Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

American Justice

So's I spent yesterday trolling throught the rotten news, and i came across an interesting article. A seven year old boy is accused of killing his two year old sister, due to all the attention she was getting and because she wouldnt stop crying. According to the article he repeatedly punched and kicked her to try and shut her up, and when that failed he went out got a two by four and finished the job. Now the courts are deciding whether or not to charge the boy criminally. Now this is all well and good im all in favour of sentancing anyone anywhere for any crime to the most obscene and brutal punishments imaginable. However there is one problem with this. Where the fuck are the parents in this. Now I understand if you have kids you cant watch then every minute of every day, but for fucks sake. When kids get pummeled they tend to scream. Now there was a reasonable time frame between when kid starts screaming and when the chunk of lumber finally shut the kid up. Enought you would think for the parent to get off the phone with their telephone psycic and see what the fuck is going on. Geuss not. Time to send a seven year old to gen pop. That will fix everything.


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