Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Wanna Chat?

I was reading some blog stuff from a year ago and I got to remember a lot of my old internet dating crap. It’s kind of weird ‘cause nick just mentioned how he didn’t know anything about it. I guess other then Kari I didn’t talk about it at all. There was a 6 month period where almost everyday I was talking to someone, normally for a few hours. I started to relies you could get to know people a lot better than I thought you could from just MSN and phone. It was very much like a job. I had times I knew I should be online or calling and I moved everything else to fit that. After a wail I started to have things very planed out. Some times I wanted to talk to new people so I would send out kind of odd messages to people that caught my eye. I wanted to only talk to people that would get me and if they can’t take a joke they are not worth my time. I had about a 33% reply rate. Most of the time I had people messaging me first. (lori’s thing helped)

At first I was very “I only want to talk to one girl at a time” it is a lot easier not having to remember every thing you said and to whom. After some time I found that too slow and it got to where one night I was on the phone with Lori and talking to 4 women at once online. (so draining) I also had a habit of saying the women’s name over and over before I called to make sure I didn’t fuck it up. I had a few women “disappear” on me and I did the same to a few. Some I just had nothing in common. Some I could tell liked me but I wasn’t interested. One I wanted but she didn’t.

It was soon after I was talking to the 4 women online and planning to meet one of them after a bunch of over an hour phone calls, that I got a message from Shal. Before I even read it my reaction was. I have too many people I’m talking to right now, forget adding more. I read it and decided to give her my MSN info anyway. I’m doing my thing and planning to meet the other girl (I can’t even remember her name now) I’m thinking Shal will pop up on my MSN. Nothing, and then I get an Email about how my Yahoo email address didn’t work in Yahoo Chat. I’m thinking WTF it’s an MSN account. She’s very out going and fun in her Email and we’re emailing back and forth till I notice she has inadvertently given more then enough info for me to find her. I want to see if she’ll freak when I make a dark joke. I make a joke about me tracking her down and I tell her step by step how I could find her. I hear back nothing for days. I think she’s freaked out and gone. I keep talking to the other girl and then I get an email from Shal saying lets talk on the phone. I say we should but don’t call right away ‘cause I was talking to other girl on the phone for most of that night. Shal leaves this funny awkward message on my parent’s phone. I’m rolling my eyes about what she must think. I call back and we talk for 3 and half hours and totally hit it off. We met the next day and have seen each other everyday since. I never meet the other woman and she thought I was lying when I told her why. I make a joke here and there about. I can’t eat at that place ‘cause a girl that’s maybe mad is making the food or I’ll never get a job here knowing full well they don’t give a shit. I only talk to one of the women online anymore. She’s a cool friend


Blogger TastyCorn said...

I'm clicking around MSN and some women still have me on there MSN lists.
I'm looking over it. Ohh ya "the S&M party freak" or "haha I forgot her name and had to ask again"

1:03 PM, September 07, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...

"the S&M party freak".... I'm sorry, what was her flaw?

1:10 PM, September 08, 2006

Blogger TastyCorn said...

:p She seemed to like me. MSNing me when I wasn't online.

6:39 AM, September 09, 2006


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