Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, June 30, 2005

We do get some good hits too

"free assmunchers video"
"two in the pink, one in the stink"
"two in the pink one in the stink"
"free fight pics"
"monarchy dip"
"bean dip"
"pharmacists moral beliefs"
"juanita of old and fat"


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Everybody grab a broom!

I finished watching The Prisoner last night. Ohh McGoohan you crazy bastard.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

This weeks hit list

"husbands are assholes"
"tasting ass"
"assmunchers blog"
"free pics fine ass"
"team juanita"

Friday, June 17, 2005


I just worked it out. I personally have 11 thousand dollars in available credit.

Two in the pink. One in the stink.

Subject to minor adjustments

I'm cleaning up and I just found a bus timetable from Sept. 4, 95.
I moved in April 99 and it somehow came with me.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Tasty's new nickname is sexy.

The verdict is in!

Tastycorn is changing his profile name on Lemontonic to "Will bang hot chicks for free rides" He has decided that woman should flock to him with his royal studliness. Who can dissagree with that?. So all u hot chicks out there that enter this blog u need to hook up with this hunk-a-burnin-classy-LOVE!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Meow again

Monday, June 13, 2005

Canadian Terrorism

Seventeen year old Travis Biehn was arrested last week and charged with making a terrorist threat against his Philadelphia area high school. It is alleged by other students that the Grade 11 student scrawled a threat on a washroom wall of Central Bucks East High School. After his arrest many students accused Travis of being overly sympathetic with other nations. And openly proud of the virtues of Canada, while being less than enthusiatic about the endeavors of America. When Travis first appeared in court to answer the charges, he was wearing the same clothes that he had on when he was arrested. His wardrobe included a T-shirt that read, "Proud to be a Canadian" as well as other references to Canada. Nothing on the shirt could be deemed to be "anti-American". The prosecutor in the case, Diane Gibbons, made a big deal of the fact that Travis was a Canadian and while the police are still working on possible motives for the threats, District Attorney Gibbons said that Biehn would prefer to be in Canada and that he made it clear that he does not like Americans. His motive is that he hates Americans. Apparently this was based on nothing more than his T-shirt. Biehn’s lawyer, William Goldman Jr. was quoted in the National Post as saying, "Canadians should be irate. Because a young man, a Canadian citizen is proud of Canada does not make them anti-American". Goldman also added that this year is an election year for District Attorney Gibbons.

The Happiest thing about being Happy is being Happy with you.

Uhh Dora sucks.

Friday, June 10, 2005

When are you getting it...Hmmm?


I am already a member of this blog, but for some reason, I have the old one on my dashboard thingy.

Anyways...hello all again.

Let's go to the beach.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Dying to be thin

People are retards.
I was reading a stupid "In Touch" magazine and saw that the women in there have little boys bodies. What is sexy about a size 0? Get some curves ladies. Whats with anorexia being all the rage these days? I remember when J-Lo's booty was insured. Thank god she got that puppy insured or she would be owing some serious coin for illegally having such a fat ass in Hollywood. Its disgusting! People are literally killing themselves to be thinner than everyone else. On the bright side they are cheap dates for all the cheap men out there. They'll only be ordering a salad (hold the lettuce) and water. Don't ask me why because they will just go home and barf it up anyways.
Ladies, you look like shit. Boycott the Subway and get yourselves some damn McDonalds fast.. before you dissapear. Dying isn't sexy, it won't make u look better.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Welcome Sickos

The page stat counter tells me what page the people just came from. So, I can tell what they were looking for when they come from a search engine

Yahoo "assmunchers" uhh twice, nope 3 hits, ewww 4
MSN "400lbs. fat"
MSN "fuck yeah"
MSN "fat chicks with fat asses"
MSN "assholes" like 5 hits
MSN "fuck" 3 hits

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

American Justice

So's I spent yesterday trolling throught the rotten news, and i came across an interesting article. A seven year old boy is accused of killing his two year old sister, due to all the attention she was getting and because she wouldnt stop crying. According to the article he repeatedly punched and kicked her to try and shut her up, and when that failed he went out got a two by four and finished the job. Now the courts are deciding whether or not to charge the boy criminally. Now this is all well and good im all in favour of sentancing anyone anywhere for any crime to the most obscene and brutal punishments imaginable. However there is one problem with this. Where the fuck are the parents in this. Now I understand if you have kids you cant watch then every minute of every day, but for fucks sake. When kids get pummeled they tend to scream. Now there was a reasonable time frame between when kid starts screaming and when the chunk of lumber finally shut the kid up. Enought you would think for the parent to get off the phone with their telephone psycic and see what the fuck is going on. Geuss not. Time to send a seven year old to gen pop. That will fix everything.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Stupid Computers

So's I's gots me's a cushy desk job now, so I do what all suits do. Troll the net all day. Now we have one of these fancy firewalls at the work server, which is even nice enough to give a reason as to why a site is shot down. While it lets through a majority of the sites though amazon, mlb and ebay, even some it shouldnt like penny arcade. All the usual offenders are caught gamespot, and, and them such. It being a liberal forewall only shooting down only the depraved or game oriented sites, i was shocked when it shot down I had no problem trolling through all my other movie sites, such as digital bits and whatnot. Just imdb, the rationale it had for shooting it down was quite wierd. Claiming it as being "tasteless". Now if i can go to a site with jokes about people being decapitated by wookie penises, i question how imdb, which is simply an online encyclopedia for movies can be considered tasteless.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Is Diet Coke an upper and a downer?

Is Diet Coke an upper? Well it has 45.6mg / 354ml of caffeine. What about a downer? Nothing in it would do that. I don’t think The Coke Company is in the business of selling downers. I mean it’s a psychological downer. Not “Ohh it sucks so I’m depressed”. I’m saying if you are anything like me and there are lots like me that have consumed a stupid amount of normal Coke. Your body gets so it will counteract the affects of it when it thinks you about to take it. Just like any other drug. Like the heroin addicts that always cooks it the same and then takes it in the same way. Their brain goes “smack time” and start to depress itself as a way to fight it. I’m sure the sugar affect from Coke can do the same thing, admittedly to a far less extent. If your body thinks it’s taking a drug it will react as such. I grab a cup; dump some Diet Coke in it put on the lid. My head thinks “sugar time” and starts messing with my head. But I tricked it. It has no sugar. Diet Coke becomes a depressant as well.

Read more about sugar @ the Rotten Library.

Too Much Subway

Subway is discontinuing stamps. So, I have to use all mine before they stop taking them. Well I started to gather them up and put them on cards. Guess how many. About 190. That’s a lot of subs.
190 / 2 * $6.50 = Too Much Money.