Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Call me crazy, call me nostalgic

We just recently turned up the thermostat at the house, so for the past few days the furnace has been turning on. I love it. Call me crazy, go ahead, but I love it. I love it not only for the heat factor, but I love the smell. I'm sure my family members can back me up here....I'm sure of it.

Every fall when it started to get colder and colder and to the point of us freezing (well...I exaggerate), my parents would vaccuum the dust and crap from out of the air ducts. Then, they would turn on the heat. I would wait for it (my sister too), for the furnace to grumble to a start after a long hiatus through the spring and summer. When it would start up, the remaining dust left in the ducts would heat up and create an odd smell - similar to the dryer exhaust. I loved it. It would be a reminder that it was mid-autumn and that Christmas was coming soon.

Now, it's that time of year again when we will start turning on the heat and the scent of nostalgia will return.


Blogger Assbeard said...

I am NOT having children with you, nutjob.

11:05 AM, October 14, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha bee. scary part is i KNOW what you're talking about - it's part of having forced air, which i haven't had for the past 13/14 years.

i only laugh because you're saying you like the smell of hot dust and mold. also: nutjob. :P

(wheee too lazy to log in again)

11:56 AM, October 14, 2006


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