Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Haters unite...

I say we all need a day where we get together and tell eachother everything that is on our minds, good or bad.. all of us. OR we can just tell eachother on here..

I know you guys probably just rolled your eyes.. but it worked for me at my work recently so just hear me out. We decided to confront The COW we all hate at our work and she finally got her ass fired for all the stuff she's been saying about us behind our backs and all the fraud she's been pulling that had been costing us our paychecks. And you know what the feeling in the end of this 4 month long hell was? Relief, and peace of mind. You don't even realize how much stress you are actually under untill the cause of it is gone. which got me thinking.........

I think if someone has big enough balls to talk the talk about someone else then they should have the balls to say it to their face too. I think this works well in the work place-but even better in a friendship. After all is said and done things always end up the best for everyone. We may lose friends, but with all the trash we so-called-friends say about eachother, doesn't it mean we've already lost them anyway?

I know it sounds retarded to some, but the reasoning for this posting is for my own peace of mind. I don't know about u guys, but if my friends wanna hate me behind my back I'd like to hear it from their own mouth, so I can get over it and move on with my life without the negative bastard. And vice versa if they are happy for me, shit dude I wanna hear that too. To me that's what having someone u call a friend is all about.

You all know the kind of people I have had in my past. You have all had a good laugh at how shitty these people were, how screwed up they were, how insensitive and careless they were, how they gossiped to save themselves from looking like the idiot that they were and put the fire under someone elses ass. Passed the buck. Had noone rely on them, or care about their existance.. and became nothing but a memory that I look back upon and smile because I am so fucking relieved that I didn't turn out like them.

I don't need any more shitty friends, and if I have been one, I am sorry. Lets fix this bullshit before we all become what we hate in others.

If I didn't care about my friends I wouldn't waste my time on this post, I just believe in the phrase " when you have something to say, silence is a lie"

I've spoken. Your turn.


Blogger Assbeard said...

I hate you Kenny.

1:02 PM, August 29, 2006

Blogger TastyCorn said...

"Worse Jenn" - Fuck You
Russ - I would hangout more but it's been so awkward at times.
Nick - What's the issue with my woman?

6:30 AM, August 30, 2006

Blogger Bee said...

Lolo----You haven't spoken.
Lead by example....

Russ-Marriage is about communication...speak now or forever hold your tongue.

6:52 AM, August 30, 2006

Blogger Lori said...

"I've spoken" meant I "broke the ice".. Maybe I should be more clear.

-I hate what's happening to Charles and Russ' friendship. It's sick actually.
-I hate that Chal feels like she's on the chopping block when all she is trying to do is be nice to us.
We all don't have to be the exact same person with the exact same views and lifestyle to get along. Besides at least she treats Charles like a human being who is allowed to make his up his own mind. And he's happy. Which is all that really matters.
Bee and Ass- We are probably the only 4 ( you two and Steve &I) that know we can make living together work so I ain't got no hard feelings against either of u.. yet :-P And I really don't care what others think about the Beaurries. LOL.

9:22 PM, August 30, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...

you all have smelly farts.

...ohhh, wait. That's me... hmm

1:48 PM, August 31, 2006

Blogger TastyCorn said...

How could you not know I was mad at Jenn?
From her giving Shal and I endless crap when Shal first came around, to trying to undermine us at every turn and trying to steal all my friends from me. Her all but refusing to let you and I hangout or only when it's ok with her.
Ohh… but she’s great.

8:57 AM, September 02, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

first off all i would like to clear up a few things here that i am getting shit over that are not my fault at all.... I encourage Russ to hang out with tasty at every chance he has, i do not want to be responsible for the end of their friendship. The only reason that he might say he wants to check with me is that i told him i would go out on the night he had anyone over if he wanted me too,so it is not my fault if he makes up his own my and chooses not toohang out with tasty..
Second i am not stealing your friends if you feel alienated and lonely sometimes maybe you should try accepting some of the invitations extended to you guys, you constantly turned us down as soon as you started going out with chal, so we got tired of being turned down every weekend when you guys didn't want to sspend time with us..
And third Yeah i was pissed at chal and i mde no attempt to hide it, what she said about my parents i thought was rude and disrepectful, and yes i was angry but i in no way did i push my opinion on anyone else if they have a problem with her or tasty that was their own thing.... i do though have to say that i was doing some thinking a few months ago and decided to forgive chal for what she said. Since then i feel i have been nice and tried to get to know her, ( example us and mike where the only ones at her birthday dinner) If i hated her do u really think i would have gone??? I am sorry if you think i am a bitch i am trying on my end to be a good friend tasty and what russ does is his thing i dont control him he makes up his own mind....maybe you too should actually talk about your issues and resolve them...

8:39 AM, September 10, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

and i forgot - Tasty if you have a problem with me, which it sounds like you do, be a man and tell me, maybe we can straighten out a few issues...

8:50 AM, September 10, 2006

Blogger TastyCorn said...

"if you have a problem with me, which it sounds like you do, be a man and tell me"
I just did

11:01 AM, September 10, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

so exactly what is the problem then u seem to think that all the tension between you and nick or chal and nick and russ and chal is my doing, it's not... they have there own issues. my only problem was the comment that she made, but i have put that behind me and decided to give her a chance, so I really dont understand what problem you have with me... im sorry if you think it is a obvious problem but could you just humour me and let me know what it is..

11:46 AM, September 10, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...


Seriously though, it's pretty clear to all that Russ has no choice of his own anymore. It's not actually encouragement when you say "No, it's ok, go be with your friends" in an extremely sarcastic tone and then pout like a child. Don't tell me you don't do this Dragonfly, cus I've seen it happen a million times. We ALL see that Russ now has 2 mothers: his birth mother and his fiancee.

11:43 AM, September 11, 2006

Blogger Lori said...

"The Camera Command"

Act 1, Scene 1

Setting: Russ in pool swimming and chatting with Steve and Assbeard. Dragonfly in lawn chair chatting with Lolo and Bee. Dragonfly wants to take pictures but the camera is inside the house when gravity and laziness suddenly overwhelm her.

Dragonfly: (to Russ) Honey, get my camera I want to take pictures.
Russ: Where's the camera?
D: In my purse.
R: Where's your purse?
D: (becoming agitated) By the front door.

Russ sighs, gets out of the pool, dries off and and does as he was told. Steve and Assbeard exchange dumbfounded looks and a whipping sound is heard echoing in the distance. Both enjoy a hearty laugh and independantly conclude: Outlook not so good.

1:51 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

ok thats fine, Russ and i have things we need to work on, but what couple doesn't... you guys are far from perfect yourselves... seriously we all are!!!! and too clarify things a bit assbeard i dont always have a choice to go and do things either it works both ways here you just don't see it Russ has all the freedom he wants he just chooses to check with me that is his choice. And steve as far as the camera thing went russ wanted me to take the pic of morgan jumping off the roof and he did not want to get out of the pool and i was not going to go and fetch for him... but maybe we both just remember it differently...
All this is good and shows me what you guys think of me but it still does not explain charlies out hatred for me...
But i do get the point and you guys dont have to worry about me coming around anymore..

3:12 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger TastyCorn said...

Sigh... I'm so sick of all this.

Being mean to my woman is the same as being mean to me.

I wasn't really talking to you Jenn. Russ is who I have many years of friendship with and he's the only reason I even talk about this crap. I'm disappointed that he didn't even say anything. Even if it was "Fuck You"

I so don't want to get into this crap but...

Act 1, Scene 2

Setting: Russ in pool swimming. I ask about ice cream sandwiches. Jenn asks Russ about them. He would have to get out to get one. I say to Russ "Just get it when you get out" Jenn says to me "Watch this" Makes him get out and go get it. She laughed as soon as he left.

6:37 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...

I'm sensing some hostilities

7:02 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger SnoShamz said...

Tasty and I both think this post needs to end. What started out as a complicated, but good idea has turned into a waste of space. Although feelings were bound to get hurt when people started posting their opinions about others on here, I don't think anyone intended for it to get this bad. I think that its hard to tell someone when you have a problem with them, its even more hard when that someone you have a problem with is dating one of your best friends. I know that it conflicted Tasty for months about how to go about bringing up how he felt without hurting anyone's feelings, and wondering if it was even his place to say anything at all. And as for me... I've sat here for 9 months now, and felt picked on, and outcast, and treated like shit, when really I've never intentionally done anything to hurt any of you. Dragonfly, to clear the record up here, I NEVER said anything about your parents. I never knew anything about your parents when I made that comment, and the comment I made was about the government, NOT foster parents. And not just that, but it was an opinion, and everyone has the right to their own opinion. So I'm sorry if I offended you, but I never meant to. Oh and BTW I don't think there has EVER been a time where I have hung out with you guys where Assbeard HASN'T said something that offended me, but most of the time I let it pass, because not only do I figure that he doesn't really care if he offends me, (or anyone else for that matter) but I also honestly feel he has the right to his own opinion. A couple of other things... when Tasty & I first started going out, we did do plenty of things with you guys. I'm sorry if he didn't call you as much, I'm sorry if he wasn't around as much. But honestly, I didn't know anything about that, and that isn't my fault. During those 1st 3 months he and I barely had a spare moment though, it was Christmas and we had all kinds of family stuff, we were doing stuff with you guys all the time, and then when we weren't working we were packing, and moving, and cleaning. Then we got Foxy, and for several weeks had to constantly deal with her, and her puppys. And then the day after we sold the last puppy we took off for a couple days and went to visit my Gramma, litterally on her death bed. A month later we were bogged down with funeral plans and arrangements that had to be made, and not just that but I was hurting really bad and he was there for me, but the day after the funeral when I didn't want to go hang out with you guys, he went. I have NEVER once tried to stop him from being around you. But yeah, there came a point where I was sick of it all. I was sick of us calling people all the time just to be turned down when we tried to make plans to do things. I was sick of no one wanting to come over here ever and feeling like for some reason our house wasn't good enough, when we had all been over to everyone else's house several times. I was sick of hearing shit people were saying about me, and never having anyone say it to my face. And I was sick of not being able to confront anyone out of respect for Tasty, and not wanting to cause any more conflict then there already was. The BS part is, I really think that if I'd ever been given a fair chance a lot of this could have been avoided. I think that if anyone had ever sat down with Dragonfly and bothered to tell her what their problems are with her, she wouldn't have hurt feelings either. I've honestly never seen anyone react to a newcomer to a group of friends the way I feel that the reactions have been in this group. I honestly think there are a lot of apologies that need to go around, by everyone, and I think it will take time to re-build when has slowly been slipping away here. But I hope for the best, because it would be really sad to see years of friendships thrown away, and possible years of friendships to come never happen. No one can ever have too many friends.

8:35 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger dragonfly said...

Im sorry, if i have done anything or said anything, to anyone to anger them or make them feel uncomfortable, I really did not intend to do so and i am sorry.. If after this apology your opinions of me have not changed, i can repect that and can stay out of the way of your guy's relationship with Russ.. I feel really resposible for the problems between tasty and Russ and for that i am truly sorry. i never meant to be in the way, i had no idea that tasty was angry at me, had i known i would have tried to correct what i had done.. I am sorry...everyone......

8:59 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger Bee said...

It seems both poignant and ironic that humility and humbleness breaks us today. Five years ago today, a super-power nation was brought to it's feet along with the world. It may have been interpretted as shock, grief or smugness, but certainly no one was left with out an emotion.

I too am humbled and shocked by Chalamar's words. I feel the humility of "i know better than" to jugde and to fall a victim of such foolish games.

9:20 PM, September 11, 2006

Blogger Lori said...

uhhh..what she said...

I also agree that the best thing that ever happened to our friendships were all these posts, and all these truths that NEEDED to be said. No matter how hard it is to confront someone, it is so much better to do that then to hold it all inside and have a silent protest with them in your mind. Therefore causing bitter feelings towards the undeserving.I don't agree with any of the judgement that any of us have inflicted upon eachother. And it is none of our business why our friends chose to love the people that they do. ALL THAT MATTERS is that they are happy. If they aren't truly happy, than they have to live with it, and they chose that life.

I say we bury the hatchets and start again.

9:34 PM, September 11, 2006


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