Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I got a butt that won't quit

So I'm back from 6 days in the hospital. That sucked. I woke up on Thursday around 2am ish with some serious pain in my belly. I thought it was just from the pizza I had for dinner and decided to try to sleep it off. Well, It woke me up several times and holy SHIT did it ever hurt. I've never felt such pain. So, like any good wife, Bee got worried and decided that a trip to the hospital would be prudent. I was concerned that it was my appendix, and Steve thought that could be it too, so off to LMH for me! little did I know that I'd be there for 6 freakin' days! They took a CT Scan of my mid-section and found no problems with my appendix, but they did see that my bowels were quite inflamed. So they admitted me, started me on meds and said "No food for you!" Ya... I didn't get food until Monday evening. and even then it was just chicken broth and apple juice. They had to do a... procedure... on monday, so I had to be all cleaned out. They made me drink this nasty "fruity" liquid that is even less pleasant on the way out. The good news after being in the hospital for 6 days? I still don't know what's wrong with me! They think that it COULD be Crohn's Disease, or it could just be IBS... either way, it sucks. Now I have to really edumacate my self on the proper food to eat, and probably completely avoid alot of food I love.

But at least I'm alive and It's not colon cancer or anything too terrible. And I'm back home with my sexy wife. Meeeeow!

Monday, October 23, 2006

10 Years

Nothing is as good as it was when we were kids. I was watching Addams Family Values with my brother lat night on YTV. The movie was a good as I remember. The problem is the commercials for all the crap out there. All the adds for the shows look so dumb. Nothing like the old school jems that used to be on. There was nothing better than a man in a fur speedo yelling, By the Power Of Greyskull! I Have The Power! That, and the noise that Transformers made when they did what they are named after. Chidden these days are missing out.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Hey Christmas! Go away for a few weeks.

Is it me or is Christmas coming way too soon now? I know people say that every year but this year it made a huge leap in September's general direction. Lolo and I walked through Zellers the other day and there was a section roped off where employees were already setting up the Christmas trees. Flanking them were aisles of shelves already stocked with Christmas decorations. I walked by and said aloud "oh this is ridiculous!" and all the employees setting up the section looked up with that "I know what you mean but head office said we have to" type of look.

I like Christmas and all but please, wait until AFTER Hallowe'en. If it were up to me it'd wait until after the American Thanksgiving but I know that'll never happen again.

I'm just hoping it doesn't get as bad as in this town.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Call me crazy, call me nostalgic

We just recently turned up the thermostat at the house, so for the past few days the furnace has been turning on. I love it. Call me crazy, go ahead, but I love it. I love it not only for the heat factor, but I love the smell. I'm sure my family members can back me up here....I'm sure of it.

Every fall when it started to get colder and colder and to the point of us freezing (well...I exaggerate), my parents would vaccuum the dust and crap from out of the air ducts. Then, they would turn on the heat. I would wait for it (my sister too), for the furnace to grumble to a start after a long hiatus through the spring and summer. When it would start up, the remaining dust left in the ducts would heat up and create an odd smell - similar to the dryer exhaust. I loved it. It would be a reminder that it was mid-autumn and that Christmas was coming soon.

Now, it's that time of year again when we will start turning on the heat and the scent of nostalgia will return.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


oh yeah, that's hot russ and assbeard action. :P would you believe they're taken, ladies?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Stop! Hamer Time! (part 2)

so i kind of let blogger eat my post yesterday by closing the damn browser before i hit the PUBLISH button. go me.

ok, so, something about the plans for saturday. basically, nothing special or really birthday related, i'm just using it as an excuse to go do something :). if you're able, i'm thinking everyone could swing by my place for drinks around 4, then we'd head out around 7 or so for food nearby. i'm thinking about a few places since i somehow end up choosing expensive restaraunts:
1. keg
2. earl's
3. cactus club
4. that piece of shit mcdonald's nick thinks we should go to (do they take reservations? :D)

so tell me which choices suck!

and of course, everyone who has posting access here is invited. either let me know here, email, or i'll just start harassing y'all so i can figure out who's coming.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Needs audio

Monday, October 02, 2006

Stop! Hamer Time!

It's Klink's birthday this weekend. What shall we do for his birthday? I'm thinking we should have dinner somewhere dumpy (maybe a really old McDonald's or something)... :P