Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Save-On Moment

"I like Charmin," Crazy Cashier Girl says as she hugs our Purex 24-roll pack of toilet paper. She starts to hum the jingle as she bags our groceries.

Her: So what have you guys done this summer so far?

Us: Nothing really.

Her: Summer sucks so far. Don't you think?
She stares at me and then continues...
Do you work.....?

Me: Yes.

Her: Oh, so it's not like you have summer. It's just a normal day for you. You just sit at work and look at it then.

Me: Yeah.

This happens all the time. We always end up with the Crazy Cashier Girl or the Pregnant Cashier (who's not crazy, she's just friendly). But we always get the Crazy Girl. Now, she's not really crazy, she just doesn't get out much we think. Inside of all of us there is a Crazy Girl wanting to say things but we wouldn't because we know that it just wouldn't be quite right.

Point in case #1. My sister and I go shopping for a few groceries and we get Crazy Girl.

She rings in the frozen juice and it happens to be on sale.

Her: Wow! You saved two cents on this. What are you going to do with your two cents?

Me: Not much. There's not much you can get with 2 cents these days.

Her: Yeah really. I don't know why they do that? What's a person going to do with the two cents they save?

Now, she works at Save-On. She works there. She's not being sarcastic or anything, she almost sounds astonished and naive.

Point in case #2.

She continues on ringing up our stuff. They happen to be selling these little stuffed animals on a stick for charity or something. My sister and I are talking about how the bee looks like a bear.

Her: Oh I bought the rabbit one of those and my mom bought the bee one. I think they're kind of ugly actually.

My sister and I just stare.

She's nutty, and we always get Crazy Cashier Girl. Never fails.


Blogger BULLSEYE said...

Your blog rocks!!!

9:40 PM, July 23, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

Your blog is uhhh different

1:45 AM, July 24, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

Ya that lady is a little off.

11:45 PM, July 24, 2005


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