Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Parade Anyone?

Ok..... so the Wii is AWESOME! But I need friends with other Wii's to be added to my address book so I can have a Mii Parade. Tasty, I just emailed you too but in case anyone else out there needs friend, here is my console number so you can add me to your list. Just let me know when you do as I will need your number in order for this to work... ;o) My number is 7169 3990 0275 4967. My favourite Mii so far is Beetle Boy. Hilarious...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Big Thanks and Merry Christmas!

I just want to thank everyone for coming to our Ham Dinner last night. It was a lot of fun! Merry Christmas everyone! and we'll see you on New Year's!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Santa Came Early

Shal got everyone together to get me a Wii but no one could find one. My parents looked in about 9 stores in Canada and the U.S. Shal looked in every store she could think of. She gave up and just told me what I was getting. We started looking together and found out that the stores were all getting them. We missed getting one at EB by about 10 minutes. Heard many people tell us that you could line up on this day or the other. I didn't feel a need for that. We started thinking what store would not hoard them till people could line up. Hmm... maybe Super Store... Yup. People had lined up for hours that morning but none came in till about 30 minutes before I showed up. I got the only one.

Ham Dinner

We're having our annual Ham Dinner this year on Dec. 23rd. We won't be having the big party like we had hoped, so we're going to have a toned down one at the house. Since it's smaller this year, we've decided that we'll just have our friends over for dinner. So that means ALL our friends over. I'm looking at you, Russ and Charlie :P

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

1 Year Today

Happpppyyy anniversary Bubba!!!!!!!!!!! *** Mwah ***