Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Dying to be thin

People are retards.
I was reading a stupid "In Touch" magazine and saw that the women in there have little boys bodies. What is sexy about a size 0? Get some curves ladies. Whats with anorexia being all the rage these days? I remember when J-Lo's booty was insured. Thank god she got that puppy insured or she would be owing some serious coin for illegally having such a fat ass in Hollywood. Its disgusting! People are literally killing themselves to be thinner than everyone else. On the bright side they are cheap dates for all the cheap men out there. They'll only be ordering a salad (hold the lettuce) and water. Don't ask me why because they will just go home and barf it up anyways.
Ladies, you look like shit. Boycott the Subway and get yourselves some damn McDonalds fast.. before you dissapear. Dying isn't sexy, it won't make u look better.


Blogger TastyCorn said...

Yes they are nasty. It's funny how women try so hard to look like that and men don't even find it attractive.

10:50 AM, June 09, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

your first mistake: reading a magazine like "In Touch", which is so OUT of touch it ain't funny. Why do people buy such filth? ohhhh, right... so they have something to bitch about.

1:35 PM, June 09, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

"In touch" actually isn't out of touch at all.. I buy it because my job needs me to be up to date with style (nothing u know about) and sadly enough -people actually come to me and say "make me look like Jessica Simpson" and I actually have to know what that is. Fashion and Beauty rule women these days. Cosmetology is as high in demand to women as computers are to men. Therefore " in touch" is VERY In touch. Its just not "in touch" with the stuff you're into. But people on my side of the fence can make DAMN GOOD money satisfying these people, so its worth the $2.99 magazine.

6:05 PM, June 09, 2005


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