Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I am going to die

I think I lost too many brain cells this weekend. I've been stuck inside our condo painting the trim with oil paint... that shit is nasty. cleaning it is a pain in the ass too. But at least now our trim is white and not some gross yellowish-white... it looked like smokers lived here. Fuck, I hate smokers.


Blogger The Phantom Hack said...

Whah, hoo, the smokers are such horrible people...suck it up, princess. Wait till you have to clean the crap off the walls where someone has been smoking pot all the time, the THC that doesn't burn up in the process basically turns into hash oil on the walls. You think tobacco smoke is bad, that shite is amature hour compared to reefer slag.
Okay, so why, in the name of all that is holy, were you painting with oil based paint?

9:08 AM, July 17, 2006

Blogger Assbeard said...

because the geniuses who painted our condo when it was built decided that the trim needed to be oil based. I really didn't feel like sanding all the trim down so I could paint it with latex, and it really needed to be painted. the colour was really really bad.

11:39 AM, July 17, 2006

Blogger The Phantom Hack said...

ya, that would prolly be the only reason on the planet to use oil based agan..
You know, for all the hassle and greif of using oil based and the clean up and whatever, one might consider just removing and replacing a bunch of the trim, maybe update a bit and then use a real honest to goodness latex anyway....

7:46 AM, July 19, 2006


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