Chicks With Class Tasting Their Ass

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Things Republicans Do To Piss Me Off

The US being the great bastion of liberty and freedom that it is. Has during this past war with Iqaq opened secret CIA prisons in less scrupulous eastern european countries. Now it doesnt just deain people sent to these prisons, no that would be too fair and Geneva convention like. No what america does there is torture people. Using the great rationale that becuase they arent doing it on american soil they dont actually break the Geneva convention. The administration has all but admitted outright that they use a method of interrogation that has been considered torture since the Spanish Inquisition, the great and noble waterboarding method. Now those of you who are up to speed on the John Mcain anti torture bill should now have an idea why the bush administration is so intent on shooting that down. Only a bush administration lawyer would have contempt for people to argue that a known torture method doesn't necessarily violate the lesser international legal standard of "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment." The best part is under their logic the FBI may use waterboarding, painful stress positions, forced nudity and other methods on Americans, in American prisons, "in certain circumstances." How on earth did people vote for this monster a second time. Read more here.


Blogger Bee said...

Me and Assbeard were talking about this last night on the way home from work. Partial reason is that the Draft is no longer, so the smart people are spared and the dumb ones go. Plus, there is no real reason for the war, and that these dumb American soldiers don't have any fear of losing. They think that their giant inflatable ego will protect them.

6:35 AM, December 14, 2005

Blogger Bee said...

Oh, by the way...our dollar is now at $0.8631....yay us!

6:36 AM, December 14, 2005

Blogger TastyCorn said...

Intelligence has nothing to do with why someone would sign up to fight. If anything it’s more to do with economic. Should have the US invaded maybe not. Does that make the reality of what the solders face any less traumatic? I don’t know if I have what it takes to face that. I’m not going to judge them till I do.

4:33 PM, December 14, 2005

Blogger Assbeard said...

....what? tasty, stop trying to impress your new woman.

7:20 PM, December 14, 2005

Blogger Lori said...

ya...... what??

5:08 PM, December 16, 2005


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