The Juanita Special Bean Dip
burgers Saturday night!!!
We are wondering who all would be interested in coming over on saturday night for dinner and maybe swimming at the local pool to follow of a walk in the woods..... let us know...ASAP
Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass
burgers Saturday night!!!
i was highly entertained by this story, so the computer dorks should enjoy it too. (stolen from oddigy) (my online dvd rental page) has put a 11 dvds a month cap on. It's 10 days into the first capped month and I have only 2 to go, with 4 on the way back. Only 2 dvds in 20 days will be very weird. I have been getting dvds at a rate of almost one a day for over a year. I have not watched a bunch of them and I will be catching up now. I liked getting something new in the mail all the time. I would set it to rent dvds months ahead and get them and think "what the fuck is this?" I'm going to stop next month. No more renting for under $2 a dvd. I hate video stores. They never have in the new movies and never have the crazy unknown movies I have been getting. Zip has over 40000 dvds. How many does a local video store have? I have around 500 now with Shals dvds, plus 200 vhs. Maybe I'm good for now.
but I'm going to be 25 soon! I don't usually like having birthday parties, but since this is a "milestone" (read: OMG I'm OLD) birthday...hmmm....any suggestions?
Bean Dippers of the Caribbean?
Everyday when I am walking to and from work I pass by a billboard from the BC Cancer Society. The phrases have said, "Which cancer kills women the most?" and "We speak Engligh, French and Cancer". I have no problem that they are educating people about cancer - go ahead, the more the better - but I never see ANY signs educating people about heart disease, which is the number one killer of women.
Tonight the girls went out to a country bar to have some fun. There's not much more to say than... watch a video of them before leaving.
hi, it's mike. as if you haven't guessed that already. thanks charlie for setting me up.