Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Friday, February 17, 2006

Im so great im jealous of myself!!!! HAHAHA

You are looking at.. well not looking at.. Lets start again, you are reading a blog entry from the highest tipped Cashier in the history of Cascades Casino... after only one shift!!!!! Yes sir's. I am the shizznit. HAHA! I got $160 in 5.5 hours. The most on record before that is under $100. I am the customer service goddess!! haha.. wow, a little cleavage gets you pretty far these days. Im just kidding.. ewwww.. keepin those puppies covered.

Heres a LOLO update on my job:
Trained my ass off for a position that sounded so easy
Found out that positions isn't so easy lol
Realized that if u have a wedgie that the casino is not a place to pick it out ( no, I didn't try this)
There are 70 camera's in the cash cage (all lookin at that wedgie)
over 200 camera's on the floor
If I drop any money on the ground I have to contact 6 people to witness me pick it up
I have to count the money three times out loud and lay it in a certain order before handing it over to the customer
If the payout is over $500 I have to get a supervisor to watch me
If it's over $3000 I have to get surveillance and the supervisor to watch me
If I want to have an affair the greasy security officer that hits on anything with a heartbeat haha ewww man

The casino is awesome. The atmostphere is alive and vibrant.... It's a different world, but I tell ya, it's the best.




Blogger Assbeard said...

Can you show me on a map the exact placement of all those cameras?

So are you still going to go to Vegas for a honeymoon now that you work in a casino?

4:00 PM, February 17, 2006

Blogger Lori said...

Sure,i'll ask them for the blue prints..haha..Let's just say im even scared to pee there! they say camera's aren't in the bathrooms, but if they don't trust me, then I don't trust them!! ahha. It's cool actually, I feel like I work for the secret service or

I wanna go to Vegas! Im not allowed to gamble out here.. and with all those slot machines dinging all day it makes me wanna play!

5:54 PM, February 17, 2006

Blogger TastyCorn said...

"Ding" and you lose your money

6:47 PM, February 18, 2006


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