Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sweden doesn't have tapemeasures

Fucking Ikea. Bee and I bought a PAX wardrobe for our bedroom because the closest was a joke. So we put it together last night. It's Ikea furniture, so it's a pain in the ass. I finally get finished around 9:30pm and go to put the clothes rail in... hmm, odd.. it's fairly tight squeeze. Nope, can't get it in... So, i pull out the trusty tapemeasure. Measure the rail: 96cm. ok, that's right. Measure the inside of the wardrobe: 95.5cm. Wait... what? measure again... ya, it's 95.5cm. Did I put it together wrong? no... it was put together just fine. I go to put the shoerack in, and it's a perfect fit. WTF!!! I thought maybe it was a manufacturing screw-up with this one rail, so I tried the second one we bought.. no, that one is also 96cm! So these rails that were specifically designed to fit in this wardrobe is half a centimetre too wide. That must be some good crack they're smoking in sweden. No wonder sweden sucks.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Some things money can't buy....

For everything else there's
This is my beautiful niece in the flowergirl dress we bought and sent to her for her to wear in our wedding. I have never seen anything cuter in my life!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Get in line

Shal's little sister threatened me the other day. Ohh no not her little sister. I had better treat Shal good or I'll get it now. Ya the line up to come thrash me if I do something terrible to her is to my left. Just stand behind her Uncles, Mom, one time top 10 most wanted car thief in BC and don't forget the drug dealer. But like I always say to Shal If you send them over make sure they mean it. Shal is having no part in this and is trying to get them to stop. Shal "You're not going to threaten him are you?" Every time they have. I'm not worried. I think it's funny.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Large sums of cash...........

Dudes! I got the job at the casino! 400 people applied and they actually offered me a position..woooohoooooo. Crazy fools. LOL. I had to write a report and do a math test but by some fluke I passed those sucka's..haa.
Im just so psyched that I thought I'd let ya'll know!
I'll be the one behind the bullet proof glass, handling all the cash.. who could ask for anything more?!
The pay is great to start, and the benefits are effin awesome once I reach full-time and pass probation. I am casual to start, but they said there are tons of available shifts. They also said u could move so quickly that I will most likely be offered full-time within a couple of months :-). Yeeeehaaww.. screw working for myself! lol...j/k.. its just so slow now I dunno what im gonna wanna do if when I get the chance to do full time at the casino.. it might be too hard to pass up.
Dragonfly it's the perfect job for you....... you're used to being awake at 4am! They are hiring 4 more people so u should submit an online application if u are interested..... u 2 tasty! haahaaaaaa HA.
Sweet. I love it. Im happy for me. LOL.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

33rd Aniversary Of Roe vs. Wade

Anti abortionists piss me off. Mostly becasue the new cheif justtice of the supreme court will probably do everything he can to overturn that case. I just dont know why people are so opposed to abortion that they would rather spend their days protesting and burning down clinics. As far as I know having an abortion law on the books doesnt mean that abortionists are going to roam the streets attacking every pregnant woman they see with a coat hanger. It's a womans right to choose nothing more. Does the law make people have abortions. No, it just gives them the option to if they so choose. I just wish christians wouold get off their high horse about everything and go back to doing what they do best. Molesting children.

Monday, January 23, 2006

wow, my friends are screwed up!!!!!

Bud yer gonna crap when u read this!! lookie who called me tonight...... (bee, u know him too read closely!) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

25-year old Canadian man to serve 135 months
(article from 2003)

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Ok all, some of you might or might not know but my birthday is comin up and i would like it if you all would join russ-kun and i at the spaghetti Factory for dinner on the 28th of January, it is a Saturday. I was thinking that we would meet for dinner at about 6:30 than after dinner we could go back to our place for drinks... If you can attend let me know so i can reserve a large enough table for everyone....

Photo Time

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Animals love me

Why do animals love me so much? So many stray dogs that I can't even count have come up to me. One little black dog came walking down and was in the garage area today. It had a tag so it was easy I just called them and walked him/her over. I was walking down the road in my nasty bleach stained pants and an oversized shirt with a little dog on a bungie cord in the rain. The last dog started following me on my way to Shal's on our first date. I was not impressed. It almost got ran over a few times. No tag (morons) Some lady walking her dog grabbed it.
-Foxy has a tag right? If not we are getting one asap.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Ok, so we just want to know who all is definetly going to go with us on saturday so we can get tickets??? let us know by saturday morning.. hope you all can make it..

Thursday, January 12, 2006

BS Ettiquette

As in, Bus Stop ettiquette...

I crossed the street to catch my bus and went right up to the bus stop sign to wait. It was raining (obviously), and there were people under the shelter. The bus pulled up and I was getting on and heard some lady complaining how they had been waiting longer "in line" for the bus..blah blah blah.....

Well, I'm sorry. You were not "in line". I stand in line for the bus. I don't pussy out and sit in the shelter and expect to be let on first (who lives in Vancouver and doesn't have an umbrella anyway?????). If it's raining, windy, snowing, hailing, stupidly hot and humid out.....I stand in the line. To me, the people who are in the shelters are NOT in line but merely waiting to get in line once the bus pulls up.

So for all of those folks out there in the shelter...get in line because otherwise, it doen't mean anything to me how long you have been sitting there.

Welcome to the 90s

778 834 **** (same last 4 numbers as my smart ring)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Lolo and Bee at Grandma's

Swimboy found this and sent it to me. We were at my Grandma's house in Langley. I'm probably about 7-ish (I'm obviously the dorky-looking kid on the right).

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

To: Tastycorn and Snoshamz
From: The World
Subject: WTF!!

Dear Tasty and Sno,

Please slow the fuck down.

Thank You,


Ok !! Now that i have all your attention, just thought i would let everyone know that the Taboo naughty but nice sex show is this weekend and i was wondering if anyone would like to join russ-kun and I, in attending? It is at Canada Place... Anyone interested let us know...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Not for Human Consumption

My mom was showing me a gift that she bought for one of her friends for Christmas (about a month ago) and it essentially is perfumed rocks (like a potpouri). The product sounds simple enough right? Aparently there have been problems in the past to warrant a warning like this... Do people normally eat rocks?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Crazy month

Shal and I are moving in together (I know, I know... very fast) on either the 1st or 15th depending on if her place is rented. All fine and good but her roommate is out of town and not calling us back. She has called him so many times and he never called back. Shal emailed him so he knows what's going on. He maybe trying to act like he didn't know to make it hard. His phones are off now so either he just doesn't want to talk to anyone or he didn't pay his bills and they got cutoff. We are doing our best to make it work but what more can we do if he doesn't talk to us. He was never on the lease so we had to take care of his crap. I hate the idea of packing and moving it all to the new place. He will owe her about $200 by the end of this. We may have to eat it. Today I'm cleaning up her place to make it showable. We will start taking stuff over slowly and we will have to see if we need to rent a truck.

People coming over tonight? I have her phone today call whenever.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Sick Cat Cum

Shams: "Ass, I want to borrow your mom for a few hours."

Ass: "Why?"

Shams: " Because she's going to teach me how to make a sick cat cum."

But really she meant: suc a la creme