hit me? a cop!! perfect witness, his car came to a halt in a sideways position in arms length from the hood of my car. The rig had pulled over to the side of the road and the cop excited his car and proceeded to throw flares to stop traffic from moving in either direction. I was crying like a baby at this point and had my eyes shut when the cop got to my window to see if I was okay. He was a young guy ( yes budday, hot) and he said it scared the shit out of him as well and that his heart was racing faster than ever before. He was glad there was no actual impact, as was I!!!! He then told me it wasn't my fault and that he would talk to the truck driver. He asked if I was okay to drive, I said yes, although I was clearly a mess. He took my name and number ( he musn't have noticed the big fat engagement ring, j/k im trying to shed some light) anyways, I'll be contacted if anything comes of this.

I have to go get my honey!!.
The whole point of my rant? Just be happy with what u got, air is good enough for me!!!!!!!!


Blogger Bee said...

"Can I leave my 3-month-old with you so I can go get knocked up again by my baby's daddy?"

WTF!!!!! That makes me want to be sick all over this idiot. Seriously....I DON"T want to meet her parents because I would want to hurt ALL OF THEM! IDIOTS!!!!!

If Budday were there she would have done some bitch slapping.

Also....I'm so glad you didn't die!!! I hate rigs because the morons usually don't drive safely. I hate driving by rigs. It's not that I don't know how to drive with them on the road, it's that they are pretty ominous things.

7:08 AM, November 18, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

Holy Shit. If I were in the salon, I probably would've told the girl to pay attention to her baby instead of being a whore. Fucking trailer trash. And yes, you're right about requiring licenses to procreate.

Good thing you didn't get dead... It wouldn't be right at your wedding if steve-o had to marry a corpse-bride. Did you check your pants after that?

8:14 AM, November 18, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

LOL yeah I checked my pants, They were still dry - surprisingly!! The cops might have been a mess though, he was in more rough shape than I was!! I guess since he saw it all unfold it must have been some freaky shit. And the thought of steve-o marrying a corpse-bride is tooooooo funny!!! we'll see if I make it to the wedding...... I better!!

1:29 PM, November 18, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Lolo, now you know why your career guidance counsellor directed you into the glam industry, and said nix to you attempting social work. You still might just get in at Min. of Social Services, with your cred, as one of their 'bad cop' social workers, if they have an opening. But Budday has her name down already for that.

9:12 PM, November 18, 2005


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