Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Why Fat People Are Fat - An Exercise In The Obvious

Fat people are fat. It's the truth. In this article I will focus more on the "fat cus they're lazy/stupid/trailer trash" and not the "fat because they have crappy genes/thyroid problems"

What makes these fatties fat? It's simple really: no exercise and a crappy diet. I remember seeing a show on this huge monstrosity of a man who was like 750lbs or something. His wife was no prize either, but at least she could walk. Anyway, this guy ends up having to be removed from is home with a crane and transported to a special hospital for people his size via Flatbed truck. So he's in this hospital and their trying to ease this guy's weight down slowly, and the first thing they do is just try to get him to eat better. All you see is him whining (and i mean whining like a child) about how he wants a hamburger. Then you see his wife sneaking him in snacks. Jesus friggin' Christ, no wonder he's a whale! My point is if you eat like an idiot and completely ignore the way our body breaks down food, then you'll get fat. Here are some simple tips: Instead of Kraft Dinner, have homemade pasta. Instead of Pepsi or coke, make it diet.. or water even! Instead of cake, just skip it. You don't need it.

The other factor here is exercise, or rather, the lack thereof. Get out and walk for christ sake! I knew a guy once who walked a hell of a lot and ended up losing a SHITLOAD of chub. I'm not saying walk 20km a day or anything absurd, but just go for a damn walk! If you don't like the outdoors, buy a treadmill. you can still watch your stories on TV AND get exercise at the same time. Start off slow, or walk for a few blocks. Then step it up. You'd be amazed at how much you can lose just by simply walking. Then you can move up to something even more active. Like swimming ( a great way to get exercise) or cycling or rollerblading or dancing (chicks only). Then go to the gym, build some muscle.

Of course, there's always surgery too. Gastrointestinal bypass, or liposuction, or even just a boob reduction. Boobs are great, but too much is just a waste.


Blogger Lori said...

Stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel.

Nice day for a walk.

9:59 AM, May 02, 2006

Blogger Bee said...

Speaking of rollerblading/biking....aren't we all going to PoCo to enjoy the trails and to watch myself and Russ fall down alot? Yes, yes people...fall down alot.

6:53 PM, May 02, 2006

Blogger Lori said...

yey for the fun this summer!! i'm loving the outdoors so I hope I get some normal work hours so I can enjoy the biking,blading,hiking,swimming,
jogging, beaches and all the fun this beautiful BC has to offer with you guys! It's gonna be an active summer folks so tie up those running shoes!! :-)

4:15 PM, May 03, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

rollerblading saturday poco trail on saturday as far as i know

7:27 PM, May 03, 2006

Blogger Bee said...

What time should we meet at your place?

9:14 PM, May 03, 2006

Blogger Russ-kun said...

Fat people are fat because of cookies. I just made a double batch. They are yummy.

Speaking of which I sucks at rollerblading. I haven't fallen down yet, but I skate like a gimp.

7:18 PM, May 04, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

not too sure as too the time i have too work till 2 and i think russ will be at his parents for a bit in the early afternoon so give him a call and find out...

7:23 PM, May 04, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair, you have to consider why not just a few, but so many people are obese, when your astounding remedy (eat less!) Dr. Phil, is out there for anyone to read/see on TV. TV itself tells us to diet one minute, to beef up on crap food the next. "...Part of a healthy diet." Yeah, the unhealthy part. Also, We are a rich society. Having too much unnecessary food laying around is one of the downsides.

6:46 AM, May 05, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...

Sure Swimboy, I'll give you that. But even still, what does that say about people if they're buying into all the crap on tv.

When we have kids (probably sooner than you think) we're going to do our damnedest to keep the TV off around them. It's gonna be tough, and I don't want to shelter them TOO much (or they'll end up a big nerd, like steve :P) but I want to see what they'll be like when they're not bombarded with ads telling them to buy such and such. Fucking Coke.

8:38 AM, May 05, 2006

Blogger The Phantom Hack said...

Absofrigginlutely, man. Keep the kidlets away from the TV.
It's amazing, really, when I go to work all week, the wife likes to park her ass in front of the TV, and the kids are exposed to idot all day, I come home they're whiney, moody and stupid-hyper. On weekends, when wife works, I take the kids to the park, go out in the yard and build/fix something, whatever, and when she comes home, they're ready to settle down and eat, or go to the park again....
And as for the whole weight issues, granted, some of us are more pre-disposed to a higher bmi (body Mass Index, that whole 'ideal weight for your height' shit - it's over) but we still have to do something about the fat. Assbeard has been a little ranty, but anyone, I mean ANYONE who wants to loose weight only has to do 2 things...Eat smaller portions (avoid crap food, but you don't have to become a vegetarian or anything stupid) and get off you ass. I lost 30 pounds last year doing this, and kept it off all winter, this year I joined a Karate club and I cycle, so I've dropped another pant size in the last 2 months. I know I will never be slim and built like I was in my early twenties, because I simply have more improtant things to do than spend 10 hours a week in the gym, but I can get down to a reasonable weight, and I will do that. I'm over half way to where I want to be, one more pant size and then it's all about maintainance.

8:39 AM, July 13, 2006


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