Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, January 12, 2006

BS Ettiquette

As in, Bus Stop ettiquette...

I crossed the street to catch my bus and went right up to the bus stop sign to wait. It was raining (obviously), and there were people under the shelter. The bus pulled up and I was getting on and heard some lady complaining how they had been waiting longer "in line" for the bus..blah blah blah.....

Well, I'm sorry. You were not "in line". I stand in line for the bus. I don't pussy out and sit in the shelter and expect to be let on first (who lives in Vancouver and doesn't have an umbrella anyway?????). If it's raining, windy, snowing, hailing, stupidly hot and humid out.....I stand in the line. To me, the people who are in the shelters are NOT in line but merely waiting to get in line once the bus pulls up.

So for all of those folks out there in the shelter...get in line because otherwise, it doen't mean anything to me how long you have been sitting there.


Blogger Assbeard said...

Ya, those people are retards. What's worse is when there's a really long line up, and some retard decides to totally skip the line and walk right on the bus.

9:24 PM, January 12, 2006


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