Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Monday, April 24, 2006

Public Transportation

So me and the woman were heading home from downtown (thank you Boston Pizza). We're on the skytrain a few stops in, the woman asleep beside me. Some guy who looked and dressed exactly 50 Cent walks by from behind us, and sits on a seat like ten ahead of me. the train is half full at this point, and this guy starts staring me down. I'm not staring back, but every time I glance over he is still staring me down. This goes on for like five stops. Then he gets up shuffles over, and sits right behind me. I dont dare turn around, out of fear of provoking him. Then gets up and leaves at the next stop. When he is gone I turn around and half expect to see a bomb on the seat. Normally a guy like that wouldnt bother me, but wierdo's seem to flock to the skytrain, and that scared the crap out of me.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Yet another LOLO rant!!

Howdy partners.
It's been wayyy to long since a LOLO rant occured.
I actually think I'll be nice on this one.. ( at some points lol)
Where to start..
Yesterday was CRAZY at work. Some bum ass trailer park looking lady who I swear sat down at the 2 cent machine with the last 2 cents she owned hit the jackpot ..HARD.. this woman won $170,000.. off of TWO PENNIES!! DUDE.. thats mental. All she had to say when she won was " im hungry" It was priceless. The security guards almost peed themselves. They directed her towards the bar and grill and she was happier than a pig in shit that she got to order a grilled cheese sammich. What was she thinking???!! with that kinda money she could have gone to the revolving restaurant. She's probably home right now wondering if she should splurge on a double wide.
LMAO.. I'm so mean. I'm bitter cuz she didn't tip anyone!! LOL.

*********************H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y BEEEEEEE!!!!!!!**************************
I hope today is awesome for you!!!!!!! We Curries will have to take u out and wine and dine you ( throw a burger down your throat and take u to the cheapy theaters for a double feature, ohhhhh ya.. we go all out!! LOL) this will all have to take place on a day when i'm not working.. so basically when hell freezes over and the devil learns how to skate!! LOL j/k!! HAAAA man i'm funny.
ANYWAYS all your friends LOVE U and want today to be AWESOME for you!!!!!!
Have a relaxing and enjoyable day ( in other words leave assbeard at home ahhhhhhhhhaha J/K assbeard love u man xxoo) UHOH I'm in one of my LOLO moods.... That will soon end as I have to work in 3 hours.. :'-(

Either way I love u dudes, and I have one more thing to talk about......married life isn't all it's cracked up to be!!!!!!! ... while he's off gallavanting with the boys at the strip club, or was it baseball?? shoot I forget... LOL Either way.. I'm stuck here doing the housework and then off to work for 8 hours......Isn't this a little backwards?? I GOT THE SHITTY END OF THE STICK!! LLLLMMMAAAOO
He's actually at a baseball tournament and I just got word from him that they are winning and playing in the final game to see who is #1.. ALSO he told me that he batted the final homerun to win the last game.. WAY TO GO BABY!!

Time to do laundry... SEE?? I've got it all wrong. I shouldv'e been a golddigger..LOL

Love u mans


48 Candles

Happy Birthday to Me (and belated to Tasty)! I had a great time last night and want to thank the following people:

Tasty, for not burning down my house (but oh so close) and for also NOT flipping me over,
Snoshamz for the pretty flowers (oh, and for almost but not quite burning down my house),
Mr. Lunch for the shot of Jose Cuervo,
Budday for the tutorial on Jose Cuervo,
Dragonfly for her amazing amazing strength to walk so far and stay up so late on 3 hours of sleep and 8 hours of work,
Russ-kun for not conversing about wires (Dragonfly thanks you too),
Lolo for calling me at midnight from work to say Happy Birthday,
Steve for documenting my First tequila experience,
and Sweetie for loving me and being so sweet and for nearly 3 years of being my husband:) Love you!!:)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yey for the CURRIES!!!

To our friends who shared this awesome day with us ( the ones that didn't bail early.. LOL j/k) we love ya'll and thank you so much for making it memorable..

Mr. and Mrs. CURRIE dudes, thats awesome. Big shouts out to the Beaulieus cuz without them this never would have happened!!
And to Rj and Russ congrats you two, we couldn't be happier that this group of friends just keeps getting better when you dudes marry such awesome, funny, brilliant, talented and sexy ladies.. LOL.

Muchos Loveo's xxxoooxxx

Monday, April 17, 2006

Weird unknown Relatives

So Russ and I were messing around witht hat myheritage sight that Bee found and i tested my siblings and got some interesting results, however the most amusing was that my youngest sister Tay had a 52% match to Yasser Arrafat.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Selma Blair & Mariah Carey

I was surfing away this morning and checking out my usual haunts when I stumbled upon a site that does face recognition that "Finds the Celebrity in You" (it's I decide to give it a try and discover that it's really fun. You upload a picture of yourself and it matches celebs that look similar to you. So far I've only ever gotten a 74% match, but thats's good enough for an ego stroke.

I decide to conduct an experiment. For as long as I have been living, basically everyone who has ever met myself and my sister (Budday), they have never thought that we were sisters because we don't share a lot of resemblance. So I find 5 pics of each of us and plug them into the face recognition thingy and write down the results. Here are the top most common faces we look like)

BEE looks like:

  1. Selma Blair (74%)
  2. Kim Cattrall (71%)
  3. Rachel Leigh Cook (72%)

I also share similarities to Alyson Hannigon (60%), Jessica Alba (64%), Nicole Kidman (68%), Catherine Zeta-Jones (71%) and Reese Witherspoon (71%).

BUDDAY looks like:

  1. Mariah Carey (65%)
  2. Pamela Anderson (70%)
  3. Joan Cusak (64%)

She also shares similarities to Renne Zellweger (57%), Beyonce Knowles (63%), Scarlett Johansson (64%), Kate Winslet (75%, her highest match and Budday has also seen Titanic over 20 times) and Natalie Wood (66%).

Now here's the family resemblance:

Rose McGowan: Bee 72% and Budday 66%
Liz Hurley: Bee 67% and Budday 63%
Michelle Rodriguez: Bee 60% and Budday 70%
Elisha Cuthbert: Bee 70% and Budday 60%

There are not a lot of pronounced similarities between myself and my sister, however I'm sure we are more similar than we think in terms of our personalities; besides, beauty is only skin deep.


Just for the hell of it, I plug in a picture of our mom from 1976. Here are her results:

  1. Reese Witherspoon (70%)
  2. Angela Lansbury (70%)
  3. Natalie Wood (66%)
  4. Ashley Judd (63%)
  5. Jean Harlow (61%)
  6. Doris Day (59%)
  7. Sally Field (57%)
  8. Catherine Deneuve (56%)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Get your grubby mitts off my DS

Off to Powell River for the long weekend. The woman will not even let me play my DS on the whole ride up ignoring her for hours on end. I don't know why I even keep her around. I'm planning on dumper her on her B-day (Aug 1st) I'm thinking it will save me a lot of money not having to get her anything. She got me a drum set for my B-day. So, she will want more than a card this time. It sounds like too much money trying to top that.

She recommended I ask her to marry me as a gift. I "politely" brushed that off. I'll give her one thing. She's not afraid of moving fast. See you all on the 22nd for bowling (apparently) and food at our place.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


So just for a change of pace last week I applied for one of the sales job they had recently posted at our work. I had my interview this morning and by 1pm I was in training! Wooo Hooo! I am now officially a Sales Rep (complete with my own business cards and direct phone line!) The pay is not very much of an increase but it is a much needed change of pace (I was at my old position for 5 long years...) And there are so many more perks in this job. Tons of free movie passes and promo crap! It's gonna be great!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


"To Be My Awfully Wedded Wife"

I just wanted to let you guys know you looked great up there. Everything was beautiful, I am so glad the weather held out for you.

I know you two are both going to live long happy lives together, you couldn't be more perfect for each other. Even after just spending the small amount of time with you that I've been priviliged to do, I could tell that right from the start.

Hope your day was Fantastic.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Saturday, April 01, 2006


How I thought it worked when you get your own place is you have to get a couch and you don't really have the money but you do it anyway because it's a must have. Well... Shal and I moved in together "officially" Late January. Tomorrow morning we are picking up our fifth couch. We keep upgrading. I got the futon 'cause we needed a bed. Now we have nice queen. We had a couch I grabbed from my brother and then dumped it back. We have her nice green one that I moved from her old place. We picked up her uncles old one and then took it to the dump 'cause it smelled of smoke. Now we are getting a leather couch and chair from her mom's boyfriend (or as I like to call him "Shal's almost common law step dad") I feel bad thinking "WTF am I going to do with this great couch". We may end up with ample seating before long.