Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I hate bums. We have some by my work (Science World area). They are always there with their shopping cart full of shit and their vomit-inducing stench...just laying there being a homeless bum. We didn't used to have bums there, but they migrated from a few blocks over and parked their asses in front of my work. I have no sympathy or respect for homeless people, and I'm not saying that just to be a bitch; I have good reasons.

Homeless people have all the potential in the world, they just choose to ignore it.

Everyone has choices in their lifetime. If your mom or dad or uncle is beating you, leave and get some help - put those people in jail for mistreating you. Lots of people have been beaten and raped and treated badly, yet lots of people with the same background have gone on and been quite successful and put their past behind them and moved on. They didn't turn to drugs and steal money from people...nope, they realized that they are worth much more than being strung out on crack.

I have just as much nothing as you do.

I work hard for my money. My wages go to feed and clothe myself, to pay my mortgage, to pay the government, and to occasionally to have a nice night out. If I don't have a job, I find a new one. We all start from the same point, it's the choices that you make that determine your final outcome. It's not God, it's not other people; you are the only person who makes decisions about yourself.

I'm not saying that bums are stupid and unintelligent, they just didn't make the right choices. They got in a fight, took it personal, sold themselves out for drugs or sex and now live out of shopping carts. I walk by these people everyday. I'm sick of it, I hate it. I hate how the goverment doesn't do enough for people in dire situations, but my defence of bums doesn't mean that I'm going to give them money or respect their choices. They will take your pennies and nickels and go and buy their next hit. Sorry, but none of my spare change is going to be pulsing through your veins.


Blogger Russ-kun said...

No most sensible people when life hits them hard fall on the easiest crutches. Jesus and the rebuplican party.

5:59 PM, July 21, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

I am continuously amazed at how coherent Bee is when she types here over her real life speech.... issues

6:09 PM, July 21, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helloooo, have you ever heard of mental problems, chemical imbalances of the brain, or just plain crazy? You dont know the story of their lives,and I am sure you would not lower yourself to their level to take the time to find out. Only by the grace of God do you not push your own shopping cart around. Although you have the rest of your life ahead of you, maybe if there really is karma in the world you just might get your chance.

10:53 PM, July 24, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

what the hell? When did we start getting the crazy super-liberals here? sure, we're liberal... but christ, we draw that line at being a super-lib.

If you have the mental problems, get help. Don't become a bum. they're not the only people in the world with "issues" ya jackass.

12:02 PM, July 25, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you have mental problems, get help." That's like saying, if your legs get broken, walk to the hospital. It seldom happens

10:33 PM, August 01, 2005


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