Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Ok, so I Know that you guys don't like me, that part is evident and that's fine i can deal with that. Although i do wish that you guys would have told me sooner because i counted you all among my friends, i am sorry if i am wrong but i also thought that the times that we hung out that we all had fun... i guess i was wrong. But anyways this posting is not for me, its for Russ. Just because i am hated and unwanted in your group of friends please do not cut Russ out.. That would make me feel really bad that i broke up a lifetime of friendships, I know u more than likely don't care how i feel but he loves hanging out with you guys, almost every fun memory he has is with you guys and i dont want him to loose that.. Please dont take it out on him because you hate me...


Blogger Bee said...

Dragonfly, I never said that I didn't like you or hated you because to me the word hate is the most dangerous word in the world. I apologize if my comment came across that way. I honestly think you are a great person. You love your friends and family and are always doing something to help others.

What I didn't like was the communication style you used for nearly everything, especially for how you communicated with Russ. It seemed like it was your way or no way and that you were right and everyone else was wrong.

The ironic thing was that I wasn't clear in my comment to Russ about communication. I have to work on my communication everyday to make sure that I'm clear.

I never said that I hated you, nor did I feel that way when I posted that comment. Originally I was going to post it to both you and Russ and in retrospect I wish that I did because it would have made more sense.

Marriage is a huge step and both people need to be able to communicate effectively. How I saw both of you acting, to me, is not effective communication. How I saw you treating him and how he reacted, is not effective at all.

I don't want to be seen as a know-it-all about marriage (or anything), I am just telling it as I see it. The marriages that work communicate with eachother and work as a team. The marriages that don't work, don't respect eachother and eventually don't even talk to one another.

In my eyes, both of you need to start talking and keep talking.

8:49 AM, September 17, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

Russ and i talk all the time sometimes we talk all night about everything and nothing, yeah i agree we do need to work on thing and communication is more than likely one of them.. Although you should know that Russ and i are both very sarcastic people so what alot of people see or think is me being constantly bitchy towards him sometimes is the sacastic part of me and other yeah i am being a bitch,( everyone has those days) you cant deny it.....

8:58 AM, September 17, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...

It's not hate. You're just very moody sometimes, and it can be annoying. That's great that you and Russ talk, but now it's time to let us in on the whole thing... when you speed off at someone's birthday celebration without saying a word to anyone, it's not exactly a friendly thing to do. Then when Russ has to make an excuse up for you, we all think many things.

Ever been in a house where your mom and dad are having a fight right in front of you? You know that feeling when you're sitting there like "uhhh, did I do something wrong? what the hell's going on?" When this happens every so often you start to say to yourself "wait a minute.. why do I want to put myself through that? I'm not going to hang out with this person tonight"

That, and when you call Russ an idiot you're insulting us as well. He isn't an idiot. Actually, what's sad is that he's pretty smart.

11:46 AM, September 17, 2006


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