Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I need HD

I think this will be the first time where I will miss not having a nice HD TV. All 64 games of the World Cup will be in HD this time. That would be sweet on a big ass TV.
I have to find a way to tape this crap as I don't plan to be watching TV at 6 am. Do I take over my PVR and tape nothing else that month? (Shal would love that) Do I buy a DVD Recorder? But I would have to switch DVDs ever 3 hours. Do I tape it on VHS? (shiver). Maybe I'll have to get a TV card and turn Shal's compy into a Super PVR. Hmm.. Only a few weeks to work it out.

Monday, May 29, 2006

I Be Old

It be my birthday on thursday. So on friday I am going to all you can eat sushi st Su Shi Ya or whtever it is called. Whoever wants to come is more than welcome. All you can eat starts at nine or ten, so everyone meet at my place before. There will be appies and other foods so no one has to starve too badly beforehand.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The System

On Tuesday night, Assbeard and I went grocery shopping. All was fine and dandy until we went through the checkout (no, Crazy Cashier Girl wasn't there--haven't seen her in ages). I have this System of how I place the groceries on the coveyer belt to make it easier for the casheir/bagger to bag them. I'm not Obsessive Compulsive or anything, it's merely organization in it's simplest form: sorting. I sort like items with other like items. Boxes go together, raw meat goes together, produce, toilletries, dairy, bakery items all go through together with other like items. I think on my report card from Grade 1 it said that I was a good sorter. The System was devised purely out of my sorting wizardry and later revised to help the cashier bag items.

In theory it should have a decent success rate (SR) (80-85% probably), when in actuality it has a 50-65% SR. I don't know if they teach people how to bag groceries anymore. I really don't think that's part of the training process (except for the obvious, no soup cans on top of eggs on top of bread).

On Tuesday night, The System failed miserably scoring a measly 20-30% SR. Not only did we witness the cashier blatantly leave bags practically empty, but the most items she put in a bag was about 3 or 4 thus filling the bag to only half-capacity. Obviously this chick did not care about the environment.

The only conclusion to this rant will have to be:
"I'm trying to make it easier for you, you dumb fucks, so please for the love of god pay attention closely!"

Sunday, May 21, 2006

How many books can fit in an Ikea bookshelf?

ANSWER: Too many!

This weekend we are finally putting the "colour consulted colours" on the walls (just the bathroom and living room). I like painting, but I hate painting.

Friday: Steve and Lolo came over to help us prep and make a big mess in our condo. It's amazing how when you paint just one room, it ripples into the others and creates no where to sit or move, except for along the walls.

Saturday: We painted half of the main living area, and the bathroom got finished off from the previous night.

Today: Nick and I are painting some trim. Then if the weather is nice, off to the lake with everyone.

Tomorrow: I just hope I have somewhere to sit!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Budday's Rant Repeat

I know I blogged about this before but I still can't believe it is happening... I checked my old dating site and I had mail...

Really, *really* if you are on-line dating AT LEAST LEARN HOW TO FRIGGIN SPELL!!!!

hey there,How goes>? I loved the profile, Iam sorta nirmal actually but alsa 21 but soon 22, my birthday is really soonso how are you? do you have msn?K

I think this kid is really excited about his birthday... Maybe he wants me to buy him a present? I think I will get him a dictionary... or a spell check button...

WTF is nirmal? AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!! Are there no normal guys that know how to spell? Please just don't butcher the English language....

Beach or Lake on Sunday

Hey Guys!!! so i thought if we were all not doing anything on sunday we should head to a local beach or lake and hang out maybe do dinner or lunch at the beach, i have a volleyball net and such that we could take with us and we have a soccer ball and baseball gloves so that we could do something active, or maybe we could go for a hike around the lake .. there are a few near us i've wanted to check out......

Thursday, May 11, 2006

May Days Celebration

Apparently there are alot of things going on in our area this weekend so if you all are interested in attending maybe that would be something to do... The beach is also a option...P.S. LoLo what is this shit about moving, it better be to out here.........

Screw the beach the carnival is in town, who up fpr clowns!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What way to the beach?!!

Anyone down for a picnic at the beach on Saturday?? weather dependant of course!!
Steve and I are planning to go so we wanted to get ya'll off your bahooties to join us.. it'll be fun we can take a long walk along the shore line and then maybe play frisbee then have a picnic!! yay!!

We can all figure out the menu and who brings what and make it an all day-nighter!!
I know mrs.dragonfly has to work in the morning (unless she calls in sick wink wink lol yess russkun I am a bad influence!!) but we will totally work this around her so she can join in on the fun...YAY!!

Who's down with the fun in the sun??

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Workout With a View *UPDATE*

I am sooooooo happy to be alive!

Hike was good, but we weren't able to finish it. We started from the bottom of Lynn Valley at 8:30am and were at the snow line by 1:15. Snow was too bad so we had to turn around even though were were over halfway. Since we sort of felt a bit defeated by Mother Nature we forgot to make noise when we were walking back. Not 5 minutes into the return trip did we hear not one.... not two.... but three GROWLS!!!! AAACCCCKKK!!!! I couldn't tell you what was growling at us or exactly how close they were to us but we made so much effin (thanx lolo) noise and got outa there as fast as humanly possible!

Finally got back to the car at about 6pm after pulling some sweet Indiana Jones type moves getting over some raging rapids.

Oh yeah - and it was a monsoon so we were *completely* soaked only an hour into the hike.

Distance: approx 27km
Time: nearly 10 hours
Granola bars: 5 dollars
Gatorade and water: 7 dollars
Hauling ass outa the woods to get the fuck away from the hungry bears: priceless!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Workout With a View

So Mr. Lunch and I have started hiking. Not just strolling in the park along a gravel trail either... Acutally comparable to the Grouse Grind but without the up kept, well maintained stairs. Last week was our first intermediate trail. It cut up from the Baden-Powell trail to the Old Grouse Mountain Highway. This was a very *very* vertical climb for an hour straight. Man oh man... perhaps I should have said that we go mountain climbing instead of hiking.

Tomorrow we are going to go up the back side (hahaha I said back side) of Grouse on Hanes Trail. This is going to be a 9-10 hour hike. Bring on the Power Bars and Gatorade LOL. Our goal for the September long weekend is to do the Howe Sound Crest Trail (12-14 hours) and the first six of those hours are all up hill.

This is definatly the year (well summer anyways) of the Capricorn.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Why Fat People Are Fat - An Exercise In The Obvious

Fat people are fat. It's the truth. In this article I will focus more on the "fat cus they're lazy/stupid/trailer trash" and not the "fat because they have crappy genes/thyroid problems"

What makes these fatties fat? It's simple really: no exercise and a crappy diet. I remember seeing a show on this huge monstrosity of a man who was like 750lbs or something. His wife was no prize either, but at least she could walk. Anyway, this guy ends up having to be removed from is home with a crane and transported to a special hospital for people his size via Flatbed truck. So he's in this hospital and their trying to ease this guy's weight down slowly, and the first thing they do is just try to get him to eat better. All you see is him whining (and i mean whining like a child) about how he wants a hamburger. Then you see his wife sneaking him in snacks. Jesus friggin' Christ, no wonder he's a whale! My point is if you eat like an idiot and completely ignore the way our body breaks down food, then you'll get fat. Here are some simple tips: Instead of Kraft Dinner, have homemade pasta. Instead of Pepsi or coke, make it diet.. or water even! Instead of cake, just skip it. You don't need it.

The other factor here is exercise, or rather, the lack thereof. Get out and walk for christ sake! I knew a guy once who walked a hell of a lot and ended up losing a SHITLOAD of chub. I'm not saying walk 20km a day or anything absurd, but just go for a damn walk! If you don't like the outdoors, buy a treadmill. you can still watch your stories on TV AND get exercise at the same time. Start off slow, or walk for a few blocks. Then step it up. You'd be amazed at how much you can lose just by simply walking. Then you can move up to something even more active. Like swimming ( a great way to get exercise) or cycling or rollerblading or dancing (chicks only). Then go to the gym, build some muscle.

Of course, there's always surgery too. Gastrointestinal bypass, or liposuction, or even just a boob reduction. Boobs are great, but too much is just a waste.