Budday's Rant Repeat
I know I blogged about this before but I still can't believe it is happening... I checked my old dating site and I had mail...
Really, *really* if you are on-line dating AT LEAST LEARN HOW TO FRIGGIN SPELL!!!!
hey there,How goes>? I loved the profile, Iam sorta nirmal actually but alsa 21 but soon 22, my birthday is really soonso how are you? do you have msn?K
I think this kid is really excited about his birthday... Maybe he wants me to buy him a present? I think I will get him a dictionary... or a spell check button...
WTF is nirmal? AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!! Are there no normal guys that know how to spell? Please just don't butcher the English language....
wasn't that Garfields arch-nemesis?
I have found that people who meet other people online are REALLY screwed up. I know a few people who met online, and I gotta say... YOWZA....
10:39 PM, May 18, 2006
What utter relief it is to learn that although my offspring may have paid not the slightest bit of attention to anything else I taught her, she gets as dead grumpy as I do over language manglers. Way to go kid. (Of course, if he's in the NHL and pulling in five mill a year, buy him the bloody present okay?)
11:37 PM, May 19, 2006
I have this annoying habit of correctiong people either when they are speaking (seldom) or when they are writing something out (often!). I used to do this spell check thing so much in school that my friends got angry with me...a lot!
10:59 AM, May 20, 2006
Ahhhhhhh!!!!! I made a spelling mistake in my previous comment and I can't fix it! Waaaaaaa!
11:00 AM, May 20, 2006
That's okay Bee, I understand perfectly and of course we let you off. This time. It's nice to see you are like your sister in this one respect. Word Police unite.
7:55 PM, May 20, 2006
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