Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Sunday, July 31, 2005

The plane, boss! The plane!

This is the tatoo I'm gonna get, but it'll be red and not yellow:

Friday, July 29, 2005


I fuckin' love floridians:

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Russ-kun's game Blog hits

"gay pornography"
"ps2 topload"
"gay final fantasy"
"katamari damacy"
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"final fantasy gay"

Hot coffee

From Toastyfrog Russ-kun wanted to post this

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Money for Nothing....

God, I hate Corporate America:

Leading economic indicators: In June, Co-President Stephen S. Crawford of the financial giant Morgan Stanley (who was installed in the job in order to ensure management ''stability'' during the company's currently shaky status with investors) signed a two-year contract at $16 million a year which allowed him, if he changed his mind, to resign and promptly collect all $32 million. A few days later, he resigned. The ''stability'' was needed at faltering Morgan Stanley because longtime CEO Philip J. Purcell had just been eased out, but his contract called for $113 million in severance pay.

A good read

A long but very informative article about Sep. 11th at rotten

Everyone loves mom

"blogs by drug addicts"
"bean dip"
"the son fuck mother"
"catch hi ass"
"juanita pics"
"mother fucking son"
"ass fucking pics" from Saudi Arabia
"sexy anorexia"
"free son fucking mother"
"half dollar"

Monday, July 25, 2005

New shirt

“I have never seen you ware plaid” “I like it”
“What the hell are you warring?” “It looks good”
“You’re not going to want to get dirty”
“Nice workout shirt” (Sarcastic)
Borderline jailbait bikini hottie waving and yelling.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Pic time

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Save-On Moment

"I like Charmin," Crazy Cashier Girl says as she hugs our Purex 24-roll pack of toilet paper. She starts to hum the jingle as she bags our groceries.

Her: So what have you guys done this summer so far?

Us: Nothing really.

Her: Summer sucks so far. Don't you think?
She stares at me and then continues...
Do you work.....?

Me: Yes.

Her: Oh, so it's not like you have summer. It's just a normal day for you. You just sit at work and look at it then.

Me: Yeah.

This happens all the time. We always end up with the Crazy Cashier Girl or the Pregnant Cashier (who's not crazy, she's just friendly). But we always get the Crazy Girl. Now, she's not really crazy, she just doesn't get out much we think. Inside of all of us there is a Crazy Girl wanting to say things but we wouldn't because we know that it just wouldn't be quite right.

Point in case #1. My sister and I go shopping for a few groceries and we get Crazy Girl.

She rings in the frozen juice and it happens to be on sale.

Her: Wow! You saved two cents on this. What are you going to do with your two cents?

Me: Not much. There's not much you can get with 2 cents these days.

Her: Yeah really. I don't know why they do that? What's a person going to do with the two cents they save?

Now, she works at Save-On. She works there. She's not being sarcastic or anything, she almost sounds astonished and naive.

Point in case #2.

She continues on ringing up our stuff. They happen to be selling these little stuffed animals on a stick for charity or something. My sister and I are talking about how the bee looks like a bear.

Her: Oh I bought the rabbit one of those and my mom bought the bee one. I think they're kind of ugly actually.

My sister and I just stare.

She's nutty, and we always get Crazy Cashier Girl. Never fails.

Friday, July 22, 2005

The official blog of assmunching

"free kari sweet pics"
"dying to be thin in hollywood"
"derkderkistan team america"
"video bad bad man"
"girls getting fucked by animals"
"dying to be thin"
"free assmunchers video"

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I hate bums. We have some by my work (Science World area). They are always there with their shopping cart full of shit and their vomit-inducing stench...just laying there being a homeless bum. We didn't used to have bums there, but they migrated from a few blocks over and parked their asses in front of my work. I have no sympathy or respect for homeless people, and I'm not saying that just to be a bitch; I have good reasons.

Homeless people have all the potential in the world, they just choose to ignore it.

Everyone has choices in their lifetime. If your mom or dad or uncle is beating you, leave and get some help - put those people in jail for mistreating you. Lots of people have been beaten and raped and treated badly, yet lots of people with the same background have gone on and been quite successful and put their past behind them and moved on. They didn't turn to drugs and steal money from people...nope, they realized that they are worth much more than being strung out on crack.

I have just as much nothing as you do.

I work hard for my money. My wages go to feed and clothe myself, to pay my mortgage, to pay the government, and to occasionally to have a nice night out. If I don't have a job, I find a new one. We all start from the same point, it's the choices that you make that determine your final outcome. It's not God, it's not other people; you are the only person who makes decisions about yourself.

I'm not saying that bums are stupid and unintelligent, they just didn't make the right choices. They got in a fight, took it personal, sold themselves out for drugs or sex and now live out of shopping carts. I walk by these people everyday. I'm sick of it, I hate it. I hate how the goverment doesn't do enough for people in dire situations, but my defence of bums doesn't mean that I'm going to give them money or respect their choices. They will take your pennies and nickels and go and buy their next hit. Sorry, but none of my spare change is going to be pulsing through your veins.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Transportation Security Administration Keeps Stinking Limies and Hispanics Out of the Cockpit

A charter pilot since 1997 who has on occasion flown senators around the country, applied to fly larger planes. Had his request denied be cause he poses a "threat to aviation or national security.'' Why, because the man was born and raised in Belfast. And even though he is white, customs has him down as being hispanic.

Full Article Here

Monday, July 18, 2005

So... if the answer is no, can I change your mind?

Don't mind me. I have been listening to lots of killers.

"Hi kitty"

I need some child inappropriate stimulation. All these kids shows are melting my brain. He is singing along and he can't even speak. I'll have to catch up on SVU. Ohh god I think I have seen this kids show already today.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bee quote of the day

"Your mom gets shat on a lot"

Sorry, We are all out of dip

"free pics of assholes"
"juanita may"
"people magazine october 16 anorexia"
"derka derka derka"
"bean dip picture"
"fuck dip"
"free pics fine ass"
"10 fuck"
"free pics chicks"
"the juanita special bean dip"
"crap dip"

Saturday, July 16, 2005


It's hurricane season. My big problem with hurricane season isn't the fact that homes get destroyed and people lose all their belongings, it's the fact that the whole hurricane idea is comparable to domestic violence.

Here are some numbers:

Florida 64; Texas 38; North Carolina 29; Louisiana 27; South Carolina 16; Alabama 12. These figures represent the number of direct hits on these states from 1900-2004 from hurricanes. Every year the monetary value of the damage is in the millions, people lose their homes, sometimes everything they own and sometimes these storms kill people. Yet, they rebuild each time it happens. These people who lose everything just keep coming back for more. It's like they think that it won't happen again. Why don't they take the logical step and just move to a different part of the waterfront that doesn't get hit either at all or not as destructively?

There are at least 4 or 5 storms a year, and there's always a really bad one that blows people's houses off the beach. Why? Why don't you just move? Realize that the fight between you and Mother Nature is a losing battle. To me, it's something I just don't understand. So if there's anyone who does understand and is maybe from the states that I mentioned, please leave a comment on why you still take the abuse.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Chicken Nuggets

I eat chicken nuggets maybe 5 times a week. It’s my major protein staple. When I say I eat a lot of nuggets people always think of the McD’s nasty deep-fried ones. The kind I eat are all white meat, 11% Fat, I bake them and dip them in hot sauce. (The lowest cal dip ever) So, why am I bringing this up. I was looking over some “old” pics and was “wow I have lost more weight then I thought” This pic was less than 5 months ago. Can’t argue with results. I’m making some right now. Mmmm mechanically separated meat.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Meteos Launched: 38586
Items Launched: 371
Ignitions: 5414
Meteos Incinerated: 17378
Play Time: 6:15

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Dude

Microsoft word

Whats with kids these days?

Starting drugs at such a young age.. thinking they are way to smart for their parents, teachers and even the system. Grow up losers, you are nothing without an education - unless panhandling is your dream job. Get off your asses.


hell ya

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Half million dollar ghetto

The city was called in to check out my parent’s house. About time if you ask me. They got complaints about the black berries being over grown. The guy shows up and is like “Ya they have to go, and the truck, and the trailer. I’ll give you two weeks” My mom “we need longer how about a month” Him “Ok a month” A month has gone by and they have gotten rid of most of the black berries and the trailer but not the truck. My mom “We need two more weeks” He shows up and checks to see if they have been working on it. “Ok two weeks” Lets hope they get it done.

Haven't blogged in a while...

Hi all (yes, you sick fucks know who you are.) I'm sitting here, going through our postings, wondering to myself... "why are people such freaks?" I don't know the answer, but I think it quite possibly could be women.

Yes, Women are the root of all problems in the world. Back in the day (before the so called feminists ruined the world) kids went to school and were normal kids. Now that mothers are out in the workforce, these same kids go out and murder people like it's going out of style. Fucking punks. Also, before these so called "ladies" went and got jobs, I'd have my dinner ready when I get home from work. Now I have to wait for a few HOURS before I get fed. Serious problems here people. Car Accidents are getting more devastating... because of women drivers who panic when someone drives close to them. If we want to world to be a safe place again, I think we need to be putting the womens back in their place... in the kitchen. Hey, just look at Saudi Arabia. They know what they're doing. Women can't do shit there, and I think it's working out quite well for them. I mean, now THERE'S a country with it's shit in gear.

And don't get me started about the immigrants. Especially those dirty italians.

Monday, July 11, 2005

She wants to meet me.

New jacket for nothing

This is some little snippets from hours and hours of msn

Tue Jun 14 17:13:56 2005
Me: guess who got a wink on lemontonic
Lolo: I want the details on the wink when u get back MR!
Lolo: even if u have to call my
Me: guess who got more then one wink :-)
Me: bad lolo. lemontonic is $19.99 / month if i want to talk to anyone
Me: i had better get some head for that kind of cash :-P
Lolo: LOL!
Me: what am i to do now?
Lolo: pay it
Lolo: lol
Lolo: people winked at u?
Me: 2
Lolo: awesome
Lolo: are they pretty
Me: one
Lolo: can I see?
Me: hmmm you are going to get me in trouble but ok
Lolo: hahaha
Lolo: awesome
-I send her Kari’s profile.
Lolo: cute

Sat Jun 18 13:25:53 2005
Me: hi
Kari: hi there
Me: we meet at last
Kari: lol ya
-We chat a few times

Mon Jun 27 14:21:22 2005
Me: hi
Kari: hey there
Me: haven't seen you on for some time
Kari: i know i am sorry i have been super busy lately
Kari: and i am only on for a few minutes right now before i have to go get my daughter (she’s six)

Me: i'll be back on in about an hour
Kari: ok me too
Kari: ciao baby!! smooch
Me: (k)

Mon Jun 27 15:32:59 2005
Kari: i am sitting here recovering from last night with more drinks lol
Kari: that is what i am doing

-talking about my job
Me: what's yours a 9-5? well must be before 5 'cause you are at home
Kari: i am actually on medical leave right now
Me: ohh
Kari: ya
Me: can i ask or shall we move on?
Kari: you wanna know
Me: ya if you don't mind
Me: i don't want to force you
-long pause
Kari: the doctors found two tumors in my head
Me: hmmm
Kari: ya
Me: don't really know how to answer that
Kari: i am not expecting anything...but you are the one who wanted to know lol
Me: but i will say this i'm not going to run and not talk to you anymore
Kari: ok cool
Kari: that is enough to say
Kari: thanks hon!!

Wed Jun 29 19:32:06 2005
Me: i was thinking i could drop by after if you were not doing anything.
Kari: oh ok
Kari: ummm
Kari: sure
Kari: you just let me know what time
Me: what works best?
Kari: anytime i think
Me: cool
Kari: i am sure we are free all day

Kari: i just remembered i might be busy lol
Kari: let me make a call
Me: lol
Kari: sorry
Kari: i wanna meet you so i gotta find out
Me: it's not the end of the world if it's not friday
Kari: you are great hon
Kari: thanks
Me: :-)
Me: well i should run. have a good night.
Kari: ok you too hon
Kari: i am getting in the bath
Kari: i am so sore
Kari: drugged now too lol
Me: cool
Me: nite :-)
Kari: ciao baby!! smooch
Me: (k)

Sat Jul 02 12:18:16 2005
Me: hi :-)
Kari: hiya hon how was your night
Me: good, i hung out with some friends and lolo dyed my hair super black. how was yours?
Kari: she dyed you hair again lol...too cool...i did fuck all

Kari: i want a free dye job too
Kari: i want some streaks though
Kari: blonde and red
Me: i'll have to get lolo to do it for you
Kari: that would be nice lol
Me: lolo chop chop
Kari: is she any good??
Kari: lol
Me: ya she did a great job on (r.j’s) streaks

Sun Jul 03 13:26:27 2005
-She sends me lots of sexy pics
Me: we should meet up one of these days. sounds bad me asking right after the pics and all.
Kari: lol
Kari: you said it last week to so you are ok
Me: true
Me: when would be best for you?
Kari: not sure

Sun Jul 03 22:55:33 2005
Kari: hi brb just on the phone
Me: k :-)
-About 20 minutes
Me: nite
Kari: ok sorry
Me: it's cool
Kari: i am just talkin to my mom
Kari: tomorrow is a big day
Kari: i am just a little worried
Kari: drinking my sorrows away sort of lol
Me: hmm
Kari: drunk and worried i guess
Kari: lonely
Kari: scared
Kari: i dunno
Kari: anyways i am not going to trouble you with my crap
Kari: i will let you go to sleep
Me: don't worry about it
Kari: ok
Me: if you want to talk go nuts
Kari: i am just worried is all...that there is going to be something that cannot be fixed
Me: ya it's freaky
Kari: ya
Me: i'm a big help
Kari: i have faith
Kari: i am still worried though
Kari: the surgeon was not worried at all last time but that is not too much help lol
Kari: i dunno
Kari: ok you go to sleep and i will talk to you later
Kari: sweet dream
Kari: ciao baby!! smooch
Me: you sure?
Kari: ya i am cool
Me: well i hope everything goes well
Kari: thanks that is all i needed to hear hon!!
Kari: i will let you know how it went tomorrow ok
Me: :-)
Kari: go to bed hon lol
Me: ok ok night
Kari: smooch
Me: (k)

Mon Jul 04 13:21:05 2005
Me: hi, how are you this fine afternoon?
Kari: damn good
Kari: you?
Me: great
Me: everything went well?
Kari: absolutely
Me: fuck that's great
Kari: first they thought there were two..then they thought there was there is none!!
Kari: yay!!
Me: omg
Kari: so happy!!
Me: yaaa
Me: i'm speachless. this is great news
Kari: me too

Wed Jul 06 12:45:56 2005
Me: any thoughts about when we would meet up for coffiee or something?
Kari: um not this week cause honestly my face is the shits right now lol but maybe this weekend if all goes well?
Me: ok cool
Me: too bad 'cause my face is doing very good right now lol
Kari: lol
Kari: must be nice
Kari: i hate hormones!!!!!
Kari: that brain doctor is sending me to a hormone specialist for my face
Kari: some times it gets really bad and i won't leave the house
Me: i just don't worry about it. i can't stay hidden
Kari: lol
Me: :-)
Me: lolo wants to have a 3 way chat. you want to chat with her?
Kari: sure
Kari: lol

Kari: i am talking to lolo right now
Kari: getting the goods lol
Kari: kidding
Kari: hahahaha
Me: cool
Me: fine with me
Kari: scared you though didn't i
Kari: hahaha
Me: hmm maybe a little
Kari: lol

Sun Jul 10 17:24:34 2005
Me: maybe next time you can come with. (to lolo and S’s)
Kari: ok
Me: we should totally meet up for coffee or lunch
Kari: we should ya
Me: any idea when you will be free?
Kari: sometime this week i am sure
Me: cool

Sun Jul 10 18:44:55 2005
Lolo: omg (I just knew it was about Kari)

Mon Jul 11 12:36:52 2005
Kari: so me and (her daughter) are just going to sit around and watch some tv today cause it is our lazy day lol
Me:. sounds fun
Kari: it hope it is lol
Kari: cause it is all we are doing lol
Me: what do you girls watch dr. phil?
Me: very age appropriate
Kari: lol
Kari: i love dr.phil but i only watch him when she is playing outside lol
Kari: Lolo kicks ass buddy
Kari: she is awesome i love her
Me: she's great
Kari: yup
Me: i had a feeling you guys would totally hit it off
Kari: for sure...(S.) even thinks that we are going to make really good friends too...just from the way i talk lol
Kari: he is always saying...lolo would have said that hahaha
Me: haha
Me: lol
Kari: she helped me out with a really big bad problem yesterday and i am so thankful that she was there to talk to
Me: that's great she was able to help
Kari: i agree

-Now I’m like uhh what the hell did they talk about?

Mon Jul 11 15:25:30 2005
Lolo: are u still interested in meeting her etc?
Me: ya why?
Lolo: ummmmmmmmmmm
Lolo: NO
Me: give me a call

-What does she tell me? Well that Kari is freaking out ‘cause she maybe pregnant. She has slept with at least 5 guys and maybe more she can’t remember in the last 3 weeks. She didn’t use condoms with all ‘cause they were cute and she thinks they should all get tested for Aids. Lolo keeps going on like this.
-(My thoughts) Turns out she’s not pregnant and doesn’t have Aids. Good. She’s banging guys wail we have been talking. We’re not dating so, whatever. The number of guys is off putting. The fact that she is not sure how many is nasty. Her no using condoms for such dumb reason is wrong on so many levels. Maybe it was all part of an I may die so I should go out with a bang thing. But who cares… Lolo can comment more if she likes.

-Ya I’ll pass on this girl after all she did grow up in Whalley. What a waist of time and effort.

Mon Jul 11 20:15:30 2005
Me: how do i repay you for saving me from a nasty STD?
Lolo: I would never let u go down like that.. u'z my boyyyyy
Me: we'll call it even for the britta
Lolo: hahaha deal

Saturday, July 09, 2005

I love the last one

"ass tasting video"
"sickos pics"
"fuck yeah"
"birth control is not abortion"
"travis biehn?"
"people who love animals"
"girls getting drunk pics"
"fuck dip"
"assmunchers free movie"
"free assmunchers pics"
"stop eating fat you fatty fat fat"

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

People of Alabama Too Stupid For Toyota

Read this over at the daily rotten. As a Canadian I couldn't be any prouder that america couldnt pay Toyota enough to deat with the idiots of Alabama.

Amercans done good with the smart making

Uhh internet guys... Classy

hey , love your style. Other girls could learn a thing or two from you :P Anyway, this might not be your thing or maybe it is but I'd love to get naked on my webcam for ya. I like to show, dont ask me why... I just do :P Anyway, if ya want my MSN {edit}

assbeards pic

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I believe this is what tastycorn wants

stupid blogger won't let me upload an image

iPod hates lolo

I put one of lolo's songs on my iPod just to be dumb and after about 38 hours of shuffle play still it has not come up.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Ohh Thank God

Sunday, July 03, 2005

We have an all time most fucked up hit.

"little boys penises pics"
3rd July 2005 01:26:51 PM
IP Address:
Country: Russian Federation
Region: Krasnodarskiy Kray
City: Krasnodar
ISP: Jsc Volgatelecom Saratov Branch Office

Uhhh fucking sicko.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Who said what?

Things people have said to me on msn. Guess who said what.
1 "when we were 21 why didnt we roll arounf picking up 13 year olds"
2 "dont u have a niece too?"
3 "free head? DONE!"
4 "ciao baby!! smooch"
5 "not too much hersheyy highway for him"
6 "she needs my man pudding"
7 "lesbian Russian pop duo"

Damn You Fireworks

I don't like them. Nothing but trouble. Grrrr