Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Juanita Special Bean Dip

burgers Saturday night!!!
We are wondering who all would be interested in coming over on saturday night for dinner and maybe swimming at the local pool to follow of a walk in the woods..... let us know...ASAP

Sunday, March 26, 2006

city tech support? call the FBI

i was highly entertained by this story, so the computer dorks should enjoy it too. (stolen from oddigy)

just click.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


What should we do for my B-day?

I haven't been on a slide at Mcd's in years, could be fun.
My ass my not fit now.

I'm up for suggestions. I was thinking Saturday April 22 would be a good day.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

13 more (my online dvd rental page) has put a 11 dvds a month cap on. It's 10 days into the first capped month and I have only 2 to go, with 4 on the way back. Only 2 dvds in 20 days will be very weird. I have been getting dvds at a rate of almost one a day for over a year. I have not watched a bunch of them and I will be catching up now. I liked getting something new in the mail all the time. I would set it to rent dvds months ahead and get them and think "what the fuck is this?" I'm going to stop next month. No more renting for under $2 a dvd. I hate video stores. They never have in the new movies and never have the crazy unknown movies I have been getting. Zip has over 40000 dvds. How many does a local video store have? I have around 500 now with Shals dvds, plus 200 vhs. Maybe I'm good for now.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Not to steal the thunder...

but I'm going to be 25 soon! I don't usually like having birthday parties, but since this is a "milestone" (read: OMG I'm OLD) birthday...hmmm....any suggestions?

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Everyone is Dreaming About Russ-kun

Bean Dippers of the Caribbean?

Let me start out by saying that at least my dream was NOT erotic (like Lolo's was!).

Were were on a ship and it got invaded by pirates. Somehow Dragonfly, Lolo and I all managed to escape (that is what sneaky women do!) and ended up on a deserted island. From our little island we could see the pirates torturing small animals (cats I think...) and dumping the bodies into a big barrel. They did the same to the people they captured but dumped the bodies into a different barrel. Russ-kun was the last to be captured and killed (way to outplay, outwit and outlast!) and by the time the pirates dumped his body, the barrel was so full that he fell into the water!
So one day a few weeks later, us girls are sitting at the water's edge on our little island enjoying the sun and we see a human skeleton coming towards us floating in the water. Lolo and I start to freak out and run around the sand screaming bloody murder; Dragonfly (who had aparently not lost her sense of humour) giggles and says "Oh look! Russ-kun is coming to pay us a visit!"
Just before I woke up Lolo and I were trying to convince Dragonfly that it would be a bad idea to keep the skeleton around and were demanding that she bury it or thow it back in the water.

Don't you just love how some dreams make no sense?!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Silent #1 Killer

Everyday when I am walking to and from work I pass by a billboard from the BC Cancer Society. The phrases have said, "Which cancer kills women the most?" and "We speak Engligh, French and Cancer". I have no problem that they are educating people about cancer - go ahead, the more the better - but I never see ANY signs educating people about heart disease, which is the number one killer of women.

Hmmmm....heart disease? What's that?, you ask. Well, heart disease is a condition that happens when your arteries become clogged with cholesterol and fats (saturated fats, trans-fats....), you have a heart attack and then die (or you live and have triple by-pass surgery). The thing is, it's very quiet. You can be living your normal life and then BAM you go into cardiac arrest and boom you're in a fridge in the morgue. Nice, eh?

The thing that upsets me is that cancer is pretty well known. Eat this for antioxidents, eat that to fight cancer, cell phones and standing too close to your microwave causes cancer. It's in the media almost everyday and has been for awhile. No jokes about it, cancer is not a subject to take lightly, and I'm not (I lost my Grandfather to cancer), my point is that heart disease is infact silent, and it's being broadcasted on mute.

I want a lot of things to change in this world while I'm still on it. I want our education system to change in the fact that we should be educating people on healthly lifestyles as soon as they enter school. We shouldn't be singling out certain diseases because one is more important than another. If we educate and set good examples for people, then I believe that that the cancer, heart disease and diabetes rates will go down.

I am an advocate for living a heathy lifestyle (I know, I know.....I must get my asses to the gym as it's been far too long). I want everyone to be an advocate for health. I don't want things to be silent anymore.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Girls Night Out

Tonight the girls went out to a country bar to have some fun. There's not much more to say than... watch a video of them before leaving.

And another, and another, and another and another.


Bee hugged me twice tonight. I dont know how I feel about that.

Friday, March 03, 2006

the disabled card

hi, it's mike. as if you haven't guessed that already. thanks charlie for setting me up.

i've been thinking about my place in the world lately - and for some reason that means thinking about how i get these KILLER parking spots and you suckers need to walk 10km just to run an errand. :D

same goes for the latest deal i just got with my new cell phone plan with bell (and i know it's an awesome plan because assbeard called me a fucker for getting it). so yeah, it's a really awesome plan, but again, disabled card.

so here's my point: it's good and all i have access to things like this, not to mention all the other government plans that are available that turn me into a government mooch (hi Russ-kun, sincerely, with love, mike). that said, i also kind of feel like saying "what the hell?" sure this whole thing was caused by events beyond my, or anyone's, control, i don't feel ENTITLED to stuff like this. sure it's great, but i've never explicitly gone running around to government officials telling them to make my life easier because my life is SOOOO HARRRRD or anything.

granted, i'm not saying the people who HAVE pushed for special services (i.e. disabled parking) are whiners. after all, Canada has always been relatively socialist - look at healthcare. but i'm wondering if a sense of entitlement ends up making people in general develop a false sense of superiority. thoughts?

anyway, that was a short post that exploded into a long ramble. on that note i plan to be cross-posting things between blogger/bean dip and my livejournal (if i have anything worthwhile to post). if any of you are offended by this post, i'll schedule a press conference so you can apologize to me later.