Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dick Cheny Is A Pimp

What else could he be. Dude shoots a guy in the face then has him appologise. Ghetto thug Veep, gotta love it. God bless America.

Swimming on Friday

How about some swimming on Friday..pool in Langley or something...I will check to see if I have a coupon.

RSVP in the comments:)


We're going to the Fleetwod Rec Centre on Fraser Highway.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Things you didn't know about your co-workers...

People are interesting at work. We have our "work persona" and then our "home persona". Until you get to know them good, they are basically strangers in a team environment. Here we go:

Lady C once bit a guy on the ass because he thought she wouldn't do it. "I was once a party girl"

Mr. M's sister graduated in my class. She does not know how to cook...she only knows how to burn things.

Mr. W went to ammature stripper's night. Starring him.

That's all for now. I don't want to spill all the beans.

Anti-social...freaking...argh...with there.

No longer a man

Willy is getting de-balled and a tat today.
I wanted a tattoo... Lucky cat.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I'm SO doing this to my kid

Scary! Mwaaaahahahahahah!

Im so great im jealous of myself!!!! HAHAHA

You are looking at.. well not looking at.. Lets start again, you are reading a blog entry from the highest tipped Cashier in the history of Cascades Casino... after only one shift!!!!! Yes sir's. I am the shizznit. HAHA! I got $160 in 5.5 hours. The most on record before that is under $100. I am the customer service goddess!! haha.. wow, a little cleavage gets you pretty far these days. Im just kidding.. ewwww.. keepin those puppies covered.

Heres a LOLO update on my job:
Trained my ass off for a position that sounded so easy
Found out that positions isn't so easy lol
Realized that if u have a wedgie that the casino is not a place to pick it out ( no, I didn't try this)
There are 70 camera's in the cash cage (all lookin at that wedgie)
over 200 camera's on the floor
If I drop any money on the ground I have to contact 6 people to witness me pick it up
I have to count the money three times out loud and lay it in a certain order before handing it over to the customer
If the payout is over $500 I have to get a supervisor to watch me
If it's over $3000 I have to get surveillance and the supervisor to watch me
If I want to have an affair the greasy security officer that hits on anything with a heartbeat haha ewww man

The casino is awesome. The atmostphere is alive and vibrant.... It's a different world, but I tell ya, it's the best.



Wednesday, February 15, 2006

7 puppies

No Easter Treats for Me!

This is my oath that I will never accept any Cadbury Creme Eggs from any one of you bitches!

Check this out! Assbeard, I think you have mentioned that you have some coworkers you don't like? LOL

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How do you know if the food you're eating is good for you...?

Well, it doesn't come in a box and is definately NOT blue.

I am getting sick of the commercials for Presidents' Choice "Blue Menu". They have a line of food products in blue boxes and convey in their messages that since it's in a blue box that it means it's good for you.

I don't have a problem with a supermarket brand trying to help people make healthier choices, but to say that because it's in a blue box people shouldn't think about why it might be a better choice...just grab the box, rip it open and heat it up. It's the same with the "Smart Spot" on Pepsico products; because there's a green dot on it means it's a healthier choice. I really hope people who purchase these items read the nutritional information and ingredient list to further help themselves understand healthy food choices.

So how do you know if the food you're eating is good for you? It rarely comes in a box, the ingredient list can be read by a 6-year old, and it is as fresh as possible. Told you, not blue.

Valentines Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day Guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Pointless update

Car is fixed or "less broken"
Still no puppies
Brenden hates foxy
Getting a cat
Still not married (always tomorrow)
We have too many couches (four)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Grumble, grumble

Cars that leak suck

Thursday, February 02, 2006

"If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask someone else first"

My brother got the boot the other day and came back yesterday and just let himself into my parents. My mom took his keys away. He is crashing at my sister and brother-in-laws. Great... I wonder who he is going to ask when he gets kicked out of my sisters. It's not like he hasn't had a million chances with my parents. They would have let him stay if he was even looking for a job. He started looking a week or two ago. When I say looking I mean handing out some resumes and not calling back. I bet he hasn't even tried places like that nasty Wendy's. I still don't know what I'll say when he asks. I want to punch him for putting us all in this spot.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

All hail our new supreme overload. May he be merciful and not crush any small countries for fun. I know I would.